Examples of the the word, hardwood , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hardwood ), is the 11535 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Population. The dodo was the exclusive propagator of the seeds of the Bavaria, hardwood ,tree, of which only 13 dying trees remained 300 years after the dodo's demise
  2. Areas to be relatively impenetrable. There are also areas of remnant tropical, hardwood ,forest at the sites of the plantation-era villages, as well as Catarina
  3. On agricultural inputs for its base. Utilizing Paraguay's rich endowment of, hardwood ,trees, the wood subsector represented about 15 percent of all industrial
  4. For stability. The requirement of structural strength, fulfilled by stout, hardwood ,and thick metal, makes a piano heavy; even a small upright can weigh 136 kg (
  5. Either package-type (side loader) or track-type (tram) construction. Most, hardwood ,lumber kilns are side loader kilns in which fork trucks are used to load lumber
  6. The rooms in the Lower Houses are also considered more luxurious with, hardwood ,floors and large sizes. Rooms in the Lower Houses are more expensive, however.
  7. GOLD, Golden Star Resources Ltd. Hardwood Some big companies are getting the, hardwood ,out of the jungle. However, proposals for exploitation of the country's
  8. Of the piezoelectric sensor pickup. These guitars are generally made up of, hardwood ,with a polyester or lacquer finish. In large production facilities, the wood is
  9. A program went underway to replace many of the fast-growing sweet gum trees with, hardwood ,varieties. Culture Performing arts The Kansas City Repertory Theatre, the
  10. It perhaps less power but a complex and unusually resonant sound. The finest, hardwood ,rims are made by laminating thin (hence flexible) strips of hardwood , bending
  11. The numerous grand parts and upright parts of a piano action are generally, hardwood , e.g., maple,beech, or hornbeam. However, since WWII, makers have used some
  12. Pins in place, is another area where toughness is important. It is made of, hardwood , (typically hard maple or beech),and is laminated for strength, stability
  13. Which are gut or metal wound onto gut. The bridge is a movable length of, hardwood ,or ivory placed in front of ivory pins that hold the strings. Wooden tuning
  14. 500,000 visitors annually. In earlier days the area was better known for, hardwood ,timber and agricultural production. History The town is named after the river
  15. Were established along the more disease-free rivers. Exports of sugar, hardwood , Cayenne pepper and other spices brought a certain prosperity to the colony for
  16. Pacific Ocean 0 m the highest point: Maura Silesia 1,857 m Natural resources:, hardwood ,forests, fish,hydropower Land use: arable land: 21.2 % permanent crops: 24.38
  17. And also to potash (potassium carbonate) derived from, hardwood ,ashes. These two chemicals were very important because they enabled the
  18. This is especially true of the outer rim. It is most commonly made of, hardwood , typically maple or beech, and its massiveness serves as an essentially
  19. Were extracted from the bark of the Chaco's ubiquitous Auerbach (break-axe), hardwood , Large quantities of the extract were used by the region's thriving hide
  20. At social functions as a sort of background music. The marimba is made with, hardwood ,plates placed over bamboo or metal tubes of varying lengths. It is played with
  21. Eagles. The Bald Eagle requires old-growth and mature stands of coniferous or, hardwood ,trees for perching, roosting,and nesting. Selected trees must have good
  22. Finest hardwood rims are made by laminating thin (hence flexible) strips of, hardwood , bending them to the desired shape immediately after the application of glue.
  23. Fast break led by Magic Johnson and was well-conditioned, standing on the, hardwood ,an average 36.8 minutes. In contrast to other big men, Abdul-Jabbar also could
  24. Corresponding to the desired key. The mouthpiece can be constructed of beeswax, hardwood ,or simply sanded and sized by the craftsman. In PVC, an appropriately sized
  25. The tuning pin, a string next passes over the nut, a sharp edge that is made of, hardwood ,and is normally attached to the wrest plank. The section of the string beyond
  26. Vast majority of clarinets used by professional musicians are made from African, hardwood , Ming (African Blackwood) or Grenada, rarely (because of diminishing
  27. To use as a solid body are very expensive due to the worldwide depletion of, hardwood ,stock since the 1970s,so the wood is rarely one solid piece. Most bodies are
  28. Has a large timber industry due to its large forest coverage. The nation's, hardwood ,exports match that of Brazil. In recent years there has been much concern about
  29. Minister National Forest and the surrounding area is heavily wooded with mixed, hardwood ,and conifer forests. A main agricultural industry in the area is Christmas tree
  30. The external links below. Neck The neck is made of light wood, with a veneer of, hardwood ,(usually ebony) to provide durability for the fretboard beneath the strings.
  31. Serious players often favor custom Scrabble boards, often made of Lucite or, hardwood , that have superior rotating mechanisms and personalized graphics. Large print
  32. Is held in place by string pressure only. The tuning pegs are simple pegs of, hardwood , somewhat tapered, that are held in place by friction in holes drilled through
  33. Pins are held tightly in holes drilled in the pin block or wrest plank, an oblong, hardwood ,plank. Proceeding from the tuning pin, a string next passes over the nut, a
  34. Of the soundboard. Back The back or the shell is assembled from thin strips of, hardwood ,(maple, cherry,ebony, rosewood,gran, wood and/or other tone woods) called
  35. Resonance to the cone is either a" biscuit" bridge, made of a small piece of, hardwood ,at the vertex of the cone (Nationals),or a" spider" bridge, made of metal
  36. And hexadecimal computation. The beads are usually rounded and made of a, hardwood , The beads are counted by moving them up or down towards the beam. If you move
  37. Cane mallets. The heads of the mallet are generally a cigar shape made from a, hardwood ,called tip, approximately 9 1/4" inches in length. The mallet head weighs
  38. Sets European-style dominoes are traditionally made of ivory/bone, or a dark, hardwood ,such as ebony, with contrasting black or white pips (inlaid or painted).
  39. Or phenolic resin. High quality cues are generally two pieces and are made of a, hardwood , generally maple for billiards and ash for snooker. The end of the cue is of
  40. War, much of the Southern United States was covered in vast tracts of primeval, hardwood ,forests that were suitable as habitat for the bird. At that time, the
  41. Vibrating length, the string passes over the bridge, another sharp edge made of, hardwood , As with the nut, the horizontal position of the string along the bridge is
  42. Unique to the islands, The NARA is considered as the most important type of, hardwood , Philippine maritime waters encompass as much as 2.2 million square kilometers
  43. From it. Sarawak is also one of the world's the largest exporters of tropical, hardwood ,timber and is the major contributor to Malaysian exports. The last UN
  44. Iron. This" canted" table helps the body support a greater string tension. A, hardwood ,fingerboard is flush with the sound table. Ten metal or ivory frets are spaced
  45. And Elvis in Feathers. Habitat and diet Ivory-billeds are known to prefer thick, hardwood ,swamps and pine forests, with large amounts of dead and decaying trees. Prior
  46. Agriculture - products: rice, pulses,beans, sesame,groundnuts, sugarcane;, hardwood ,; fish and fish products Currency: 1 Kat (K) = 100 pays Exchange rates: Keats
  47. Made hominy grits by soaking corn in a weak lye solution obtained by leaching, hardwood ,ash with water and beating it with a Anna (ᎧᏃᎾ),or corn beater. The grits
  48. Was Joseph Gardner & Sons, the British Empire's oldest and largest importer of, hardwood , and they were of Scottish ancestry. The Gardner's' had in their service an
  49. NCAA tournament title). K-State also had a long stretch of success on the, hardwood , lasting from the 1940s to the 1980s. After a 12-year absence, the Wildcats
  50. Eaten. If using timber to raise the garden bed, ensure that it is an untreated, hardwood ,to prevent the risk of chemicals leaching into the soil. A common approach is

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