Examples of the the word, flicker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flicker ), is the 11481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S. Burroughs. With the engineer Ian Somerville he invented the Dramamine,a, flicker ,device designed as an art object to be viewed with the eyes closed. It was in
  2. Lines and much higher image resolution, while slow-fade phosphors removed image, flicker ,effects. Also, far less maintenance was required of an all-electronic system
  3. Rate. Flat-panel liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors do not suffer from, flicker ,even if their refresh rate is 60 Hz or even lower. This is because LCD pixels
  4. Can we actually face facts - this is just when hope presents itself as one last, flicker ,of the human potential? Jerry Kaminski (; June 14, 1933 – May 3,1991),born
  5. Available for correction purposes. One of these corrections is that for lamp, flicker ,noise, which is independent of wavelength, resulting in measurements with very
  6. Even when there is no signal applied. This can be due to thermal noise and, flicker ,noise of the devices. For applications with high gain or high bandwidth, noise
  7. A factor in terms of receiving forward passes, some trick plays, like the flea, flicker , require quarterbacks to catch a lateral by a wide receiver or running back
  8. Its only purpose being to gather knowledge, is amazed when it detects a, flicker ,of energy leaving the man's body (apparently the essence of his consciousness
  9. Rates as low as ten frames per second or slower (as in a flip book),but the, flicker ,caused by the shutter of a film projector is distracting below the 16-frame
  10. All their drawing directly to the visible screen, often resulting in graphical, flicker ,or visible redraw. A notable exception is Players' Joe Blade series. Tricks
  11. Shutters are designed to add additional flicker periods, typically doubling the, flicker ,rate to 48 Hz (single-bladed shutters make two rotations per frame –
  12. Line with 3 consecutive completions. Then, the 49ers ran a fake reverse – flea, flicker ,play that involved wide receiver Freddie Solomon and ended with Montana
  13. To Manuel at the Broncos 45-yard line. Then the Giants fooled Denver on a flea, flicker ,play: Morris took a handoff from Sims and ran up to the line of scrimmage as
  14. CRTs or CRT for sonar or radar may have long persistence phosphor and are thus, flicker ,free. If the persistence is too long on a video display, moving images will be
  15. System depressant. Morphine has resulted in impaired functioning on critical, flicker ,frequency (a measure of overall CNS arousal) and impaired performance on the
  16. And say pin () and then bin (). One should either feel a puff of air or see a, flicker ,of the candle flame with pin that one does not get with bin. In most dialects
  17. Amiga A2024 fixed-frequency monochrome monitor with built-in frame buffer and, flicker ,fixer hardware provided the Amiga with a choice of high-resolution graphic
  18. Doubles the apparent number of video fields per second and further reduces, flicker ,and other defects in transmission. Other types of display screens Plasma
  19. Rod cells) than in color vision (cone cells). You are more able to see, flicker ,or any sort of temporal distortion in a display image by not looking directly
  20. The BASIC statement PRINT or accessing the screen memory directly, caused ", flicker ," on the screen. The bus arbitration logic would block video display while
  21. Is tenuous (aspirated). When spoken near a candle flame, the flame will, flicker ,more after the words par, tar,and car are articulated, compared with spar
  22. In order to address the inability to separate white phase modulation from, flicker ,phase modulation using traditional Allan variance estimators an algorithmic
  23. Use refresh rates of 100 Hz or more to largely eliminate any perception of, flicker , Non-computer CRTs or CRT for sonar or radar may have long persistence phosphor
  24. An analog signal suffer from several noise sources such as thermal noise, flicker ,noise, and shot noise. This noise provides enough variation in the captured
  25. Below 50 Hz),the periodic scanning of the display may produce an irritating, flicker ,that some people perceive more easily than others, especially when viewed with
  26. Is interested in that they concur on the existence of the frequency, flicker ,noise and the wish for achieving a common definition for short and long term
  27. Broadway critic Ward Morehouse called the movie" absolutely the worst, flicker ,I ever saw, pure hokum. " He served approximately 67 days overseas before
  28. Line, and once again tried to fool Miami with a trick play, this time a flea, flicker , Higgins took a pitch from Heisman, ran up to the line of scrimmage, and then
  29. Theorem. As can be seen in the power-law noise formulas, the white and, flicker ,noise modulations both depends on the upper corner frequency f_H (these
  30. This would be the equivalent of introducing shades of gray into the black–white, flicker , Although human vision has no“ frame rate ”, it may be possible to investigate
  31. Noise consisting only of white noise, but also of white frequency noise and, flicker ,frequency noise. These noise forms become a challenge for traditional
  32. To avoid the appearance of blurring; therefore, there needs to be at least one, flicker ,per frame in film. To reduce the appearance of flicker , virtually all modern
  33. 85 Hz or above (as found in most modern monitors) is sufficient to minimize, flicker ,at close viewing distances, and all recent computer monitors are capable of at
  34. 1990s,computer monitors do not use interlacing. They may sometimes be seen to, flicker , often in a brightly lit room, and at close viewing distances. The latter
  35. Legacy single-phase fluorescent lighting systems also benefit from reduced, flicker ,in a room if adjacent fixtures are powered from different phases. Large
  36. Strobeless tracking shot past picket fences. The lack of strobe (as opposed to, flicker ,) is due to the higher sampling rate of the camera relative to the speed of
  37. Transmitting an image with too much vertical detail will cause annoying, flicker ,on television screens, as small details will only appear on a single line, and
  38. Do not flash on/off between frames, LCD monitors exhibit no refresh-induced, flicker , no matter how low the refresh. Rate. High-end LCD televisions now feature up
  39. Greys. Unlike other methods, this uses very little CPU time and results in no, flicker , However, it does not work on RGB monitors or PAL Coco 3 systems. Community
  40. Or micelles suspended in a fluid. A laser shining into the mixture produces, flicker , which correlates with the motion of the particles. Autocorrelation of the
  41. Using correction pixels It has already been mentioned that in HR-CS AAS lamp, flicker ,noise is eliminated using correction pixels. In fact, any increase or decrease
  42. Cinema systems. It is important to distinguish between the frame rate and the, flicker ,rate, which are not necessarily the same. In physical film systems, it is
  43. If the image switches between black and white each frame, the image appears to, flicker ,at frame rates slower than 30 FPS (interlaced). In other words, the flicker
  44. Is so" cold" that it generates very little thermal noise. There will be also, flicker ,noise due to electrons transit, but depending on 1/f, will be much lower than
  45. Needs to be at least one flicker per frame in film. To reduce the appearance of, flicker , virtually all modern projector shutters are designed to add additional flicker
  46. Described as" the first art object to be seen with the eyes closed ",the, flicker ,device uses alpha waves in the 8-16 Hz range to produce a change of
  47. DLP) system, there is no flying spot or raster scan at all, so there is no, flicker ,other than that generated by the temporal aliasing of the film image capture.
  48. Flicker at frame rates slower than 30 FPS (interlaced). In other words,the, flicker ,fusion point, where the eyes see gray instead of flicker ing tends to be around
  49. Display devices LCD's are not perfect for all applications. Pros: *Little or no, flicker ,depending on backlight technology. *No high voltage or other hazards present
  50. Flicker, virtually all modern projector shutters are designed to add additional, flicker ,periods, typically doubling the flicker rate to 48 Hz (single-bladed shutters

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