Examples of the the word, standardization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( standardization ), is the 10108 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Intermingle and become what is now known as American Sign Language. Growth and, standardization ,Interestingly, because of the early influence of the sign language of France
  2. Committee" ) in 1926 to reflect that the organization now dealt with, standardization ,issues in many fields; viz., not just for industrial products. In 1975, it was
  3. Firing the same ammunition as rifles gives carbines the advantage of, standardization ,over those personal defense weapons (PDS) that require proprietary
  4. The city was originally named Ellensburg, until the final -h was dropped under, standardization ,pressure from the United States Postal Service and Board of Geography Names in
  5. With the growing interest in standardizing languages). Language and identity, standardization ,processes In the Middle Ages the two most important defining elements of Europe
  6. Dragons del Catalan, shall allow a facultative education in Catalan and a, standardization ,of the Catalan language in La France. Status of Valencian The official language
  7. De Gribeauval, an 18th century French artillery, who created a fair amount of, standardization ,of artillery pieces, although not true interchangeability of parts. He inspired
  8. Familiarize themselves with their weapons when in actual combat. There was no, standardization ,of any kind and units were issued only what equipment was available. This was
  9. Entertainment, and weapons of mass destruction. You combine those things with, standardization , centralization, concentration,and synchronization, and you wind up with a
  10. Milk after optional homogenization, pasteurization,in several grades after, standardization ,of the fat level, and possible addition of bacteria Streptococcus lactic and
  11. The secretive nature of the way most companies run their boards, however some, standardization ,is beginning to develop. Some who are pushing for this standardization are the
  12. As U. S. FIPS PUB 197 (FIPS 197) on November 26, 2001 after a five-year, standardization ,process in which fifteen competing designs were presented and evaluated before
  13. Task Group" within CODA SYL, the group responsible for the creation and, standardization ,of COBOL. In 1971, they delivered their standard, which generally became known
  14. And user-defined data types to COBOL's repertoire. Compatibility issues after, standardization ,COBOL 85 was not fully compatible with earlier versions, resulting in the "
  15. And organizations The IEC-proposed binary prefixes are now supported by other, standardization ,bodies and technical organizations. The United States National Institute of
  16. Allow companies to minimize the corporate expenditures (achieved through legal, standardization ,of corporate legal processes),creating a nucleus in Delaware with operating
  17. The technique, complex objects are particularly slow to emulate. Prior to the, standardization ,of rapid grandiosity calculation, some graphic artists used a technique referred
  18. Or). JE DEC Solid State Technology Association, the semiconductor engineering, standardization ,body of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA),continues to include the
  19. Wars Cavalry retained an important role in this age of regularization and, standardization ,across European armies. First and foremost they remained the primary choice for
  20. Leaving 28 code positions without any assigned meaning, reserved for future, standardization , and one unassigned control code. There was some debate at the time whether
  21. In the upper range),and machine tuners are always fitted. Lack of, standardization ,in design means that one double bass can sound and look very different from
  22. To standardize CLI. By December 2001,it was ratified by the EMMA, with ISO, standardization ,following in April 2003. Microsoft and its partners hold patents for CLI. EMMA
  23. Implementing Blissymbolics using technology such as computers. International, standardization ,of the language and of the script In 1991,BCI published a Blissymbol Reference
  24. Permitted easy development of the language with supporting fonts. During this, standardization ,and unification work, BCI revised some of its graphical rules and made minor
  25. Object-oriented COBOL compilers are available even as the language moves toward, standardization , Fujitsu and Micro Focus currently support object-oriented COBOL compilers
  26. Happened after Falloff discussed with Dr. William C. Carter his work in the, standardization ,of the instruction set for the machines that later became the IBM System/360
  27. Form of electives and tracking, curricular,professional, and other forms of, standardization , and an increase in state and federal regulation and bureaucracy, with a
  28. It required well-coordinated and partly competitive activities in several, standardization ,bodies such as the IEEE, ECMA, IEC,and finally ISO. In February 1980,the
  29. Sieges. Better gunpowder, cast-iron projectiles (replacing stone),and the, standardization ,of calibers meant that even relatively light cannon could be deadly. This was
  30. When Jean-Baptiste de Gribeauval, a French artillery engineer introduced the, standardization ,of cannon design. He developed a field howitzer whose gun barrel, carriage
  31. Member companies who participate in the various working groups that produce the, standardization ,documents and oversee the qualification process for new products and help to
  32. Being corrections of scribal errors such as misspellings or the correction, or, standardization , of grammar inconsequential to the meaning of the text. It is owned by the
  33. Looking for new or unfixed security bugs. Debian also participates in security, standardization ,efforts: the Debian security advisories are compatible with the Common
  34. In the Basque alphabet. Its acceptance was a matter of contention during the, standardization ,since the speakers of the most extended dialects had to learn where to place
  35. German Institute for Standardization) is the German national organization for, standardization ,and is that country's ISO member body. DIN is a Registered German Association
  36. It was used extensively as such by American publications prior to international, standardization , Chemical symbols Specific chemical elements Before chemistry became a science
  37. In either first or half position with eye level, although there is little, standardization ,in this regard. Players who sit generally use a stool about the height of the
  38. That BCI remain involved as an authoritative source of information in the, standardization ,process for the encoding of Bliss-characters in the UCS, to cooperate with the
  39. In England, Australia,Mauritius and Barbados they drive on the left. The, standardization ,of time is a human convention based on the solar cycle or calendar. The extent
  40. De la League (AVL),restricted scale standard, focused on Valencian, standardization ,on the basis of Norms de Castelló, that is, Pompeu Fabra's orthography but
  41. a billion per year. Standardization Notwithstanding its technical merits, timely, standardization , was instrumental to the success of Ethernet. It required well-coordinated and
  42. Development of mass-produced processors that are made for many purposes. This, standardization ,began in the era of discrete transistor mainframes and minicomputers and has
  43. Is an international group of people who act as an authority regarding the, standardization ,of the Blissymbolics language. It has taken responsibility for any extensions
  44. Some standardization is beginning to develop. Some who are pushing for this, standardization ,are the National Association of Corporate Directors, McKinsey Consulting and
  45. Sites to the ARPANET and then Internet Later efforts at interoperability, standardization ,included: * Novel briefly championed the open MHS protocol but abandoned it
  46. In November 1982 and defines what has become known as Ethernet II. Formal, standardization ,efforts proceeded at the same time. Ethernet initially competed with two
  47. To tolerances on the order of nanometers. Both the miniaturization and, standardization ,of CPUs have increased the presence of digital devices in modern life far
  48. 始皇帝),and imposed many reforms throughout China, notably the forced, standardization ,of the Chinese language, measurements,length of cart axles, and currency. The
  49. Other data to organize and store it. Lastly, there was not any consistency or, standardization ,of the data in a file processing system which makes maintenance difficult. For
  50. Of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE focuses more on hardware and, standardization ,issues than theoretical computer science, but there is considerable overlap

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