Examples of the the word, admiration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( admiration ), is the 9971 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But -- again to judge by the evidence of the novel, and despite a personal, admiration ,for Lenin, whom he saw at the 9th Congress of Soviets in 1921 -- he soon began
  2. As the driving force behind Jewish-Gentile relations which explains both the, admiration ,and more pointedly the envy and hatred the world has felt for the Jews in
  3. Describe this as a turning point in his life, and he always maintained some, admiration ,for his father, describing him as" his hero and his friend ". Inheriting his
  4. The economic and social malaise of the Yeltsin era, Solzhenitsyn expressed his, admiration ,for President Vladimir Putin's attempts to restore a sense of national pride
  5. And scouts (see Namibian cavalry). Julius Caesar himself was known for his, admiration ,of his escort of Germanic mixed cavalry, giving rise to the Cohort Equates.
  6. Did consider allowing Calvin and Hobbes to be animated, and has expressed, admiration ,for the art form of animation. In a 1989 interview in The Comics Journal he
  7. Vita Breves: debutante frequently plagued by, but with a certain reluctant, admiration ,for, Captain Foul enough. *Dr. Smart-Allick: genteel, but ludicrous and criminal
  8. Garnett's translations won him an English-language readership and the, admiration ,of writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Katherine Mansfield. The
  9. And (6) quantity or magnitude, which draws our attention and produces, admiration ,and awe. Later analytic aestheticians strove to link beauty to some scientific
  10. And devoted himself for some time to poetry. His success in his studies won the, admiration ,of his teachers. Bernard wanted to excel in literature in order to take up the
  11. Is often considered the heir of Duke Ellington, for whom he expressed great, admiration , Indeed, Dizzy Gillespie had once claimed Mingus reminded him" of a young Duke
  12. May Day for the sake of their families. Furthermore, Catherine won widespread, admiration ,by starting an extensive program for the relief of the poor. With long golden
  13. And thrill your soul" were by European directors. Lynch has commented on his, admiration ,for such filmmakers as Stanley Kubrick, as is Kubrick's Lolita (1962).
  14. That makes them easier to see from our contemporary point of reference. Natural, admiration ,for excellence and justifiable pride in a predecessor's achievements is
  15. As Theodore de Banville stated," immense, prodigious,unexpected, mingled with, admiration ,and with some indefinable anxious fear ". Flaubert, recently attacked in a
  16. Newsmedia almost became obsessed with their relationship of mutual, admiration , " The biographers also report" some observers of popular culture, however
  17. Thackeray has attracted significant attention by making statements expressing, admiration ,for Hitler, inciting violence against Muslims, expressing support for the LTTE
  18. Cult films caught the attention of the world's media, both focussing on, admiration ,for ABBA: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Muriel's
  19. ASD have higher levels of stress. Siblings of children with ASD report greater, admiration ,of and less conflict with the affected sibling than siblings of unaffected
  20. And Warlord Ma Lin was interviewed, Ma Lin was described as having" high, admiration ,and unwavering loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek ". Philosophy The Kuomintang used
  21. Of the various fundamentalist anti-Communist" crusades" openly express their, admiration ,for the dedication and discipline the Communist cause calls forth. Epistemic
  22. Scotland to his son by bowing down to the English, despite his son's growing, admiration ,for Wallace and his cause. Worried by the threat of the rebellion, Longshanks
  23. Is commonly given to children even today. This is both due to respect and, admiration ,for Alexander and also as a memento to the fact that fighting the people of
  24. Total art work" (" Gesamtkunstwerk" ), both of which found Baudelaire's, admiration , Before even hearing Wagner's music, Baudelaire studied reviews and essays
  25. The writings of both men throughout her career, and both of them expressed, admiration ,for her. Once on Miles referred to Rand as" the most courageous man in
  26. The Muslims and treat them as part of us. ' However, he has also expressed, admiration ,for Muslims in Mumbai in the wake of the 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings
  27. Heavy losses. The last Syrian stronghold, of which their defense won the, admiration ,of Roman historians, is said to have been Aruba. NATO of Designates was
  28. Communism Ginsberg talked openly about his connections with Communism and his, admiration ,for past communist heroes and the labor movement at a time when the Red Scare
  29. 1996 by Outlook magazine as well during an interview. 'Once you’d expressed, admiration ,for certain facets of Hitler. ' 'Comparison was inevitable ', the interviewer
  30. His position. He accompanied this emperor, for whom he expresses enthusiastic, admiration , in his campaigns against the Alemannic and the Sassanian. After the death of
  31. Formal rhyme and meter like that of his father or his idol William Blake. His, admiration ,for the writing of Jack Kerouac inspired him to take poetry more seriously.
  32. Acquiesced and allowed him to adopt the middle name" Graham ", chosen out of, admiration ,for Alexander Graham, a Canadian being treated by his father and boarder who
  33. Faithful imitation of nature which characterized them called forth the warmest, admiration , His merits and reputation being now generally recognized, his thoughts began
  34. And his fellow conspirators. At the end of Galt's 3-hour speech, he expresses, admiration ,for the man, as he says what he means. Despite this, Kinnan admits that he is
  35. The" discarded image" of the cosmos in his title. Than retained a life-long, admiration ,for him. Of Tolkien, Lewis writes in Surprised by Joy: When I began teaching
  36. A great work, a colossal statue of Religion. The model filled Italy with, admiration ,; the marble was procured, and the chisel of the sculptor ready to be applied to
  37. The fire brigade during the fire in 1782. In Constantinople, he won the, admiration ,of his people as he was so religious that he was called a" Veil" ( saint).
  38. Simply relate that" that's what I fell in love with next ", and displayed his, admiration ,for Straight, describing him as being" like James Dean, except he's old. "
  39. Celebrated directors have been influenced by Kurosawa and/or have expressed, admiration ,for his work. The filmmakers cited below are grouped according to three
  40. The highways into Angkor. The Chinese traveler Zhou Pagan expressed his, admiration ,for these rest houses when he visited Angkor in 1296 AD. Another theory is that
  41. And that's why I'm supporting Barack Obama, not out of any lack of respect or, admiration ,for Sen. John McCain. " Later in a December 12, 2008,CNN interview with Fareed
  42. The owners of media empires. I salute him with the most heartfelt respect and, admiration , " Another British fantasy author, Neil Gaiman, claimed that" Garner's
  43. New Zealand, Cuban ambassador Jose Luis Robin Garcia said his country had ", admiration ,for New Zealand's independent foreign policy ". In September 2007,it was
  44. Cause a sensation. " The New York Times critic Janet Marlin expressed her, admiration ,for the film, and directed much praise toward the performances of Hopper and
  45. Touristic, a lousy imitation of Kurosawa," and added," At that time my, admiration ,for the Japanese cinema was at its height. I was almost a samurai myself! "
  46. Conceptions of grandeur and of truth. The Theseus was regarded with fervent, admiration , Canova's next undertaking was a monument in honor of Clement XIV; but before
  47. Thomas" in any apostolic body). Although Williams attracted the attention and, admiration ,of some of the most notable writers of his day, including T. S. Eliot and W. H.
  48. After his return to his native Russia in 1994,Solzhenitsyn spoke about his, admiration ,for the local self-government he had witnessed first hand in Switzerland and
  49. Temple, they fell into a slumber and never woke, dying at the height of their, admiration , the perfect gift. Castilian spring The sacred spring of Delphi lies in the
  50. And Lord Acton, have historicized Machiavelli's Borgia, explaining the, admiration ,for such violence as an effect of the general criminality and corruption of the

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