Examples of the the word, earthly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( earthly ), is the 11464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Luke's Christology centers on the dialectics of the dual natures of the, earthly ,and heavenly manifestations of existence of the Christ, while Matthew's
- Present-day societies institutionalized religions have established systems of, earthly ,justice which punish crimes against the divine will and against specific
- That the human being passes between stages of existence, incarnating into an, earthly ,body, living on earth, leaving the body behind and entering into the spiritual
- Origins of the theory are rooted in the medieval idea that God had bestowed, earthly ,power on the king, just as God had given spiritual power and authority to the
- My hands and my feet, that it is I myself "; 553 but he did not return to an, earthly ,life. So, in him," all of them will rise again with their own bodies which
- Care, kings who fail to obey their divine duty to promote learning can expect, earthly ,punishments to befall their people. The pursuit of wisdom, he assured his
- An emulation of the moral actions and attitudes that Jesus demonstrated in His, earthly ,ministry becomes the most significant way to feel and have knowledge of God. Or
- See the Millennium as symbolic of a spiritual ideal, with no corresponding, earthly ,condition. All of these positions fall into the category of millennialism, a
- To the universality of God and God's kingdom working through the fallible, earthly ,ecclesial Anglican. " These theologians regard Scripture as interpreted through
- Have been in a manner brought up, and although it hath pleased God after an, earthly ,kingdom to take her up into a more permanent and heavenly state wherein I do
- Could bring down things from Heaven. David in Christianity Originally an, earthly ,king ruling by divine appointment (" the anointed one ", as the title Messiah
- Together in one event and place, yet successfully separating the divine and, earthly ,spheres. Other lesser known assistants from his studio include Francesco
- In everything needing to be decided upon and sorted out in my religious and, earthly ,responsibilities ’. Religious beliefs Reinhard made numerous references to
- Lead to dancing. Organization The Free Methodist Church's highest governing, earthly ,body is the World Conference, which is composed of representatives, both lay
- Not exist for the" chosen ones "; and Fifth Monarchy Men, who opposed all ", earthly ," governments, believing they must prepare for God's kingdom on earth by
- Beings have been saved, will I attain Bod hi. The place of a bodhisattva's, earthly ,deeds, such as the achievement of enlightenment or the acts of dharma, is known
- Of spiritual experience. Relationship to religion Christ as the center of, earthly ,evolution Steiner's writing, though appreciative of all religions and cultural
- Were by the Virgin Mary and the saints. The definition of ‘ greenness’ is an, earthly ,expression of the heavenly in an integrity that overcomes dualism. This ‘
- That the Church is the new" spiritual" Israel, completing or replacing the, earthly ,Israel which was but its prototype. In modern times, this view would come to be
- Of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no, earthly ,authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. The king
- Catherine had eaten less and less, claiming that she found no nourishment in, earthly ,food. Instead, she received the Holy Communion virtually on a daily basis. This
- And its relationship to the biblical Number of the Beast indicating the end of, earthly ,rule by carnal human beings. They were one of a number of nonconformist
- City). In earlier sections of the film,Reeve's Kent interacts with both his, earthly ,parents and the spirit of his Kryptonite father through a special crystal, in a
- This he saw as opposed to what he held to be the ignorant drive toward, earthly ,Utopians and superficiality of a worldly Jewish spirit: While all other
- Pharaoh's, Roman dives and mandate of heaven as in imperial China) can render, earthly ,authority under divine law, which is theoretically unchangeable. On the
- All others in the background reliefs, persist in performing their respective, earthly ,duties. The subject was apt for a papal state seeking clout, since it depicts
- As the quintessence, reasoning that whereas fire, earth,air, and water were, earthly ,and corruptible, since no changes had been perceived in the heavenly regions
- Far as possible, to live already as if out of the body, and thus to rise above, earthly ,things. He is a true Greek in the value which he sets on moderation; but his
- The bull, for the Greeks imagined the Minoan bull of the sun to be an actual, earthly ,bull, the slaying of which later required a heroic effort by Theseus. This
- Posits that Christ's second coming will inaugurate a literal thousand-year, earthly ,kingdom. Christ’s return will coincide with a time of great tribulation. At
- In death. While Omelet clearly endorses wisdom as a means for a well-lived, earthly ,life, he is unable to ascribe eternal meaning to it. In light of this perceived
- Κατέβη εἰς τὰ κατώτερα μέρη τῆς γῆς" (" he descended into the lower, earthly ,regions" ). This phrase and that on the communion of saints are articles found
- Furlongs long and wide (fifteen hundred miles). If these are comparable to, earthly ,measurements, the city will cover an area about half the size of the contiguous
- Captain Martin Sheridan is famously quoted as saying" this flag dips to no, earthly ,king ", though the true provenance of this quotation is unclear. ) The flag
- Carved from wood and were decorated with paints made from berries or other, earthly ,products. Feathers were also inserted into holes carved out for extra
- The World to Come immediately, but now experience a period of review of their, earthly ,actions, and they are made aware of what they have done wrong. Some view this
- Stages: the first ends with John the Baptist, the second consists of Jesus ', earthly ,ministry, and the third is the life of the church after Jesus' resurrection.
- And significance were greatly enlarged by him. " The linking of David to, earthly ,kingship was reflected in later Medieval cathedral windows all over Europe
- Because icons are meant to show the spiritual nature of man, not the sensual, earthly ,body. Bas-reliefs, however,became common during the Byzantine period and led
- Usually just denoted in numerical units, as there is no significant link to any, earthly ,reality, our planet being astronomically insignificant (except as the only
- Heavenly spheres and heavenly bodies (stars and planets). Each of the four, earthly ,elements has its natural place. All that is earthly tends toward the center of
- Because the Protestant subdivisions do not maintain a common theology or, earthly ,leadership, they are far more distinct than the subdivisions of the other four
- Heavenly city or kingdom, ruled by love, which will ultimately triumph over all, earthly ,empires which are self-indulgent and ruled by pride. Augustine followed Cyprian
- Spiritual development continues after death as the deceased begins another, earthly ,life in the physical world, acquiring a superior grade of consciousness and
- Extraterrestrial societies are presented as humanistic or ironic parodies of, earthly ,society. The didactic poet Henry More took up the classical theme of the Greek
- Planets). Each of the four earthly elements has its natural place. All that is, earthly ,tends toward the center of the universe,i.e. the center of the Earth. Water
- Of one of the churches—the Orthodox Church in America. There is no single, earthly ,head of all the Orthodox Churches comparable to the Pope of Rome. The
- Because of the Jews' rejection of Jesus, Jewish sovereignty over the promised, earthly ,kingdom of Jerusalem and Palestine was postponed from the time of Christ's
- Being, a soul now separated from the body in which it was" housed" during its, earthly ,existence. The Zohar describes Gehenna not as a place of punishment for the
- Depict the Virgin Mary in a very humanized way, often having her play a role in, earthly ,episodes. The authors are unknown, even if several studies indicate that
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