Examples of the the word, compressor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compressor ), is the 11519 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Example English documents as opposed to random bytes, and don't care if our, compressor ,makes random messages larger. Definition Named after Boltzmann's H-theorem
  2. Air, and this extra energy is tapped by the turbine which in turn powers the, compressor ,closing the cycle and powering the shaft. Gas turbine cycle engines employ a
  3. Window a/c unit at $150–$200, and they are somewhat noisier, since the, compressor ,and condenser fan components are now inside the occupied space (although
  4. Turbine Design" ). Whittle would later concentrate on the simpler centrifugal, compressor ,only, for a variety of practical reasons. Whittle had his first engine running
  5. Exterior to the building, such as a balcony must be provided for the external, compressor ,unit to be located. Unlike window AC's the split AC does not have an option of
  6. That extract energy from a flow of combustion gas. They have an upstream, compressor ,coupled to a downstream turbine with a combustion chamber in-between. In
  7. Where pure oxygen is mixed with air in a baffled chamber attached to the, compressor ,intake. With the use of pure oxygen during" partial pressure blending" (
  8. A combustion chamber, and a turbine. The air after being compressed in the, compressor ,is heated by burning fuel in it, this heats and expands the air, and this extra
  9. And then passing the hot, high pressure air through a turbine and a nozzle. The, compressor ,is powered by the turbine, which extracts energy from the expanding gas passing
  10. In principle to a steam turbine and it consists of three main components: a, compressor , a combustion chamber, and a turbine. The air after being compressed in the
  11. To the nearly empty dive cylinder until it reaches before air is added by, compressor ,) there is an especially increased risk of fire. Partial blending using pure
  12. Serve to deflect and shield radar emissions from the highly reflective engine, compressor ,blades. The B-1A's engine was modified slightly to produce the GE F101-102 for
  13. Ammonia was allowed to evaporate. In 1842,Florida physician John Corrie used, compressor ,technology to create ice, which he used to cool air for his patients in his
  14. As well as probes set up in the seating area (to monitor humidity) and in the, compressor ,room (to monitor brine supply and return temperatures). The surface of the
  15. NV Interpoint 55 ", first produced in 1991,which uses a separate air, compressor ,to drive the embossing head and can output up to 800 Braille characters per
  16. Is a gas turbine engine that works by compressing air with an inlet and a, compressor ,(axial, centrifugal,or both),mixing fuel with the compressed air, burning
  17. Point. The most common refrigeration cycle uses an electric motor to drive a, compressor , In an automobile, the compressor is driven by a belt over a pulley, the belt
  18. Smooth a note’s" attack" by dampening its onset and amplifying its sustain. A, compressor ,can also function as a limiter with extreme settings of its controls.
  19. Mechanical arrangement may be a ducted propeller with nozzle, or a centrifugal, compressor ,and nozzle. General physical principles All jet engines are reaction engines
  20. Of the internal unit can be greatly reduced due to the external location of the, compressor , and the water collected can be pumped to the outdoor unit using a pump
  21. Patent showed a two-stage axial compressor feeding a single-sided centrifugal, compressor , Practical axial compressor s were made possible by ideas from A. A. Griffith in
  22. Very similar to a turbojet. Like a turbojet, it uses the gas generator core (, compressor , combustor, turbine ) to convert internal energy in fuel to kinetic energy in
  23. Producing thrust. All the air ingested by the inlet is passed through the, compressor , combustor, and turbine, unlike the turbofan engine described below. Turbofan A
  24. Junkers' engine division (Junkers Motored or Jump) introduced the axial-flow, compressor ,in their jet engine. Jump was assigned the next engine number in the RLM
  25. His first patent (granted in 1932). The patent showed a two-stage axial, compressor ,feeding a single-sided centrifugal compressor . Practical axial compressor s were
  26. For cooking. * Forced induction, with combustion engines, is the use of a gas, compressor ,added to the air intake In mathematics: * Mathematical induction, a method of
  27. For evaluating the aircraft. Much of the testing, including the first of many, compressor ,stalls and multiple ejections, took place over Long Island Sound. In order to
  28. Heat sink, which causes it to recombine into N2O4. This is then fed back to the, compressor ,for another cycle. Such species as aluminum bromide (Al2Br6),Noel, and
  29. Heads can be fitted with unloaders which remove a portion of the load from the, compressor ,so that it can run better when full cooling is not needed. Unloaders can be
  30. Mainly in commercial air conditioning systems. On a semi-hermetic (or open), compressor , the heads can be fitted with unloaders which remove a portion of the load from
  31. Used with Final Cut Studio Compressor (German spelling/translation of, compressor ,) may refer to: * Compressor, a badge used by Mercedes-Benz for their
  32. Units Portable units are also available in split configuration, often with the, compressor ,and evaporator located in a separate external package and the two units
  33. A standard electrical outlet. With a typical split system, the condenser and, compressor ,are located in an outdoor unit; the evaporator is mounted in the air handler
  34. Recognition for the group ”. Compressor may refer to: * Gas, compressor , a mechanical device that compresses a gas (e.g., air or natural gas) * A
  35. From turbojets in that they have an additional component, a fan. Like the, compressor , the fan is powered by the turbine section of the engine. Unlike the turbojet
  36. Absorbed, and condensation occurs when heat is released, air conditioners use a, compressor ,to cause pressure changes between two compartments, and actively condense and
  37. Louder by decreasing or" compressing" the dynamic range of an audio signal. A, compressor ,is often used to stabilize volume and smooth a note’s" attack" by dampening
  38. Where combustion and exhaust occur. A split-cycle engine is really an air, compressor ,on one side with a combustion chamber on the other. Previous split-cycle
  39. Its analog signals into digital signals, which are then passed through a video, compressor ,for digital transmission or storage. A receiving device then runs the signal
  40. Cycle repeats continually. * Because the condenser unit (with its fan and the, compressor ,) is located outside the home, it offers a lower level of indoor noise than a
  41. Cycle uses an electric motor to drive a compressor . In an automobile,the, compressor ,is driven by a belt over a pulley, the belt being driven by the engine's
  42. Was the gas turbine, used to extract energy from the engine itself to drive the, compressor , The gas turbine was not an idea developed in the 1930s: the patent for a
  43. Changes with an increase in the heat addition temperature for a constant, compressor ,inlet temperature. Figure 3 indicates how the efficiency changes with an
  44. Soil or rock formations, and use that coldness directly (without a heat pump, compressor ,) to chill indoor air. Unless next to open water, they require a high initial
  45. 60 % to 90 % of shaft speed. Other clutches such as for an air conditioning, compressor ,electronically engaged clutches using magnetic force to couple the driving
  46. Centre (TDC). This is called an air-blast injection. Driving the three stage, compressor ,used some power but the efficiency and net power output was more than any other
  47. A combustion chamber, and a turbine. The air after being compressed in the, compressor ,is heated by burning fuel in it. About ⅔ of the heated air combined with the
  48. Is expanded in a turbine resulting in work output which is used to drive the, compressor , The rest (about ⅓) is available as useful work output. Jet engine Jet
  49. By using arithmetic coding on the output distribution),while an optimal, compressor ,can be used for prediction (by finding the symbol that compresses best, given

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