Examples of the the word, boiler , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boiler ), is the 10813 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or, boiler ,insurance. The term property insurance may, like casualty insurance, be used as
  2. Reign is finally over. Alternate ending In this version, J. D. dies in the, boiler ,room, and Veronica is shown walking through the school, though only from the
  3. Heat output of. Present industrial practice is to define boiler horsepower as a, boiler ,thermal output equal to, which is very close to the original and revised
  4. Would appear to be a mass suicide instead. Veronica confronts J. D. in the, boiler ,room, where he is rigging timed explosives. She attempts to kill him when he
  5. On them and as these excursions became increasingly dangerous, they improvised, boiler ,plate armoring on the vehicles provided by a local shipbuilder. In London
  6. Boilers. In March 1971 she was put through trials without use of the damaged, boiler ,by routing steam from the forward machinery to the steam catapult. This enabled
  7. Principle as external units, but relies on convection to move wort through the, boiler , This can prevent over boiling, as a deflector above the boiler reduces foaming
  8. Steam engines, exhausting against the atmosphere. This allowed an engine and, boiler ,to be combined into a single unit compact enough to be used on mobile road and
  9. Lutheran creed of his father Adolf Gottlieb Friedrich, a candle-maker and soap, boiler , Caspar David was familiar with death from an early age. His mother, Sophie
  10. But it was not a success since it was limited in pumping height and prone to, boiler ,explosions. The first safe and successful steam power plant was introduced by
  11. Coal. The emergence of the supercritical turbine concept envisions running a, boiler ,at extremely high temperatures and pressures with projected efficiencies of 46
  12. Out to be valuable, enabling the Vibrant to enter combat despite the cracked, boiler ,against East Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Stationed off the
  13. And modern steam turbines can make power with as little as about 0.15 hp (, boiler ,) thermal output per actual horsepower developed. Electrical horsepower The
  14. Above the piston. Steam just above atmospheric pressure (all that the, boiler ,could stand) was introduced into the lower half of the cylinder beneath the
  15. Of 75 KFM per second is approximately equivalent to 735.499 watts. * The, boiler ,horsepower is used for rating steam boiler s and is equivalent to 34.5 pounds of
  16. Pressure, and through careful control the inlets and outlets on the external, boiler , an overpressure can be achieved in the external boiler , raising the boiling
  17. From its launch tube using high pressure steam produced by a solid-fueled, boiler , The main rocket motor ignited automatically when the missile had risen
  18. Killing 40 people and injuring 150. *1871 – The Staten Island Ferry West fields, boiler ,explodes, killing over 85 people. *1916 – Black Tom Island explosion in Jersey
  19. Of the boiler s at that time. This revised definition is equivalent to a, boiler ,heat output of. Present industrial practice is to define boiler horsepower as a
  20. Is equivalent to a boiler heat output of. In 1884,the ASHE redefined the, boiler ,horsepower as the thermal output equal to the evaporation of 34.5 lb/h of water
  21. Power stations consume considerable amounts of water for cooling purposes and, boiler ,water make up - 1 L/kWh for once through (e.g. river cooling),and 1.7 L/kWh
  22. It is usually pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a, boiler , The furnace heat converts boiler water to steam, which is then used to spin
  23. Or imperial) horsepower, hp (M) for metric horsepower, hp (S) for, boiler ,(or steam) horsepower and hp (E) for electrical horsepower. Hydraulic
  24. Deep. A long steel splinter speared down, through the hangar deck and the main, boiler ,room (where it ruptured a steam line),before coming to rest in a fuel tank
  25. It was called the ponce let and was abbreviated p. Boiler horsepower One, boiler ,horsepower unit or BHP is equal to a boiler thermal output of, which is the
  26. Kettle to boil the wort. The steam is delivered under pressure by an external, boiler , State-of-the-art breweries today use many interesting boiling methods, all of
  27. Of power that can be obtained by a steam engine or steam turbine based on, boiler ,horsepower varies so widely that use of the term is entirely obsolete for these
  28. Was used extensively in the early days of steam propulsion (19th century) as, boiler ,feed water pumps. Reciprocating pumps are now typically used for pumping highly
  29. Pipeline again. Decreasing usage Propulsion is currently used as a commercial, boiler ,fuel in power plants worldwide (e.g., Canada,Japan, Lithuania,Italy and
  30. Steam locomotives built for steep rack and pinion railways frequently have the, boiler ,tilted relative to the wheels, so that the boiler remains roughly level on
  31. p. Boiler horsepower One boiler horsepower unit or BHP is equal to a, boiler ,thermal output of, which is the energy rate needed to evaporate at in one hour.
  32. Of 34.5 lb/h of water" from and at" 212 °F. This considerably simplified, boiler ,testing, and provided more accurate comparisons of the boiler s at that time.
  33. Wort through the boiler . This can prevent over boiling, as a deflector above the, boiler ,reduces foaming, and also reduces evaporation. Internal Casandra are generally
  34. Then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a boiler . The furnace heat converts, boiler ,water to steam, which is then used to spin turbines which turn generators and
  35. Running repairs. Heavy overhauls were frequent, often involving removal of the, boiler ,from the frame for major repairs. In contrast, a typical diesel locomotive
  36. Through to smaller domestic exposures. * Boiler insurance (also known as, boiler ,and machinery insurance, or equipment breakdown insurance) insures against
  37. Railways frequently have the boiler tilted relative to the wheels, so that the, boiler ,remains roughly level on steep grades. Operational role Sometimes a locomotive
  38. Have its own steam engine and a chimney to give an efficient draft through its, boiler , The transition to industrialization was not without difficulty. For example, a
  39. Equivalent to a boiler heat output of. Present industrial practice is to define, boiler ,horsepower as a boiler thermal output equal to, which is very close to the
  40. Influence engine/turbine output); it merely defines a thermal output of a, boiler , Smaller steam engines often require several boiler horsepower to make one
  41. 1960s psychedelic rock bands Sister cities Davis has 7 sister cities A double, boiler , also known as a Bain Marie, is a stove top apparatus used to cook delicate
  42. Pump, the working fluid condenses and is recovered and directed back to the, boiler , The pumped gases continue flowing to the base of the pump at increased
  43. Outlets on the external boiler , an overpressure can be achieved in the external, boiler , raising the boiling point by a few Celsius degrees. Upon return to the boil
  44. Of wort is circulated seven to twelve times an hour through this external, boiler , ensuring that the wort is evenly boiled by the end of the boil. The wort is
  45. Solar mirrors that focus the sun's rays on a tower that in turn heats a water, boiler ,to create steam, turning a turbine to create electricity. Luz II, Ltd. plans to
  46. A thermal output of a boiler . Smaller steam engines often require several, boiler ,horsepower to make one horsepower, and modern steam turbines can make power
  47. Steam generated at gauge pressure. This original definition is equivalent to a, boiler ,heat output of. In 1884,the ASHE redefined the boiler horsepower as the
  48. Brass contains an addition of arsenic and frequently aluminum and is used for, boiler ,fireboxes. *Beta brasses, with 45–50 % zinc content, can only be worked hot
  49. The mills which were running and stopped the machinery by knocking out the, boiler ,plugs. This allowed the water and steam to escape shutting down the mill
  50. Engines came in a number of configurations, typically HQ was supplied by a, boiler , wherein water was boiled over a furnace; QC was typically a stream of cold

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