Examples of the the word, conspicuous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conspicuous ), is the 11483 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A problem he was having understanding how some caterpillars could have evolved, conspicuous ,color schemes. Darwin had come to believe that sexual selection, an agency to
  2. Echinoderms differ from chordates and their other relatives in three, conspicuous ,ways: instead of having bilateral symmetry they have radial symmetry, meaning
  3. Not to support cycling as part of the transportation system. Bicycles are, conspicuous ,by their total absence at pedestrian transport hubs such as railway stations.
  4. This is true only of one range of radii, typically the outermost and thus most, conspicuous , The bee ancestry code Fibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the
  5. Discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used, conspicuous ,surveillance," investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an
  6. Réunion bird, or in the dodo for that matter) was never reported, marking a, conspicuous ,difference between the two species. The discovery that it actually was an ibis
  7. II, king of Castile, to attend the council of Basel, in which he made himself, conspicuous ,by his learning. He was the author of several works, the principal of which is
  8. City is of late construction, probably Armenian. It encloses a mass of ruins, conspicuous ,in which are a fine triumphal arch, the colonnades of two streets, a gymnasium
  9. Old and Middle Kingdoms, but most later rulers abandoned them in favor of less, conspicuous ,rock-cut tombs. The 25th dynasty was a notable exception, as all 25th dynasty
  10. Burial costs were sometimes interred into cairns, which would be situated in, conspicuous ,positions, often on the skyline above the village of the deceased. The stones
  11. Point in the northwest almost to Maraca Bay on the east, are the single most, conspicuous ,feature of the landscape. Intensive uplifting and folding in the formative
  12. Wasteful of spectrum, yet this" waste" is precisely what makes these systems, conspicuous ,at interstellar distances. Humans are moving to directional or guided
  13. White moth because they found it unpalatable. " Now, as the white moth is as, conspicuous ,at dusk as a colored caterpillar in the daylight ", Wallace wrote back to
  14. To perform their religious rituals, they were obliged to do so in a manner not, conspicuous ,to Muslims. Display of non-Muslim religious symbols, such as crosses or icons
  15. The 1920s saw an interim period during which cavalry remained as a proud and, conspicuous ,element of all major armies, though much less so than prior to 1914. Cavalry
  16. A timorous flower with a superior ovary and seeds with an ARL. The most, conspicuous ,genus in the family is Aloe. Many species of Aloe are used medicinally and in
  17. Also associated with the Maritime. Aboriginal Canadians are a larger and more, conspicuous ,population in prairie cities than elsewhere in the country and certain elements
  18. Stories Scapula threatened to disarm them. Prasutagus lived a long life of, conspicuous ,wealth, and,hoping to preserve his line, made the Roman emperor co-heir to his
  19. Is remarkably similar to that of San Francisco, with temperature being the, conspicuous ,exception. Cape Town receives slightly more hours of sunlight than San
  20. Wallace did not attribute the same importance as Darwin did, explained many, conspicuous ,animal color schemes. However, Darwin realized that this could not apply to
  21. Perversions, dishonesty,cowardice in battle, and clumsiness. Foreigners,a, conspicuous ,presence in imperial Athens, particularly at the City Dionysian, often appear in
  22. From time to time to check on the situation. The bongo's hindquarters are less, conspicuous ,than the forequarters, and from this position the animal can quickly flee. When
  23. Parts being shot thousands of miles and several months apart. It is a less, conspicuous ,job, though,because if done perfectly, no one will ever notice. In comic books
  24. Of Adrianople (1365) - Capture by Ottoman Turks A beacon is an intentionally, conspicuous ,device designed to attract attention to a specific location. Beacons can also
  25. Of his works, among which a Hephaestus and an Aphrodite" of the Gardens" were, conspicuous , Ananias says (v. 10. 8) that he was the author of one of the pediments of
  26. Action. Jackson's service in the War of 1812 against the United Kingdom was, conspicuous ,for bravery and success. When British forces threatened New Orleans, Jackson
  27. Because of increasingly stringent environmental legislation. The most, conspicuous ,of these is fly ash, a by-product of coal-fired power plants. This use reduces
  28. An epilogue that concludes the book.22:6-21 One half of seven,3½,is also a, conspicuous ,number in Revelation: two witnesses are given power to prophesy 1,260 days, or
  29. Alters the behavior of the ant, and makes them carry their Masters high. The, conspicuous ,red Masters are mistaken by birds for ripe fruits such as Veronica
  30. By others, Unitarian controversial treatises, etc. However, he took a more, conspicuous ,and personal part in the preparation (with Baptist scholar Horatio B. Hackett
  31. By eliminating or reducing components such as carriers that make them so, conspicuous , Using our own experience as an example, we could set the date of
  32. Which proved very successful. Furthermore, early bicycles were an example of, conspicuous ,consumption, being adopted by the fashionable elites. In addition, by serving
  33. National anthem of the Netherlands between 1815 and 1932,makes extensive and, conspicuous ,use of the parallel Dutch word. In most European countries it is still the norm
  34. Is looking for carriers for just this reason, and UHF TV carriers are the most, conspicuous ,and artificial signals from Earth that could be detected at interstellar
  35. In his day, got much in the North and kept it, got Brandenburg for one there,a, conspicuous ,country ever since," says Carlyle, who called Albert" a restless
  36. Which he promised to uphold. However, soon the bishop started arresting, conspicuous ,Protestants in Geneva, and there were rumors that he intended to remove the
  37. Theatre. The Hank Casino located in Hank, Finland - one of that town's most, conspicuous ,landmarks - was never used for gambling. Rather, it was a banquet hall for the
  38. Iberian Peninsula from north of the Pyrenees some 35,000 years ago. The most, conspicuous ,sign of prehistoric human settlements are the famous paintings in the northern
  39. Far more direct musically and lyrically. The album's hard rock edge included, conspicuous ,guitar contributions from Robert Fri pp, Pete Townshend, Chuck Hammer and Tom
  40. Regulations) 1992 requires the marking of windows and glass doors to make them, conspicuous , Fire Main article: Fire door Special purpose fire doors are often employed in
  41. In the daylight ", Wallace wrote back to Darwin that it seemed likely that the, conspicuous ,color scheme served as a warning to predators and thus could have evolved
  42. The best-known and most widely studied non-aqueous ionizing solvent. Its most, conspicuous ,property is its ability to dissolve alkali metals to form highly colored
  43. An animal physically develops after birth or hatching, undergoing a series of, conspicuous ,and relatively abrupt change in the body structure. Coleoptera species
  44. Film was originally widescreen, shots were composed for 4:3,resulting in a, conspicuous ,tendency for actors to clump up in the middle of the screen. These albums
  45. Hinduism has been too diverse to be seen as a monolithic religion, and with a, conspicuous ,absence of any listed dogma or ecclesial (organized church),has no concept of
  46. To the annihilation of the foe. In his tactical writings the same spirit is, conspicuous , His reserve in battle is designed to cover a retreat. The baneful influence of
  47. Or their inhabitants. Thus, a vast and elaborate house may serve as a sign of, conspicuous ,wealth, whereas a low-profile house built of recycled materials may indicate
  48. Micro but absent from the Electron, the teletext style mode 7 was particularly, conspicuous ,because of the very low memory usage in that mode (just less than 1 KB) and
  49. Mid-20th century): Officially classified as critically endangered, but as this, conspicuous ,bird has not been recorded since 1940,it is almost certainly extinct. *
  50. Possession of the lands taken from the bishops of Würzburg and Bamberg; and his, conspicuous ,bravery was of great value to the Emperor on the retreat from Metz in January

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