Examples of the the word, insertion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insertion ), is the 10814 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is greater than or equal to the root. Here's how a typical binary search tree, insertion ,might be performed in C++: /* Inserts the node pointed to
  2. That the internal node is node A and that node B is the child of A. (If the, insertion ,is to insert a right child, then B is the right child of A, and similarly with
  3. And deletions are fast as long as space is available on a block. If an, insertion ,won't fit on the block, then some free space on some nearby block must be
  4. Various diseases. The term“ acupuncture” is sometimes also used to refer to, insertion ,of needles at points other than acupoints, or to applying an electric current
  5. Together with a" next" pointer. This results in a tree structure where both, insertion ,and search operations descend from the root to the leaf. Write locks are only
  6. M_root; public void insert (int data) Below is a recursive approach to the, insertion ,method. Private Node m_root; public void insert (int data
  7. Undergo duplication, lateral transfer, inversion,transposition, deletion and, insertion , Ultimately, whole genomes are involved in processes of hybridization
  8. The height of this subtree has decreased by one. This is in contrast to an, insertion ,where a rotation resulting in a balance factor of 0 indicated that the subtree
  9. Skin and muscle flaps are then transposed over the stump, occasionally with the, insertion ,of elements to attach a prosthesis. Prevention Amputations are traumatic
  10. Index, a method of measuring hearing loss * Artificial insemination,the, insertion ,of sperm into the female reproductive tract using artificial means Business *
  11. As a nominal circular orbit above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar orbit, insertion ,was an ellipse with a periling of and an around of, at an inclination of 12°
  12. On more robust patients. Thinner needles may be flexible and require tubes for, insertion , The tip of the needle should not be made too sharp to prevent breakage
  13. Care is needed when assessing research. “ Acupuncture” may refer only to, insertion ,of needles in traditionally determined acupuncture points; in which case, it is
  14. Is closer to the original, and the longer Western text is the result of later, insertion ,of additional material into the text. In 1893,Sir W. M. Ramsay in The Church
  15. An attempt was made to restore the Offertory. This was achieved by the, insertion ,of the words 'and oblations' into the prayer for the Church and the revision
  16. Be a valid concern and is reported to be caused by repeated injury, or by the, insertion ,of large objects, or simply by regular anal sex, which " leads to internal
  17. May function as a true placebo, particularly in studies on pain, in which, insertion ,of needles anywhere near painful regions may elicit a beneficial response. A
  18. This is a revision of the BCP service, altering some words and allowing the, insertion ,of some other liturgical texts such as the Agnes DEI before communion. ) The
  19. Anibal Sacco and Alfredo Ortega, from Core Security Technologies, demonstrated, insertion , of malicious code into the decompression routines in the BIOS, allowing for
  20. Recommended keel exercises to prevent loss of muscle tone from anal fisting or, insertion ,of large objects in a presentation of clinical aspects of anal sexuality
  21. The anus, including pegging, anilingus (anal–oral sex),fingering, and object, insertion , Which may be due to psychological factors in some cases. And thus safe sex
  22. Of the prayer book service altering only one or two words and allowing the, insertion ,of the Agnes DEI (Lamb of God) before Communion. Order One follows the
  23. The run-time of insertion sort grows quadratically as its input size increases, insertion ,sort can be said to be of order O (n²). Big O notation is a convenient way to
  24. Less prone to phlebitis or extravasation, and abolish the need for repeated, insertion ,of peripheral cannula. Harmful and lethal toxicity from chemotherapy limits
  25. Applications. However, it looks like red-black trees could be faster for, insertion ,and element removal. Operations Basic operations of an AVL tree involve
  26. Case over all trees, but O (n) time in the worst case. Another way to explain, insertion ,is that in order to insert a new node in the tree, its value is first compared
  27. Chinese herbal medicine. The term“ acupuncture” is sometimes used to refer to, insertion ,of needles at points other than traditional ones, or to applying an electric
  28. At this node is unbalanced. If insertion s are performed serially, after each, insertion , at most one of the following cases needs to be resolved to restore the entire
  29. Of injection. The main adverse effects are keloids—large, raised scars. The, insertion ,of deltoid is most frequently used because the local complication rate is
  30. Laval in Québec, Canada,is a gel that hardens upon increased temperature after, insertion ,into the vagina or rectum. In the lab, it has been shown to effectively block
  31. Been successfully transected with the vector construct containing the desired, insertion ,sequence in the required orientation. Modern cloning vectors include selectable
  32. By the 1750s,innovations and experience with inoculation focused on better, insertion ,of pox fluid and preparation of body to withstand the disease. By controlling
  33. To slow down the CSM/Lunar Module stack into lunar orbit. Following orbit, insertion ,and orbital stabilization, the crew began preparations for landing in the
  34. Little research has been focused on the suppository (anal or vaginal, insertion ,) method of administration, also known as" plugging ". This method of
  35. In a whole number of days),certain years contain extra days. Through further, insertion ,of non-day units of time, the calendar year can be further synchronized;
  36. Warriors of the faith. " Charlemagne is sometimes credited with supporting the, insertion ,of the clique into the Nicene Creed. The Franks had inherited a Visigothic
  37. Elements at an arbitrary position. Linked lists allow constant time removal and, insertion ,in the middle but take linear time for indexed access. Their memory use is
  38. With natural opiate production, and animal studies showing that sham needle, insertion ,can have nonspecific analgesic effects through a postulated mechanism of “
  39. Tidal and Copán. Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that treats patients by, insertion ,and manipulation of needles in the body. Its proponents variously claim that it
  40. Anal sex (or anal intercourse) commonly refers to the sex act involving, insertion ,of the penis into the anus of a sexual partner. The term can also include other
  41. Fewer produce the enzyme since expression demands appropriate migration of an, insertion ,sequence. CCA was known before Eminem was introduced, and producers have
  42. AVL trees are more rigidly balanced than red-black trees, leading to slower, insertion ,and removal but faster retrieval. In organic chemistry, aliphatic compounds (;
  43. Effects. Acupuncture, moxibustion, and related therapies Acupuncture means, insertion ,of needles into superficial structures of the body (skin, subcutaneous tissue
  44. Heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one. Lookup, insertion , and deletion all take O (log n) time in both the average and worst cases
  45. Of one acupuncture point reduces post-operative nausea and vomiting, although, insertion , of needles at that point does not increase the reduction over nonpenetrating
  46. By TCM. In some sources“ acupuncture” refers to random needling with needle, insertion , and this is compared to pressing telescoping needles against the skin at the
  47. Frequently expressed using Big O notation. For example, since the run-time of, insertion ,sort grows quadratically as its input size increases, insertion sort can be
  48. Supports a single pass down the tree from the root to the node where the, insertion ,will take place, splitting any full nodes encountered on the way. This prevents
  49. A right child, then B is the right child of A, and similarly with a left child, insertion , ) A assigns its child to the new node and the new node assigns its parent to
  50. For active tuberculosis. BCG is given as a single intradermal injection at the, insertion ,of the deltoid. If BCG is accidentally given subcutaneously, then a local

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