Examples of the the word, hypocrisy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Bishops of the Church of England as homosexual or bisexual, accusing them of, hypocrisy ,for upholding the Church's policy of regarding homosexual acts as sinful while
  2. Said it" should not have been done at all" and it is" symbolic of the moral, hypocrisy ,of the rating system that it would force a great director to compromise his
  3. To four times a year. For some time Zwingli had accused mendicant orders of, hypocrisy ,and demanded their abolition in order to support the truly poor. He suggested
  4. By Jesus and his disciples against the Pharisees and what he saw as their, hypocrisy ,were most likely examples of disputes among Jews and internal to Judaism that
  5. Liberal is a pejorative American political term used to illustrate perceived, hypocrisy ,by a political liberal of upper class or upper middle class status; including
  6. Were eagerly repeated by post-Domitianic authors, and used to highlight the, hypocrisy ,of a ruler publicly preaching a return to Augustan morals, while privately
  7. There is absolutely no justification for reading as Paul's attack on 'the, hypocrisy ,of the Jew. ' No one in the first century would have identified ho Amazon with
  8. The then Conservative government was associated with political corruption and, hypocrisy , This was revived in the late 1990s due to accounts of so-called" sleaze" by
  9. Comprehensively lampooned Ray Martin, and it's relevance in exposing the, hypocrisy ,of ratings driven current affairs television remains to this day. Other airings
  10. To be the snarky comparison underlying the episodes larger message about, hypocrisy , Racer has made cameos on a number of movies and television shows, including
  11. Has been seen by some historians as the model for his son's many portraits of, hypocrisy , Chekhov's mother, Yevgeniya, was an excellent storyteller who entertained the
  12. National Teenage Party" was intended to highlight what Such and others saw as, hypocrisy , that teenagers were unable to vote on the basis of their supposed immaturity
  13. I Oppose Outing ", OutWeek, May 29, 1991) Their aim is not only to reveal the, hypocrisy ,of those in what Branch termed the" closets of power" but also a gay person
  14. Without that person's consent. Outing gives rise to issues of privacy, choice, hypocrisy , and harm in addition to sparking debate on what constitutes common good in
  15. Of Painting and Sculpture. This attack was probably caused primarily by the, hypocrisy ,of the organization and their personal opposition against his work, as seen in
  16. there's a right to privacy. But the right to privacy should not be a right to, hypocrisy , And people who want to demonize other people shouldn't then be able to go
  17. Of Honor (1839),a near-libellous fiction bitterly satirizing her husband's, hypocrisy , For years, she continued her attacks upon her husband’s character. The death of
  18. His widow suggests Wayne's rampant patriotism in later decades sprang not from, hypocrisy ,but from guilt. Polar Wayne wrote," He would become a 'super patriot' for the
  19. Furthest (supposedly) logical conclusion, thus revealing their perceived, hypocrisy , Other political satire includes various political causes in the past
  20. Parliament, this garnered protests from environmental groups describing the, hypocrisy ,of demanding lower carbon emissions while flying across Europe for the same
  21. Nonviolence and the Golden Rule). He also questioned what he saw as, hypocrisy , malpractices, and dogma in all religions, including his own, and he was a
  22. Their sharp and bizarre sense of humor, they satirized high society and human, hypocrisy , They also became famous for their improvisational comedy in free-form
  23. Lyrics targeted at teenagers, the media, and religious and political, hypocrisy , " Dumb All Over" is a tirade on religion, as is" Heavenly Bank Account "
  24. Use of the word" nigger" and Jim's Symbolize character. To highlight the, hypocrisy ,required to condone slavery within an ostensibly moral system, Twain has Huck
  25. To end, Capp was acid-tongued toward the targets of his wit, intolerant of, hypocrisy , and always wickedly funny. After about 40 years, however,Capp's interest in
  26. Not seek re-election. Rogers said that he outed Schlock to punish him for his, hypocrisy ,in voting for the Marriage Protection Act and signing on as a co-sponsor of the
  27. The practice of the cathedral to that of banks in an attack on the religious, hypocrisy ,of his time. In the chapter, Butler mentions that these banks have their own
  28. At times. " Ben Wattenberg stated:" Orwell’s writing pierced intellectual, hypocrisy ,wherever he found it. " According to historian Piers Brendon," Orwell was the
  29. Concept of human nature and human needs. Some critics have accused Chomsky of, hypocrisy ,when, in spite of his political criticism of American and European military
  30. For example in AAT 9.97," the Bedouin are the worst in disbelief and, hypocrisy ,". Based on this, in early Islamic terminology, referred to the language, and
  31. A democrat. " Historians, including Weston Bate suggested that there was some, hypocrisy ,in Lalor's folk hero status due to his post-stockade political opportunism and
  32. Outset of his reign, he seems to ascribe many of Tiberius' virtues merely to, hypocrisy , Ultimately, Tacitus ' opinion on Tiberius is best illustrated by his
  33. Satire is probably The Devil's Dictionary, in which the definitions mock can't, hypocrisy ,and received wisdom. Satire in Victorian England Novelists such as Charles
  34. Blacks and his apparent unwillingness to do the same with his own children, was, hypocrisy , By the late 1990s and early 21st century, the term has also come to be applied
  35. That it did not mock Jesus, and that it raised important issues about the, hypocrisy ,and stupidity that can affect religion. However, Stephen Green, the head of
  36. Opposition to aristocracy and slavery in his major writings, he is accused of, hypocrisy ,and racism, or of caring only for the liberty of English capitalists. Theory of
  37. Impossible. However, both Superman and Conner Kent have called him out on the, hypocrisy ,of this statement, noting that he has regularly turned down easy opportunities
  38. Of the House of Lords, and his acceptance of a peerage led him to be accused of, hypocrisy , by Will Self, among others. Personal life He is married to Glens Knock
  39. To continue to inflict suffering on members of our community. Collusion with, hypocrisy ,and homophobia is not ethically defensible for Christians, or for anyone else.
  40. War crime, because of how it serves the Zionist colonizers and deals with their, hypocrisy ,and lies. " Criticism Proximity to civilians during warfare New York Times
  41. And character of human beings, to the point that in the Kali Yoga quarrel and, hypocrisy ,are prevalent. Often, the invocation of Kali Yoga denotes a certain
  42. Citizen without wrong; a neighbor without reproach; a Christian without, hypocrisy , and a man without guile. He was a Caesar, without his ambition; Frederick
  43. And" Brown Shoes Don't Make It ", which contained lyrics critical of the, hypocrisy ,and conformity of American society, but also of the counterculture of the 1960s
  44. Following the New Testament's Golden Rule admonition to love others without, hypocrisy ,or prejudice. Toward these ends, the " spirit" of the New Testament, more than
  45. Teachings directly. Instead, they decided to write a satire on credulity and, hypocrisy ,among the followers of someone who had been mistaken for the" Messiah," but
  46. His complicity with the network's homophobic agenda rises to a level of, hypocrisy ,that I felt was worthy of reporting. " The film examines the media’s reluctance
  47. To refer to Major's previous" Back to Basics" platform to throw charges of, hypocrisy , He had also sued two magazines, New Statesman and Society and Scalawag plus
  48. As" What to the slave is the 4th of July? " It was a blistering attack on the, hypocrisy ,of the United States in general and the Christian church in particular.
  49. Because" state terrorism is bound to be compounded by secrecy, deception and, hypocrisy ,", terrorist states typically act with clandestine brutality while publicly
  50. Criticised for: repression of free expression and individual rights, rigidity, hypocrisy , lack of true understanding of Islam, misinterpreting the Quran and Sunny, and

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