Examples of the the word, uplift , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of the load on the lower crust and mantle. This can cause tectonic or prostatic, uplift ,in the region. Research undertaken since the early 1990s suggests that the
  2. Belt. This mass of rock was removed as the range was actively undergoing, uplift , The removal of such a mass from the core of the range most likely caused
  3. Delta is still visible protruding into the calm waters of Spencer Gulf. An, uplift ,of the land blocked the river near the southern end of the Flinders Ranges, and
  4. Cenozoic Cooling trend. They further claim that approximately half of their, uplift ,(and CO2" scrubbing" capacity) occurred in the past 10 million years.
  5. Large area that encompasses several neighborhoods itself, and has seen a recent, uplift ,and revival. Suburbs Dayton's suburbs with a population of 10,000 or more
  6. The Highlands were very poor and traditional, with few connections to the, uplift ,of the Scottish Enlightenment and little role in the Industrial Revolution.
  7. They are often more sophisticated and can include patterns of erosion and, uplift ,in the mountain belt. This helps to show the relationship between erosion and
  8. Leader was Terence Powderly. The Knights promoted the social and cultural, uplift ,of the workingman, rejected Socialism and radicalism, demanded the eight-hour
  9. After breaking through a poorly-maintained embankment just inside Nepal. Since, uplift ,and erosion are more or less in equilibrium in the Himalaya, rapid uplift is
  10. And took place as the ice was being unloaded. Once glaciation was complete, uplift ,slowed to about 2.5 cm/year, and decreased exponentially after that. Today
  11. Removal of such a mass from the core of the range most likely caused further, uplift ,as the region adjusted statically in response to the removed weight.
  12. To about 2.5 cm/year, and decreased exponentially after that. Today, typical, uplift , rates are of the order of 1 cm/year or less, and studies suggest that rebound
  13. And cultural heritage as well as its immense contribution to the sociocultural, uplift ,of Indian society in the form of the Bengal Renaissance, and revolutionary
  14. The steep slope of the continental shelf in Late Devonian times and began to, uplift ,deep water deposits, a collision that was the prelude to the mountain-building
  15. Communication—a mechanism for social reform, education,and perhaps spiritual, uplift , His view of Hollywood movie-making was considerably less sanguine::" In an
  16. Phases resulting in large-scale volcanism and numerous orogenies, causing the, uplift ,of the Greater Caucasus, Pontides, Southern Crimea and Balkan ides mountain
  17. The limit of this region. To the south the Cotswold's, with the characteristic, uplift ,of the Cotswold Edge, reach beyond Bath, and towns such as Chipping Sod bury and
  18. Ladoga became isolated. Ladoga slowly transgressed in its southern part due to, uplift ,of the Baltic Shield in the north. It has been hypothesized, but not proven
  19. Uplift of the central region and the inward collapse of the rim. The central, uplift ,is not the result of elastic rebound which is a process in which a material
  20. S independent stature, because it is part of the same extended area of, uplift ,(including the Karakorum, the Tibetan Plateau, and the Himalaya) as Mount
  21. Link between tectonics, climate and the carbon cycle. In the simplest terms, uplift ,of mountains exposes Ca-bearing rocks to chemical weathering and releases Ca2+
  22. Ocean during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, from about, caused tectonic, uplift ,in the British Isles. Since then, a shallow sea has almost continuously existed
  23. In black America, offering numerous programs and events designed to, uplift ,African Americans. The Nation of Islam produced several Muslim icons, such as
  24. Now underlie much of the drainage basin of the Missouri River. This Laramie, uplift ,caused the sea to retreat and laid the framework for a vast drainage system of
  25. A fall in sea level, because of either a global sea level change, or local, uplift , Emergent coastlines are identifiable by the coastal landforms, which are above
  26. Distraction, especially in this kind of way, by reading something that will, uplift ,and diffuse my pressing anxieties. " Marcus' early reign proceeded smoothly.
  27. Consequently, the surface area and the depth of the sea are diminishing. The, uplift ,is about eight millimeters per year on the Finnish coast of the northernmost
  28. Glaciation are not synchronous, but rather that weathering associated with the, uplift ,and erosion of the Appalachian Mountains greatly reduced atmospheric greenhouse
  29. Constant and different regions have had different degrees of tectonic stress, uplift , and erosion. Tectonic forces above the subduction zone along the entire west
  30. Motion of tectonic origin, esp. close to fault lines * Postglacial land, uplift ,due to prostatic adjustment * Various anthropogenic movements due to, for
  31. Suggest that rebound will continue for about another 10,000 years. The total, uplift ,from the end of glaciation can be up to 400 m. In Viking Age Maclaren was
  32. And bare bedrock islands were, and continue to be, formed by the process of, uplift ,following the last glaciation. The rest of the country is also still emerging
  33. Instability in the air mass as a result of a slight to a very high geographic, uplift ,in mountainous regions like the Bud plateau or the heating of the land which
  34. On. Part three of his Grammatical Institute (1785) was a reader designed to, uplift ,the mind and" diffuse the principles of virtue and patriotism. ":" In the
  35. Since uplift and erosion are more or less in equilibrium in the Himalaya, rapid, uplift , is balanced by annual increments of cubic kilometers of sediments washing down
  36. Forced the lower Columbia into its present course. The Cascade Range began to, uplift ,during the early Pleistocene era (two million to 700,000 years ago). Cutting
  37. And 40 million years ago, but it lay under a large inland sea later subject to, uplift , Between 40 and 20 million years ago, in the Eocene and Miocene eras
  38. Formation lagerstätte. In Europe, the Tethys Sea finally vanished, while the, uplift ,of the Alps isolated its final remnant, the Mediterranean, and created another
  39. Techniques can be used to determine temperature profiles within the crust,the, uplift ,of mountain ranges, and paleo topography. Fractionation of the lanthanide series
  40. South America. The spine that forms the divide is the highly eroded arch of an, uplift ,from the sea bottom, in which peaks were formed by volcanic intrusions. The
  41. To thirty centimeters a century. Farther north in the Ostrogothic area, uplift ,is more rapid, it amounts to eighty or ninety centimeters a century. The
  42. Of the last uprising, the nation preserved its identity through educational, uplift ,and the program called" organic work" to modernize the economy and society.
  43. Within the last few hundred years. Some parts of the caldera have experienced, uplift ,due to partial refilling of the magma chamber, for example pushing Seymour
  44. Collapse of the transient cavity is driven by gravity, and involves both the, uplift ,of the central region and the inward collapse of the rim. The central uplift is
  45. It is much easier to make an example of these larger bodies, because they can, uplift ,or defame the Mark without actually incurring legal-defamation. Example: "
  46. The Ice Ages (Last Glacial Maximum? ). According to Kühne, the plate-tectonic, uplift ,of Tibet past the snow-line has led to a c. 2.4 million km² ice surface with a
  47. Contacts. Some wave-cut caves are now above sea level because of later, uplift , Elsewhere, in places such as Thailand's Hang NGA Bay, solutional caves have
  48. With Eurasia in the Turkish-Arabian region between 19 and 12 Ma. The subsequent, uplift ,of mountains in the western Mediterranean region and a global fall in sea
  49. In Folkestone. The coastline of Kent is continuously changing, due to tectonic, uplift ,and coastal erosion. Until about 960,the Isle of Thant was an island
  50. Because the rise in sea levels during the period exceeds any likely tectonic, uplift ,of non-glacial origin. Post-glacial rebound in the Scandinavia region resulted

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