Examples of the the word, fragmentation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fragmentation ), is the 11466 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the past, only employees or partners were aware of it. Addressing the, fragmentation ,requires a shift in philosophy and mindset in an organization so that everyone
  2. Its" heyday" in 1996–2001,the network period of 2001–05,and a period of, fragmentation ,from 2005 to today. Jihad in Afghanistan The origins of al-Qaeda as a network
  3. However, this size segregation usually cause a large degree of external, fragmentation , which can have an adverse impact on cache behavior. Memory allocation in a
  4. Is performed, and even more rarely a full copying is performed to combat, fragmentation , The terms" minor cycle" and" major cycle" are sometimes used to describe
  5. To attack from all sides throughout its history, resulting in political, fragmentation ,or outright power vacuum, as it is successively dominated. * To the North, the
  6. Trade theory that provides theoretical bases for the topics as outsourcing, fragmentation ,and intra-term trade. Recent episode In a blog post of 28 April 2007,Gregory
  7. And also because there is often an asexual phase, which could include the, fragmentation ,of the phallus. Numbers The Algal Collection of the US National Her barium (
  8. Mortality, unmitigated road access, and habitat loss, alienation,and, fragmentation , In the Central Rocky Mountains Ecosystem, most bears have died within a few
  9. Occurs in populations initially isolated geographically, such as by habitat, fragmentation ,or migration. Selection under these conditions can produce very rapid changes
  10. Priesthoods increased, until it rivaled that of the pharaoh. In the political, fragmentation ,of the Third Intermediate Period, the high priests of Amen at Barney even
  11. Theater (SPA) on treetop-level strafing and para frag (parachute-retarded, fragmentation ,bombs) missions against Japanese airfields in New Guinea and the Philippines.
  12. Parts of a large clonal colony often become detached from the parent, termed, fragmentation , to form separate individuals. Some plants also form seeds asexually, termed
  13. Have a high ionization energy, and the molecular ion is usually weak. The, fragmentation ,pattern can be difficult to interpret, but,in the case of branched chain
  14. In a context of the far right and white supremacy, notably resulting in the, fragmentation ,of the Ásatrú Free Assembly in 1986. Externally, political activity on the part
  15. Still remained committed to the cubist method of simultaneous perspective and, fragmentation , In contrast to Picasso, who continuously reinvented his style of painting
  16. 1990s,however, mentalité history had become interdisciplinary to the point of, fragmentation , but still lacked a solid theoretical basis. While not explicitly rejecting
  17. Of the modern sciences, the sense of unity gradually was lost in the increasing, fragmentation ,and specialization of knowledge in the last two centuries. Modern usage The
  18. Manipulations. Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps #, fragmentation ,- breaking apart a strand of DNA # ligation - gluing together pieces of DNA in
  19. The Tokyo Round) unilateral agreements created selective trading and caused, fragmentation ,among members. WTO arrangements are generally a multilateral agreement
  20. The brain and abnormal apoptotic features such as membrane blabbing or nuclear, fragmentation , A remarkable feature of these KO mice is that they have a very restricted
  21. Managed to reunite the country in 589 after nearly four centuries of political, fragmentation , played a role more important than its length of existence would suggest. The
  22. Passages. However, the strong tidal forces they experience often lead to their, fragmentation , About 90 % of the sungrazers observed with SOHO are members of the Klutz
  23. Hurdle ", was incorporated into Germany's election law to prevent political, fragmentation ,and strong minor parties. The first Bundestag elections were held in the
  24. In a headless amoebic form. Reproduction is either by budding off the head or, fragmentation ,of the headless form, producing small free-living cells similar to Gymnosperm
  25. In supernovas and other cataclysmic cosmic events. Cosmic ray salvation (, fragmentation ,) of carbon, nitrogen,and oxygen is important to the production of lithium
  26. Of urban development and roads. These elements are acting as obstacles, causing, fragmentation , of the remaining grizzly bear population habitat and prevention of gene flow
  27. His brother, reigned for seventeen years after him. It is possible that some, fragmentation ,of control among the West Saxons occurred at Ceawlin's death: Cell and
  28. Wall velocity. This also establishes the Gurney energy or 2E. * Cylinder, fragmentation , A standard steel cylinder is loaded with explosive and detonated in a sawdust
  29. Fungi, and plants. Some plants have specialized structures for reproduction via, fragmentation , such as Gemma in liverworts. Most lichens, which are a symbiotic union of a
  30. Incoherent mess, which Yearly has explained by pointing to the trends towards, fragmentation ,and individualism in English society during that period; the resulting societal
  31. Condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation . (See also Apoptosis DNA, fragmentation , ) Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces cell fragments called apoptotic bodies
  32. Its concerns about the consequences of the Palestinian internal political, fragmentation ,; the socioeconomic decline; military actions; and the physical, psychological
  33. Developed into the 1890s,he became more and more radical in his pursuit of, fragmentation , the combination of figures at different scales, and the making of new
  34. Effective tactic against infantry and light vehicles, because it scatters the, fragmentation ,of the shell over a larger area and prevents it from being blocked by terrain
  35. Its Iberian stronghold after 750. His ability to meet this challenge, until the, fragmentation ,of authority within the Muslims, is considered by most historians to be of
  36. Reputation has become increasingly challenging. The outcome of internal, fragmentation ,that is observed and commented upon by customers is now visible to the rest of
  37. Increased. The reforms were, however,frustrated by the continued territorial, fragmentation ,of the Empire. Science and culture In the 12th century, German Benedictine
  38. In the testament of Coleslaw III Krzywousty, which initiated the period of, fragmentation ,of Poland (1138–1320),the western part of Greater Poland (including Poznań
  39. Of old-growth forest connectivity, and has been declining because of landscape, fragmentation , The most common breeding birds are the willow warbler, chaffinch and redwing.
  40. Of the characteristics of the Cabinet independence movement is its constant, fragmentation , into smaller and smaller factions, in a process which although not totally
  41. Been lost. Name "/JJ"> IUCN"/> Road building has caused habitat degradation and, fragmentation ,of chimpanzee population and may increase poaching in areas that have
  42. Cretaceous' witness the initiation of the most recent round of southern landmass, fragmentation , via the opening of the southern Atlantic Ocean and the isolation of New
  43. Morphology) and death. These changes include blabbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear, fragmentation , chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation . (See also
  44. Works, the successes of humanism and natural science along with the, fragmentation ,of the Christian churches and increased understanding of other faiths, all
  45. Layer of lactose. Reproduction Vegetative reproduction usually takes place by, fragmentation ,or by formation of spores. Asexual reproduction is by flagellated zoosporangia.
  46. And theoretical computer science, but at the same time led to a partial, fragmentation ,of the field. Approaches and subfields of combinatorics Enumeration
  47. Shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation , chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA, fragmentation , (See also Apoptosis DNA fragmentation . ) Unlike necrosis, apoptosis produces
  48. Impact almost directly below the aircraft which is then within the lethal, fragmentation ,zone of the resulting explosion. A retarded bomb has a small parachute or air
  49. Union of a fungus and photosynthetic algae or bacteria, reproduce through, fragmentation ,to ensure that new individuals contain both symbionts. These fragments can take
  50. Traditional heavy equipment and are protected against the effects of blast and, fragmentation , Good examples are the American M9 ACE and the UK FV180 Combat Engineer Tractor

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