Examples of the the word, spiritually , in a Sentence Context
The word ( spiritually ), is the 10117 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Christ from the dead ". Christians, through faith in the working of God are, spiritually ,resurrected with Jesus so that they may walk in a new way of life. Easter is
- Flock, and was compelled to be blunt: the combats were murder, their witnessing, spiritually ,and morally harmful and the gladiator an instrument of pagan human sacrifice.
- Europe, where Hasidim began. Hasidim came to revive the Jews physically and, spiritually , It focused on helping Jews establish themselves financially, and then lifting
- Subservience to Paul, who is claiming that Onesies - temporally, a slave - is, spiritually ,speaking, not simply equal to his master but a brother of his. The fact that
- And mystic of the 15th century, believed that righteous non-Jews are, spiritually ,identical to the righteous Jews. Rabbi Menace Mari, a famous Catalan
- Of depression ('almighty God! I thank thee for my soul; & may I never die, spiritually ,into a mere mind through disease of loneliness' ). " Marriages Cummings was
- Aquinas forbade the overthrow by his subjects of any morally, Christianly and, spiritually ,legitimate king. The only human power capable of deposing the king was the pope
- Has a deep concern for the welfare of his people, materially,emotionally and, spiritually , The redemption theme extends beyond this biblical book through the genealogy.
- Entities live with perfect conception about life and ultimate reality. The, spiritually ,aspiring saints and devotees, as well as thoughtful men of the material world
- Is not only of the physical sort: Jade Fox’s tutelage of Jen has left Jen, spiritually ,poisoned, which can be seen in the lying, stealing and betrayal Jen commits.
- Commencement address at Harvard University in 1978,he called the United States, spiritually ,weak and mired in vulgar materialism. Americans, he said, speaking in Russian
- These foundations. Massacre The crusader army came under the command, both, spiritually , and militarily, of the papal legate Arnaud-Amaury, Abbot of Chateaux. In the
- The day),нощем (during the night),редом (one next to the other),духом (, spiritually ,), цифром (in figures),словом (with words); or verbs: тичешком (while
- Marx wrote that" with this division of labor ", the worker is" depressed, spiritually ,and physically to the condition of a machine" ( Economic and Philosophical
- They occupy more than half of Germany, use a distinctive hairstyle, and are, spiritually ,centered on the Seminoles. On the other hand the Sue bi of the upper Danube are
- Individuality and consciousness and will be able to recognize and communicate, spiritually ,with other souls who they have made deep profound friendships with, such as
- Practice of marriage and enjoyment of foods (see I Tim. 4:3; 5:23): to the, spiritually ,pure all (an overstatement) things are (ritually) pure. The reason why to
- Movement, whose purpose was to make the individual politically and, spiritually ,free to decide for himself on religious matters. A number of contributors to
- First, putting man at the same level as monkeys or apes would lower the, spiritually ,higher position that man was assumed to have in the great chain of being, and
- one's own efforts. A Jain is a follower of Jonas (" conquerors" ). Jonas are, spiritually ,advanced human beings who rediscovered the dharma, became fully liberated from
- A Witch alone" extends the idea that personal growth, both intellectually and, spiritually , is dependent on and affects one's surroundings and the people therein. This
- With a wider theme in his works, what he envisioned as a physically and, spiritually ,repressive ideology based on a quantifiable reality. Blake saw the cotton mills
- The teachings of ten Gurus who are accepted by the followers as if they were, spiritually ,the same. The Gurus are considered" the divine light" and they conveyed
- Euphemisms, based on the idea that some words are holy, or that some words are, spiritually ,perilous (taboo; see etymology). Etymology The word euphemism comes from the
- Movement, whose purpose was to make the individual politically and, spiritually ,free to decide for himself on religious matters. A number of contributors to
- Among the Goddesses (2010),the heroine's abortion is contextualized, spiritually ,by the goddesses Demeter, Kali,and Ivanna. Various options and realities of
- Present in the Bread and Wine, and we do share the body and blood of the Lord, spiritually , The elements may be found served separately with" consecration" for each
- On VI: 85 saying that Elijah, Zechariah,John the Baptist and Jesus were all, spiritually ,connected. Abdullah Yusuf Ali says: The third group consists not of men of
- He is here! " Prematurely. Instead, the book is seen as a warning to be, spiritually ,and morally ready for the end times, whenever they may come (" as a thief in
- Accept a literal bodily resurrection, seeing the story as richly symbolic and, spiritually ,nourishing myth. Arguments over death and resurrection claims occur at many
- Image of divinity. This type of mysticism carried with it four elements. First, spiritually ,it emulated the moral essence of Christ's life. Second, there was a connection
- Purpose of works of art may be to communicate ideas, such as in politically, spiritually , or philosophically motivated art; to create a sense of beauty (see aesthetics
- Teach that the wine is no more than a symbol of the blood of Christ, who is, spiritually ,but not physically present. Lutheran theology teaches that the body and blood
- Grace, available to all but only fully realized by those who prepare themselves, spiritually , like the saintly Galahad. Early forms There are two veins of thought
- In this environment with rich stimuli for his pursuits, he further developed, spiritually ,and artistically. At the same time, Basel offered the solitary Hesse many
- Appalled by the belief that grace is found through self-flagellation. Like many, spiritually ,minded Russians, Rasputin spoke of salvation as depending less on the clergy
- Out that the author would regard the gospel as theologically true as revealed, spiritually ,even if its content is not historically accurate Gaza Verses discounts all the
- Truth of his Dharma (spiritual Doctrine),and in his Sang ha (community of, spiritually ,developed followers). Faith in Buddhism is better classified or defined as a
- Mantra serves as a simple gesture of deep respect toward beings that are more, spiritually ,advanced. The mantra also reminds followers of the ultimate goal of reaching
- Or indoctrination, or enculturation. Art makes us more moral. It uplifts us, spiritually , Art is politics by other means. Art has the value of allowing catharsis. In
- To advance and understand the equality of men and women morally, socially, spiritually , and in leadership from a Christian perspective. Christian feminists argue that
- A pragmatic concept of truth: doctrines are" true" in the sense of being, spiritually ,beneficial. In modern Chinese Buddhism, all doctrinal traditions are regarded
- Mantra serves as a simple gesture of deep respect toward beings that are more, spiritually ,advanced. The mantra also reminds followers of the ultimate goal of reaching
- The Eucharist remained physically bread and wine, while becoming, spiritually ,the body and blood of Christ. Lollard survived up until the time of the
- And Scotland was much more 'high church" The Presbyterians hold that Christ is, spiritually ,present in the Bread and Wine, and we do share the body and blood of the Lord
- Grace of God in salvation. It teaches that fallen people are morally and, spiritually ,unable to follow God or escape their condemnation before him. It is seen as the
- Those of the Cossack leader Chmelnitzki in 1648–1649) and poverty, and, spiritually , crushed by the disappointment engendered by the false messiahs. This
- Fulfilling his destiny when he first encounters the Grail, and he must grow, spiritually ,and mentally before he can locate it again. In later telling the Grail is a
- Of Jesus for worshipers to drink. Thus, in the consecrated wine, Jesus becomes, spiritually ,and physically present. This teaching is rooted in the Last Supper, as written
- Author of the Tanya himself, a righteous non-Jew can achieve a high level of, spiritually , similar to an angel, though his soul is still fundamentally different in
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