Examples of the the word, mystic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mystic ), is the 11529 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Intellectual communities, kabbalism, spiritualism,Rosicrucianism, and other, mystic ,movements. Institutions involved in this research include The Chemistry of
  2. Aviation pioneer (b. 1872) *1939 – Harvey Spencer Lewis, American Rosicrucian, mystic ,(b. 1883) *1945 – Pietro Mascagni, Italian composer (b. 1863) *1955 –
  3. English explorer and privateer (b. 1572) *1609 – Sahara of Prague, Jewish, mystic , and philosopher (b. 1525) *1652 – Jacob De la Cardie, Swedish soldier and
  4. Of the English band The Clash Religious figures * Heidi Betas Veil, Islamic, mystic , humanist and philosopher * St. Herodotus of Ankara, Christian martyr and saint
  5. Indicate purity. Abhimanyu, his three sons, and their 45 sons constitute the, mystic ,49 fires of the Purana's and theosophy. (cf Agni Purana. ) As the eldest son of
  6. Paris),for whom Johann Sebastian Bach's organ-music contained a, mystic ,sense of the eternal. Wider, deeply impressed, agreed to teach Schweitzer
  7. Joe Raft, American animator (b. 1960) * 2005 – Free Roger, Swiss monk and, mystic ,(b. 1915) * 2005 – Vassar Clements, American musician (b. 1928) * 2005 –
  8. Belief systems developed by Greeks and Romans who saw Egypt as a source of, mystic ,wisdom. Hermeticism, for instance, derived from the tradition of secret magical
  9. The Tanya's attitude anachronistic. Do BER Pinion, a contemporary Chased, mystic , denies the idea that there is any essential difference between the Jews and
  10. Assemblies are of 5 types. # The term chakra also is used to denote yantras or, mystic ,diagrams, variously known as, etc. # Different" nerve plexus within the body.
  11. Testing; of those that have, including a hospital's observation of an Indian, mystic ,surviving without food or water for 15 days, none have undergone peer review
  12. Cricketer * Elder Cyril Pavlov (b. 1919),Russian Orthodox Christian monk, mystic ,and wonder-worker * Cyril Defraud (b. 1971),Ivorian football player (
  13. Thought somewhat absorbed, the teachings of Baotou, whose focus on more, mystic ,ideas kept it from direct conflict with Confucianism, and the new Buddhist
  14. And painter (b. 1909) *1990 – Manly Palmer Hall, Canadian writer and, mystic ,(b. 1901) *1991 – Libero Grass, Italian businessman killed by the Mafia (b.
  15. Writer (d. 1693) *1648 – Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motto Guy on, French, mystic , ( d. 1717) *1715 – John Hanson, President of the United States in Congress
  16. And The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, astrologer, mystic , and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the religious philosophy of
  17. That it viewed as threats to Roman authority, including those of the Greek, mystic ,and mathematician Pythagoras. Medieval period In the Medieval period, the
  18. Immaculate, was born of a virgin mother, and Christian Science explains that, mystic ,saying of the Master as to his dual personality, or the spiritual and material
  19. Ar pad ELO, American chess writer (d. 1992) *1905 – Saint Faustino, Polish, mystic , ( d. 1938) *1906 – Jim Smith, England cricketer (d. 1979) *1909 – Michael
  20. Performance art that stands as a symbol of Azerbaijani culture. It is a, mystic ,troubadour or traveling bard who sings and plays the SAZ. This tradition has
  21. And everlasting state; and the philosopher's stone then represented a, mystic ,key that would make this evolution possible. Applied to the alchemist himself
  22. 1646 – King Christian V of Denmark (d. 1699) * 1646 – Pierre Poiret, French, mystic , ( d. 1719) *1684 – Empress Catherine I of Russia (d. 1727) *1688 – Johann
  23. Three forms). Criticism of Gnosticism by antique Greek Philosophy As a pagan, mystic ,Platinum considered his opponents heretics and elitist blasphemers, arriving at
  24. A loss of SAN points. To gain the tools they need to defeat the horrors –, mystic ,knowledge and magic – the characters may end up losing some of their sanity
  25. Of Great Britain and Ireland sign the Entente cordiale. * 1904 – British, mystic ,Plaster Crowley transcribes the first chapter of The Book of the Law. * 1904 –
  26. Therefore suggests that their engravers and the Basilicas received the, mystic ,name from a common source now unknown. Having due regard to the magic papyri
  27. Photographs) Genesis (Greek, died 355) was a Neoplatonist philosopher and, mystic ,born of a noble Cappadocian family. Career He migrated to Syria, attracted by
  28. Marriage. Many, but related religious groups of that era shared similar, mystic , eschatological, messianic,and ascetic beliefs. These groups are collectively
  29. e., angels. But this extremely ingenious theory would at most explain only the, mystic ,word Abracadabra, whose connection with Abraham is by no means certain. Greek *
  30. Actress (b. 1924) *2002 – Nikolai Guyana Russian Orthodox Christian, mystic ,and priest (b. 1909) *2003 – Sir Wilfred Theiler, British explorer (b. 1910
  31. Lipids, German architect (b. 1832) *1903 – Gemma Galvani, Catholic saint and, mystic ,(b. 1878) *1906 – James Anthony Bailey, American circus impresario (b. 1847
  32. Known for contributing cipher design principles. * Johannes Trithemius, mystic ,and first to describe tableaux (tables) for use in poly alphabetic
  33. Epoch. The faith was preached by Hamza in 'Ali in Ahmad, a Persian Ismail, mystic ,and scholar. He came to Egypt in 1014 and assembled a group of scholars and
  34. Soldier and engineer (b. 1603) *1658 – Juan Eugenio Nuremberg, Spanish, mystic , ( b. 1595) *1661 – Sir William Braxton,1st Baronet, English soldier and
  35. A devout Sunni Muslim reportedly also always carrying a book of Sufi, mystic ,Ghazi with him, he strongly rejected the interpretations of Islam followed by
  36. 18, 1993),American, economist,educator, peace activist, poet,religious, mystic , devoted Quaker. *Heather Brushed, ( born 1970) is a senior economist with the
  37. Bud, French scholar (b. 1467) *1591 – Luis Ponce de León, Spanish poet and, mystic ,(b. 1527) *1618 – Ger brand Adrian Brewery, Dutch writer (b. 1585) *1628
  38. Within their pagan religions. Rabbi Isaac Drama, an influential philosopher and, mystic ,of the 15th century, believed that righteous non-Jews are spiritually identical
  39. Other Will or Spirit that produces them (Berkeley. Principles #29) Berkeley’s, mystic ,idealism (as Kant aptly christened it) claimed that nothing separated man and
  40. Light of what Grenades says about the followers of Basil ides: Incantations by, mystic ,names were characteristic of the hybrid Gnosticism planted in Spain and
  41. Accompany it on gems; it is also found on the Greek metal tesseræ among other, mystic ,words. The meaning of the legends is seldom intelligible: but some gems
  42. Collocation of vowels and consonants give evidence that they belong to some, mystic ,dialect, or take their origin from some supposed divine inspiration. ” Yet we
  43. Ventures) (b. 1933) * 1996 – Baba Vang, Macedonian-born Bulgarian prophet, mystic , clairvoyant and herbalist (b. 1911) *2000 – Jean Papineau-Couture, Canadian
  44. Common in the sources than the variant form Abraham, ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ ) was a word of, mystic ,meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basil ides, being there applied to the “
  45. That" artists and connoisseurs saw in Friedrich's art only a kind of, mystic , because they themselves were only looking out for the mystic ... They did not
  46. Only a kind of mystic , because they themselves were only looking out for the, mystic ,... They did not see Friedrich's faithful and conscientious study of nature in
  47. Of the South:" We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies ... The, mystic ,chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield, and patriot grave, too
  48. Pure in its salinity. Theologian As a theologian Alain de Lille shared in the, mystic ,reaction of the second half of the 12th century against the scholastic
  49. It; Paradise, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic, mystic ,passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to
  50. The establishment of The Catholic University of America. *1904 – British, mystic ,Plaster Crowley transcribes the third and final chapter of The Book of The Law

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