Examples of the the word, arterial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arterial ), is the 11533 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Occlusion size in real-time imagery from the development of and recovery during, arterial ,injury * making behavioral observations from extended video recordings of
  2. In the other causes of hypoxia that follow, the partial pressure of oxygen in, arterial ,blood is normal. Hypoxemic hypoxia may be due to: ** Hypoventilation.
  3. To recognize that there were distinct differences between venous (dark) and, arterial ,(bright) blood. Although his many anatomical experiments on animal models led
  4. Through east Menlo Park to U. S. 101 # University Avenue (SR 109),an, arterial ,road and the main commercial street of East Palo Alto. Access to I-280 may be
  5. A program to replace older vehicles with new ones. Roads In the late 70s many, arterial ,roads were redesigned as eyes vials; high-volume one-way roads that cross, in
  6. Transport Cardiff is the major transport hub in Wales and is the focus for many, arterial ,road and rail routes that connect the city with the rest of Wales, and with
  7. Coastal areas. Parts of this road/trail network can be developed into an, arterial ,road system linking the hinterland communities with each other and to the main
  8. Milk of magnesia. *Sodium: increased intake of sodium may be deleterious for, arterial ,hypertension, heart failure and many renal diseases. Side effects from antacids
  9. Into the urine. Oxygen transport About 98.5 % of the oxygen in a sample of, arterial ,blood in a healthy human breathing air at sea-level pressure is chemically
  10. Body (tissue hypoxia) is deprived of adequate oxygen supply. Variations in, arterial ,oxygen concentrations can be part of the normal physiology, for example, during
  11. Blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart. In animals with lungs, arterial ,blood carries oxygen from inhaled air to the tissues of the body, and venous
  12. To medical complications including abscesses, cellulitis,thrombophlebitis, arterial ,puncture, deep vein thrombosis, and gangrene. Sharing syringes and needles for
  13. In recent decades with port modernization, with new expressways and ongoing, arterial ,highway construction, the abandonment of various low-capacity railway
  14. Pulse wave velocity (invasively and non-invasively) is a means of determining, arterial ,stiffness. Maximum aortic velocity may be noted as Max or less commonly as
  15. The constant jamming of traffic from commuters relying solely on cars. The main, arterial ,routes within the urban area are the Broker Highway to Glenorchy and the
  16. Key cause of erectile dysfunction. Smoking causes impotence because it promotes, arterial ,narrowing. See also Tobacco and health. A few causes of impotence may be
  17. Implemented a plan to control its growth based on transects along its important, arterial ,roads and exhibiting Transit-oriented development (TOD) characteristics.
  18. To allow taller building structures of mixed uses to be built next to large, arterial ,roads and gradually decline in height and density as you move away from such.
  19. Highway, although Trunk 4 is also heavily used. Highway 125 is an important, arterial ,route around Sydney Harbor in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The Cabot
  20. Atmosphere. Los Altos has few sidewalks except in commercial zones and along, arterial ,roads. Minimum lot size for most residential housing is one-quarter of an acre.
  21. Pulsatile nature of blood flow creates a pulse wave that is propagated down the, arterial ,tree, and at bifurcations reflected waves rebound to return to semilunar valves
  22. And its neo-Gothic predecessor (1867) demolished to make way for a planned, arterial ,road that never materialized. The 1970s,1980s and 1990s saw large-scale
  23. Cannot transport oxygen, is formed. In the rare condition sulfhemoglobinemia, arterial ,hemoglobin is partially oxygenated, and appears dark red with a bluish hue (
  24. The event was not highly advertised and controversial, due to the closing of an, arterial ,street on the day, it is deemed to have been successful and will most likely be
  25. Legs and any sores or ulcerations should be noted. Lack of hair may indicate an, arterial ,circulation problem. The diagnosis or early detection of lymphedema is
  26. Diverters are not shown on all maps). Berkeley maintains a separate grid of, arterial ,streets for bicycles, called Bicycle Boulevards, with bike lanes and lower
  27. Lesions of the vasculature that develop such that blood flows directly from the, arterial ,system to the venous system without passing through a capillary system. Signs
  28. Air, due to the Fink effect, or diffusion hypoxia. *Anemia in which, arterial ,oxygen pressure is normal, but total oxygen content of the blood is reduced.
  29. Which is involved in reward and arousal. (A2A receptors can also be found on, arterial ,walls and blood cell membranes. ) Beyond its general neuroprotective effects
  30. The town to the east. The" Kingston bypass road" was one of the first, arterial ,roads to be built in Britain. It was originally proposed in 1912 to relieve the
  31. Urinary system in order to control the acid-base balance and respiration. An, arterial ,blood gas will measure these. Plasma also circulates hormones transmitting
  32. The hills that surround it, overwhelming other settlements. Consequently,the, arterial ,roads along which this expansion took place (such as The Falls Road or the
  33. And much of the rest of the province is accessible by well-maintained two lane, arterial ,highways with additional passing lanes in mountainous areas. The building and
  34. To the surface of skeletal muscle cells. * Arterial muscle tone – forces, arterial ,wall muscle to relax, increasing blood flow, especially in microarteries; lack
  35. And expired CO2 in the lungs, oxygen diffuses down a pressure gradient to enter, arterial ,blood where its partial pressure is around 100 mmHg (13.3 PA). If severe or
  36. From hypoxemia in that, in the latter, the oxygen concentration within the, arterial ,blood is abnormally low. It is possible to experience hypoxia and have a low
  37. In many other cities in Europe traffic is increasing in Copenhagen. The radial, arterial ,roads leading to Copenhagen city center are critically congested during peak
  38. And regarded as more important for assessing individual risk for progressive, arterial ,disease and improve treatment methods. Chemical measurements HDL, as discussed
  39. Hypoxia" specifies hypoxia caused by low partial pressure of oxygen in, arterial ,blood. In the other causes of hypoxia that follow, the partial pressure of
  40. Transform and redevelop streets and public spaces in the city center. Major, arterial ,roads (quality bus corridor) into the city include the Antrum Road, Shore
  41. Of diverters and barriers, moving most traffic out of neighborhoods and onto, arterial ,streets (visitors often find this confusing, because the diverters are not
  42. Via veins or arteries.; Sphygmomanometer: Blood pressure cuff used to measure, arterial ,blood pressure.; Cardiac marker: Testing for biomarkers in the blood that may
  43. In three different ways. (The exact percentages vary depending on whether it is, arterial ,or venous blood). *Most of it (about 70 % to 80 %) is converted to
  44. Many chiropractors claim that, the association between chiropractic therapy and, arterial ,dissection is not proven. However, the causality between chiropractic neck
  45. Alters the exact color. In vertebrates and other hemoglobin-using creatures, arterial ,blood and capillary blood are bright red, as oxygen imparts a strong red color
  46. To counter the effects of high-altitude diseases, the body must return, arterial ,pO2 toward normal. Acclimatization, the means by which the body adapts to
  47. Navigation for launches and lighters; Lake Volta provides 1,125 kilometers of, arterial ,and feeder waterway. There are ferries on Lake Volta at Yeti and Kwadjokrom.
  48. Air, the effects of lower barometric pressure are countered and the level of, arterial ,pO2 is restored toward normal capacity. A small amount of supplemental oxygen
  49. Problems in his legs. His left leg was amputated soon afterward due to, arterial ,blockages, and he died of gangrene at the Medical Center Ljubljana on 4 May 1980
  50. Streets following the Public Land Survey System section lines later became, arterial ,streets in outlying sections. As new additions to the city were platted, city

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