What are the 5 reasons why you can't shadow?


"Shadowing" has become a major part of learning English, but there are many people who suddenly do not continue to do it. What is the background behind the inability to shadow?

So, in this article, I will explain 5 reasons why shadowing is not possible.

5 Reasons You Can't Shadow

Now, let's look at five reasons why shadowing is not possible.

Trying to pronounce in katakana

The first thing you can think of is trying to pronounce English in katakana. Native speakers speak fast by connecting words or not pronouncing some consonants.

So when I try to read each word in katakana, I can't keep up with their speed because it has more syllables than they do. First of all, it is necessary to firmly master how to pronounce them.

Difficult to speak with rhythm and intonation

The next thing to think about is that it's difficult to speak with intonation. Native pronunciation has rhythm and strength.

Isn't there a bad native speaker who reads sticks from beginning to end? Since English and Japanese are completely different language systems, it is difficult for Japanese people like us to suddenly imitate their rhythm and inflection.

Therefore, it is important to practice well in this regard as well.

The level of teaching materials does not match

The next possible reason is that the level of teaching materials is not suitable. It is important for beginners to start shadowing simple English sentences at a relatively slow speed, and gradually increase the speed or make difficult English sentences step by step.

Despite being a beginner, it is honestly difficult to shadow using TED or Western movies suddenly. Therefore, it is important to shadow from the place that suits your level.

I don't know the basic pronunciation (I don't know the phonetic symbols)

The next thing to think about is that you don't have the basic pronunciation. Do you know phonetic symbols?

If you look up an English word you don't understand in a dictionary, you will see a character string enclosed in [] under the English word. This is the phonetic symbol, which means that you should pronounce it exactly as shown in [].

And do you understand how each phonetic symbol should be pronounced? You can't pronounce without this phonetic symbol, so let's first deepen your understanding of this.

Insufficient slash reading ability

The last thing you can think of is lack of slash reading ability. You've been shadowing and you've become able to pronounce, but in many cases you just can't understand what you're talking about.

This is a story that can be understood in English reading comprehension, but it is important to be able to understand what English is saying in the English word order.

This is called "slash reading". If you develop your slash reading ability, the effect of shadowing will increase. Therefore, it is good to improve not only the shadowing itself but also the power of slash reading.

Summary: What are the 5 reasons why you can't shadow?

How was it? The contents of this article are as follows
: -I'm trying to pronounce English in katakana -It
's difficult to pronounce with rhythm and strength
-The level of the teaching materials I'm currently using isn't right
-phonetic symbols, etc. I didn't have the basics of pronunciation
・ I didn't have enough slash reading ability
It can be very difficult for beginners to clear these alone. Therefore, it is important to train properly under the guidance of a leader.

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