Examples of the the word, psi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psi ), is the 10128 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In psychological life. Memory, for instance, was offered as a better model of, psi ,than perception. This called for experimental procedures that were not limited
  2. 14.7 psi or 1013 millibars). During ascent the cabin rapidly vented down to 5, psi , ( 345 millibars),releasing approximately 2/3 of the gas originally present at
  3. Delta-functions next to each other, with the psi -bar coming right before the, psi , Since a psi - psi -bar pair is a commuting element of the Grass man algebra, it
  4. Psi (" sheep" ) tend to score above chance, while those who do not believe in, psi ,(" goats" ) show null results or psi -missing. This has become known as the "
  5. 1.6 km) radius. At one mile (1.6 km),the force of the blast wave was 5, psi , with enough duration to implode houses and reduce them to kindling. Later test
  6. Pressure would be (7.5)^1.3 × atmospheric pressure, or 13.7 bar. (× 14.7, psi , at sea level = 201.8 psi . The pressure shown on a gauge would be the absolute
  7. Of Sciences,96 % described themselves as" skeptical" of ESP; 4 % believed in, psi ,and 10 % felt that para psychological research should be encouraged. The
  8. The working pressures must be controlled by a regulator, since above 15, psi , acetylene will decompose explosively. Niche and historically interesting
  9. And the environmental control system maintained a nominal cabin pressure of 5, psi , as the spacecraft continued into vacuum. The cabin was then very slowly purged
  10. Risk to the operator of injury by hypodermic jet-injection, even with only 100, psi , pressure. The first known such injury occurred in 1937 during a diesel engine
  11. S third law, and the" Hieronymus machine ", which could supposedly amplify, psi ,powers. He published many stories about telepathy and other psi onic abilities.
  12. When the astronauts removed their helmets after reaching orbit. (60 % of 5, psi , is 3 psi , compared to 20.9 % of 14.7 psi , or 3.07 psi in sea-level air. ) * The
  13. Increase safety. They generally use low pressure air, almost always below 3, psi , While many inflatables are non-rigid, essentially pointed rafts, best suited
  14. 15 and 20 times the compression ratio, or in this case between 150 psi and 200, psi , depending on cam timing. Purpose-built racing engines, stationary engines etc.
  15. Was changed to 60 % oxygen and 40 % nitrogen at sea-level pressure (14.7, psi , or 1013 millibars). During ascent the cabin rapidly vented down to 5 psi (345
  16. The cabin pressurized with pure oxygen at the nominal pre-launch level of,2, psi , above standard sea level atmospheric pressure. This is more than five times the
  17. Requires one permutation to move the last psi -bar to go in front of the first, psi , and this gives the sign. This rule is the only visible effect of the exclusion
  18. After rapidly expanding gases from the fire over pressurized the CM to 29, psi , ( 200 PA) and burst the cabin interior. Flames and gases then rushed outside
  19. As between 15 and 20 times the compression ratio, or in this case between 150, psi , and 200 psi , depending on cam timing. Purpose-built racing engines, stationary
  20. Utterly incapable of handling the extra increase in pressure (to at least 29, psi , absolute ) caused by the fire. Emergency preparedness The board noted that: the
  21. 7.5)^1.3 × atmospheric pressure, or 13.7 bar. (× 14.7 psi at sea level = 201.8, psi , The pressure shown on a gauge would be the absolute pressure less atmospheric
  22. After reaching orbit. (60 % of 5 psi is 3 psi , compared to 20.9 % of 14.7, psi , or 3.07 psi in sea-level air. ) * The environment within the astronauts '
  23. Orbit. (60 % of 5 psi is 3 psi , compared to 20.9 % of 14.7 psi , or 3.07, psi , in sea-level air. ) * The environment within the astronauts' pressure suits
  24. Worked largely in the laboratory, carefully defining terms such as ESP and, psi ,and designing experiments to test them. A simple set of cards was developed
  25. Should at least equal 10 bar, or,roughly estimated in pounds per square inch (, psi ,) as between 15 and 20 times the compression ratio, or in this case between 150
  26. Is similar to the Earth's. Normal air pressure on the ISS is 101.3 PA (14.7, psi , ); the same as at sea level on Earth. An Earth-like atmosphere offers benefits
  27. With extreme violence if the pressure of the gas exceeds about 200 PA (29, psi , ) as a gas or when in liquid or solid form. It is therefore shipped and stored
  28. Remove the inner hatch, until the excess cabin pressure (16.7 psi absolute,2, psi , above ambient) had been vented. Emergency procedure called for the command
  29. Is approximately 1,099 times that at the surface, or 111 MPA, roughly 16,155, psi , The depth figure has not been confirmed by any later expedition. Considering
  30. Been a related development. Para psychological investigation of ESP The study of, psi ,phenomena such as ESP is called parapsychology. The consensus of the
  31. Senior pilot to remove the inner hatch, until the excess cabin pressure (16.7, psi , absolute,2 psi above ambient) had been vented. Emergency procedure called for
  32. Is called a" KET" and written as | \ psi \range, which would be read as" KET, psi ,". (The \ psi \! Can be replaced by any symbols, letters,numbers, or even
  33. Would subscribe to some of his opinions, for example his new-age theories of, psi ,powers. There was bitter opposition to this from many. " In the eyes of others
  34. This yield to the observed damage produced a rule of thumb called the 5, psi , lethal area rule. The number of immediate fatalities will approximately equal
  35. That she" generally starts from a base of hard science, or rationalizes, psi ,phenomena with beautifully finished logic. " Her stories have been included in
  36. Which: * β-carotene (with one β ring and one unrealized end that is labelled, psi ,) is β, ψ-carotene; * β-carotene (with one ε ring and one unrealized end) is
  37. The astronauts removed their helmets after reaching orbit. (60 % of 5 psi is 3, psi , compared to 20.9 % of 14.7 psi , or 3.07 psi in sea-level air. ) * The
  38. Himself a deviant figure of marked ferocity, seems to think he has invented a, psi ,machine. " British SF novelist Michael Moor cock, as part of his Starship
  39. Equipped with skis. The newer C-130B had ailerons with increased boost—3,000, psi , ( 21 MPA) versus 2,050 psi (14 MPA)—as well as uprated engines and
  40. The hydraulic boost pressure to the ailerons was reduced back to 2050, psi , as a consequence of the external tanks' weight in the middle of the wingspan.
  41. Stephane. Personality measures have also been tested. People who believe in, psi ,(" sheep" ) tend to score above chance, while those who do not believe in psi
  42. Cooling capacity. Due to its operation at pressures of up to 130 bar (1880, psi , ),CO2 systems require highly resistant components that have already been
  43. Stream. The C2 stream contains acetylene, which is explosive above 200 PA (29, psi , ). If the partial pressure of acetylene is expected to exceed these values, the
  44. Five were termed (by the British) χ (" chi" ) wheels, another five ψ (", psi ,") wheels, and the remaining two the" motor wheels ". The χ wheels stepped
  45. Function, the wave function, commonly denoted by the Greek letter, psi ,(ψ). When the absolute value of this function is squared, it gives the
  46. C-130B had ailerons with increased boost—3,000 psi (21 MPA) versus 2,050, psi , ( 14 MPA)—as well as uprated engines and four-bladed propellers that were
  47. Rangle \delta (k+k' ) \delta (k+k' ) The analog of Wick's theorem matches, psi ,and psi -bars in pairs::: \angle\bar\ psi (k_1) \bar\ psi (k_2) ... \bar\ psi
  48. Typically between 15:1 and 22:1 resulting in pressure compared to (about 200, psi , ) in the petrol engine. This high compression heats the air to. At about the
  49. Standard sea level atmospheric pressure. This is more than five times the 3, psi , partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere, and provides an environment in
  50. On a gauge would be the absolute pressure less atmospheric pressure, or 187.1, psi , ) The two corrections for dynamic compression ratio affect cylinder pressure

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: Delta-functions next to each other, with the psi -bar coming right before the, psi , Since a psi - psi -bar pair is a commuting element of the Grass man algebra, it

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