Examples of the the word, immersion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immersion ), is the 11539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As being either total or partial. Others, of the Anabaptist tradition, use ", immersion ," to mean exclusively plunging someone entirely under the surface of the water
  2. The things concerning the name of Jesus, of which he was ignorant at his first, immersion ,". In 1864, he began to publish The Ambassador magazine. This was renamed The
  3. Pouring); Eastern Catholics usually by submersion, or at least partial, immersion , However, submersion is gaining in popularity within the Latin Catholic Church.
  4. Baptism is true baptism. Some insist on submersion or at least partial, immersion ,of the person who is baptized, others consider that any form of washing by
  5. Present-day, loose use of the term" cyberspace" no longer implies or suggests, immersion ,in a virtual reality, current technology allows the integration of a number of
  6. Her). While John the Baptist's use of a deep river for his baptism suggests, immersion , pictorial and archaeological evidence of Christian baptism from the 3rd
  7. Biotechnology products, like vaccines, requires nitrogen in blast freezing or, immersion ,freezing systems. Certain soft or elastic materials become hard and brittle at
  8. S baptism, as opposed to infant baptism),and that it must be done by, immersion ,(as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). Other tenets of Baptist churches
  9. The various branches of the Restoration Movement, understanding baptism by, immersion ,to be a necessary part of conversion. The most significant disagreements
  10. Baptized may serve to identify him as a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, even if, immersion ,itself must be delayed. In rare instances, unbaptized males who had stated such
  11. Of Christ. Baptist For the majority of Baptists, Christian baptism is the, immersion ,of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  12. On whether the child receives a Hebrew name at the Brit ceremony or upon, immersion ,in the Micah. According to Micron Brit LeRishonim, naming occurs at the Brit
  13. Attempt by the French government to incorporate the independent Breton-language, immersion ,schools (called Divan) into the state education system was blocked by the
  14. These three meanings of the word" immersion ", see Immersion baptism. When ", immersion ," is used in opposition to" submersion ", it indicates the form of baptism in
  15. Is by belief in the gospel, through repentance, and through baptism by total, immersion ,in water. They do not believe we can be sure of being saved, believing instead
  16. Day. No public school or escolar concerted in Barcelona may offer 50 % or full, immersion ,programs in a foreign language, nor does any public school or escolar
  17. To baptism, and the two have been linked. The" Vila" is the act of, immersion ,in natural sourced water, called a" Micah" In the Jewish Bible and other
  18. Of Jesus arguably goes back to Saint Paul, and the linking of the triple, immersion ,with the three days in the tomb is found in Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313-386)
  19. Substitution, and a form of Apostolic succession. The practices of baptism by, immersion ,and the Eucharist (referred to as the Sacrament) are also held in common.
  20. Occurring at immersion . Where the procedure was performed but not followed by, immersion ,or other requirements of the conversion procedure (e.g., in Conservative
  21. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that baptism should be performed by complete, immersion ,(submersion) only when an individual is old enough to understand its
  22. Completely underwater or is only partly dipped in water; they thus speak of, immersion ,as being either total or partial. Others, of the Anabaptist tradition, use "
  23. References to the cleaning of vessels which use βαπτίζω also refer to, immersion , The lexicographical works of Mediates and Ball & Schneider likewise say that
  24. The exorcism, the anointing, the putting on of the chrism robe and the triple, immersion ,were omitted. Most drastic of all was the removal of the Burial service from
  25. Below" + merger" plunge, dip ") and is also sometimes called" complete, immersion ,". It is the form of baptism in which the water completely covers the candidate
  26. A History of Science,2 volumes. Spitz has said," The extent of Peirce's, immersion ,in the science of his day is evident in his reviews in the Nation ... and in
  27. Someone entirely under the surface of the water (submersion). The term ", immersion ," is also used of a form of baptism in which water is poured over someone
  28. Speak it,75 % can read it, and 47.1 % can write it, thanks to the linguistic, immersion ,educational system. While most of the population state they are Roman Catholic
  29. Water, without submersion of the person. On these three meanings of the word ", immersion ,", see Immersion baptism. When" immersion " is used in opposition to "
  30. Practice of delaying baptism until the deathbed. The linking of the baptismal, immersion ,in and rising from the water with the burial and resurrection of Jesus arguably
  31. The perception" ( The World as Will and Presentation, section 34). From this, immersion ,with the world one no longer views oneself as an individual who suffers in the
  32. And foreign languages by teachers of those languages. An experimental partial, immersion ,program adopted by some schools allows for the teaching of a foreign language
  33. Affusion is the pouring of water over the head. Immersion The word ", immersion ," is derived from late Latin immersion em, a noun derived from the verb
  34. Region may fund them. The Divan schools were founded in 1977 to teach Breton by, immersion , They taught a few thousand young people from elementary school to high school.
  35. Of their crystals gives to cement its strength. After the initial setting, immersion ,in warm water will speed up setting. In Portland cement, gypsum is added as a
  36. For a minority language. In 1977,Divan schools were founded to teach Breton by, immersion , They taught a few thousand young people from elementary school to high school.
  37. Of Christ Baptism in Churches of Christ is performed only by full bodily, immersion , based on the Kline Greek verb baptize which is understood to mean to dip
  38. Ancestral sin. Eastern Orthodox Christians usually insist on complete threefold, immersion ,as both a symbol of death and rebirth into Christ, and as a washing away of sin
  39. An associate degree program at one of PUNY’s community colleges, take part in ", immersion ," programs offered in the summer and winter months, find public or private
  40. The baptismal font may be designed to expressly allow for baptism by, immersion , Anglicans baptize by submersion, immersion ,affusion or sprinkling. According
  41. To expressly allow for baptism by immersion . Anglicans baptize by submersion, immersion , affusion or sprinkling. According to a tradition, evidence of which can be
  42. His poetry. Housman obtained a first in classical Moderation in 1879,but his, immersion ,in textual analysis, particularly with Properties, led him to neglect ancient
  43. Sourced water, called a" Micah" In the Jewish Bible and other Jewish texts, immersion ,in water for ritual purification was established for restoration to a condition
  44. Became the usual manner of administering baptism in Western Europe, though, immersion , continued to be found in some places even as late as the 16th century.
  45. In Hellenistic Judaism. John the Baptist John the Baptist adopted baptismal, immersion ,as the central sacrament in his messianic movement, seen as a forerunner of
  46. Tissue in its natural state is too soft to work with, but it can be hardened by, immersion ,in alcohol or other fixatives, and then sliced apart for examination of the
  47. Among Ashkenazim Jews follows Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, with naming occurring at, immersion , Where the procedure was performed but not followed by immersion or other
  48. In a ritual context As Christians of different traditions dispute whether total, immersion ,(submersion) is necessary for baptism, the precise meaning of the Greek noun
  49. Of this brief aesthetic contemplation as it attempts to depict one's, immersion ,with the world, thus tries to depict the essence/pure ideas of the world. Music
  50. Baptize themselves" ) totally in water but only to practice the partial, immersion ,of dipping their hands in water or to pour water over them, as is the only form

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