Examples of the the word, gill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gill ), is the 10107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other parts of the body. Carbon dioxide passes from the blood through the thin, gill ,tissue into the water. Gills or gill -like organs, located in different parts of
  2. Then it draws the sides of its throat together, forcing the water through the, gill ,openings, so that it passes over the gill s to the outside. Fish gill slits may
  3. Predators and continue doing so as adults. Newts' gill s are never covered by a, gill ,sac and will be resorted only just before the animal leaves the water. Just as
  4. Of vertebrates typically develop in the walls of the pharynx, along a series of, gill ,slits opening to the exterior. Most species employ a countercurrent exchange
  5. On land provided they are kept moist. The microscopic structure of a, gill ,presents a large surface area to the external environment. Many microscopic
  6. Cubic mile, the teaspoon, the tablespoon, the fluid ounce, the fluid dram,the, gill , the pint, the quart, the gallon, the minim, the barrel, the cord, the peck
  7. In still water actively direct a flow of water over their bodies. The physical, gill ,mechanism allows aquatic insects with patrons to remain constantly submerged.
  8. Of the alimentary tract (rectum) is richly supplied with tracheae as a rectal, gill , Water pumped into and out of the rectum provides oxygen to the closed tracheae
  9. Primitive bony fishes, the larvae bear external gill s, branching off from the, gill ,arches proper. These are reduced in adulthood, their function taken over by the
  10. Fish and the jaws are toothless. Food can be effectively chewed by the, gill ,makers of the specialized last gill bow. These pharyngeal teeth allow the fish
  11. And toads, the external gill s of the newly hatched tadpole are covered with a, gill ,sac after a few days, and lungs are quickly formed. Front legs are formed under
  12. Is derived from the Ancient Greek," krypton" ( hidden) and" branches" (, gill ,); a reference to oxygen absorption primarily through gill s that are in a
  13. The gill openings, so that it passes over the gill s to the outside. Fish, gill ,slits may be the evolutionary ancestors of the tonsils, thymus gland, and
  14. Gill. However, more complex or more active aquatic organisms usually require a, gill ,or gill s. Gills usually consist of thin filaments of tissue, branches,or
  15. Gills lie on either side of the septum. The base of the arch may also support, gill ,makers, small projecting elements that help to filter food from the water. A
  16. Last typically only 24 hours and consists of: * The disappearance of the, gill ,pouch, making the front legs visible. * The transformation of the jaws into the
  17. Amphibans retain the external larval gill s in adulthood, the complex internal, gill ,system as seen in fish apparently being irrevocably lost very early in the
  18. Methods, most notably purse seine fishing for tuna and the use of drift and, gill ,nets, unintentionally kill many dolphins. Accidental by-catch in gill nets and
  19. Exchange system to enhance the diffusion of substances in and out of the, gill , with blood and water flowing in opposite directions to each other. The gill s
  20. Oxygen fed ozone is used, the water will be higher in dissolved oxygen,fish's, gill ,structures will atrophy, and they will become dependent on higher dissolved
  21. Sharks have six or seven pairs. Adjacent slits are separated by a cartilaginous, gill ,arch from which projects a long sheet-like septum, partly supported by a
  22. Gases are usually given in cubic feet (at one atmosphere). Minims, drams and, gill ,are rarely used currently. Dry volume Small fruits and vegetables are often
  23. With uniform silt-sand substrates. Has low reproduction rate and broods eggs in, gill ,cavity for up to 4-5 months. Can live for 2 years without food because of low
  24. Pouches. Cartilaginous fish Sharks and rays typically have five pairs of, gill ,slits that open directly to the outside of the body, though some more primitive
  25. The entire surface of their bodies, and so can respire adequately without a, gill , However, more complex or more active aquatic organisms usually require a gill
  26. In aquaculture, high numbers causing widespread skin erosion and hemorrhaging, gill ,congestion, and increased mucus production. There are also a number of
  27. Up during metric changeover; for example, spirits were changed from 1/6 of a, gill ,(23.7 ml) to 25 ml and the standard loaf from 14 ounces (396.9 g) to 400 g.
  28. Fins which, if present, are fused and buried. Again, in most members,the, gill ,plates are covered over with skin, the only gill opening a small slit above the
  29. As a chordate and possibly a granite, as it shows signs of a heart, arteries, gill , filaments,a tail, a neural chord with a brain at the front end, and possibly
  30. Esophagus to the exterior. Each gill is supported by a cartilaginous or bony, gill ,arch. The bony fish have three pairs of arches, cartilaginous fish have five to
  31. Directions to each other. The gill s are composed of comb-like filaments,the, gill ,patellae, which help increase their surface area for oxygen exchange. When a
  32. After a few days, and lungs are quickly formed. Front legs are formed under the, gill ,sac, and hind legs are visible a few days later. Following that there is usually
  33. Rectum provides oxygen to the closed tracheae. Aquatic insects use a tracheal, gill , which contains air tubes. The oxygen in these tubes is renewed through the
  34. Of the animal kingdom. (See Circulatory system. ) Cephalopods have two ", gill ,hearts" and one" systemic heart ". In vertebrates, the heart lies in the
  35. Sheet-like septum, partly supported by a further piece of cartilage called the, gill ,ray. The individual patellae of the gill s lie on either side of the septum. The
  36. Bishops Having an Inter-Diocesan Office (42-43) # General Directive (44) A, gill ,is a respiratory organ found in many aquatic organisms that extracts dissolved
  37. Are keeled to propel them through water. The hellbender has working lungs, but, gill , slits are often retained, although only immature specimens have true gill s; the
  38. Yellowing" of the water. Ozone must not come in contact with fish's, gill ,structures. Natural salt water (with life forms) provides enough "
  39. Again, in most members, the gill plates are covered over with skin, the only, gill ,opening a small slit above the pectoral fin. The tetraodontiform strategy seems
  40. The evolution of tetrapods. While the higher vertebrates do not have gill s,the, gill ,arches form during fetal development, and lay the basis of essential
  41. Margins of a series of openings from the esophagus to the exterior. Each, gill ,is supported by a cartilaginous or bony gill arch. The bony fish have three
  42. Flattened body with thick folds travelling down the sides, a single open, gill ,slit on each side, and hind feet that have five toes each. Easily distinguished
  43. Typically lasts only 24 hours and consists of: * The disappearance of the, gill ,pouch, making the front legs visible. * The transformation of the jaws into the
  44. Food can be effectively chewed by the gill makers of the specialized last, gill ,bow. These pharyngeal teeth allow the fish to make chewing motions against a
  45. And ventral folds of skin for swimming. From pretty early onward they develop a, gill ,pouch that covers the gill s and the front legs and also the lungs are developed
  46. Chordates: bronchial openings that open into the pharynx and look rather like, gill ,slits; stomachers, similar in composition to notochords but running in a
  47. Distinctions between attached gill s are sometimes difficult to interpret, since, gill , attachment may change as the mushroom matures, or with different environmental
  48. Drift and gill nets, unintentionally kill many dolphins. Accidental by-catch in, gill ,nets and incidental captures in antipredator nets that protect marine fish
  49. Gut. The animal develops a big jaw, and its gill s disappear along with its, gill ,sac. Eyes and legs grow quickly, a tongue is formed, and all this is
  50. Small fish, shrimp and squid; sockeye feed on plankton that they filter through, gill ,makers. Some of the most important Alaskan salmon sustainable wild fisheries

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