Examples of the the word, staggering , in a Sentence Context

The word ( staggering ), is the 10435 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Uzbekistan's migrant workers may thus be around 3.5-4 million people, or a, staggering ,25 % of its labor force of 14.8 million. Prices and monetary policy Uzbekistan
  2. Species. The Neonatal have undergone adaptive radiation to produce the, staggering ,diversity of form (especially of the bill and feet),function, and behavior
  3. Of time, the amount of attention paid to major league players magnified to, staggering ,levels from where it had been just 20 years prior. It brought with it increased
  4. MCB 12 and MCB 22. In Vietnam, the Seabeds supported the Marines and built a, staggering ,number of aircraft-support facilities, roads,and bridges; they also paved
  5. Was to be the first big-budget outdoor spectacle of the sound era, made at a, staggering ,cost of over $2 million, using hundreds of extras and wide vistas of the
  6. Inoculation defended With the smallpox epidemic catching speed and racking up a, staggering ,death toll, a solution to the crisis was becoming more urgently needed by the
  7. Times, was Spain's rapidly growing trade deficit, which had reached a, staggering ,10 % of the country's GDP by the summer of 2008,the" loss of competitiveness
  8. The conflict as allies of the British Empire and other allied forces. After the, staggering ,Battle of Stalingrad in 1943,the German offensive in the Soviet Union turned
  9. Well as a talking version and a cassette-playing" Storytelling ALF" doll. The, staggering ,success of the dolls could not stem the tide of red ink that had begun with the
  10. Side and saw scores of boys, aged anywhere from nine to sixteen, who said with, staggering ,and seemingly genuine enthusiasm that they had volunteered to become martyrs.
  11. Germany in the years 2006/7. The European elections on 13 June 2004 brought a, staggering ,defeat for the Social Democrats, who polled only slightly more than 21 %, the
  12. Using a split-pin crankshaft which achieved a regular 120° firing interval by, staggering ,adjacent crank pins by 15° in opposite directions to eliminate the uneven firing
  13. Colorado's men). The repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893 led to a, staggering ,collapse of the mining and agricultural economy of Colorado, but the state
  14. Much he charges for his services. In" A Scandal in Bohemia ", he is paid the, staggering ,sum of one thousand pounds (300 in gold and 700 in notes) as advance payment
  15. Or we are not alone in the universe. And either way, the implications are, staggering ,". " If the world's ethical standards fail to rise with the advances of our
  16. In the face; an angry André responded with a slap of his own that sent Keenan, staggering ,from the ring. André also caught Haku's kick attempt, sending him reeling from
  17. Valley. In the 1860s and continuing into the early 20th century, miners dumped, staggering ,quantities of mud and gravel from hydraulic mining operations into the upper
  18. Of French society, town guilds people and village laborers, included cases of, staggering ,social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal.
  19. It is not easy to escape the fact that in Figures of Earth he undertook the, staggering ,and almost unsuspected task of rewriting humanity's sacred books, just as in
  20. Military equipment. Moreover, the wide variety of military equipment and the, staggering ,array of spare parts necessary to maintain it not only clog the logistic
  21. Where the Government's offices are located. Drug trafficking has reached, staggering ,proportions in Guatemala, with corruption extending to top positions of many
  22. Budget deficit has doubled. Sri Lanka's cellular subscriber base has shown a, staggering ,550 % growth, from 2005 to 2010. The Global Competitiveness Report published by
  23. For the sporting event that might have been directed toward the country's, staggering ,poverty. *Shanghai Male Train or Shanghai Transrapid. The journey was
  24. His review for the New World Telegram, William Bone said that the film was ", staggering ,and belongs at once among the greatest screen achievements ". Otis Ferguson, in
  25. Had to be called up for active duty, a process repeated throughout the war as, staggering ,losses continued to mount. The officer class also saw remarkable turnover
  26. Won nearly 100 percent of the vote just 28 years earlier — Goldwater claimed a, staggering ,87 percent. " It has frequently been argued that Goldwater's strong
  27. Base was, making Kansas City suffer shock waves and the horde of survivors, staggering ,into town. There was no Lawrence, Kansas in the story, although there was a
  28. Crook, which premiered in New York on September 12, 1866. The production was a, staggering ,five-and-a-half hours long, but despite its length, it ran for a
  29. Is not men acting in a refined or civilized manner, but rather drunken sailors, staggering ,off the wreckage of their ship. Huxley employs the same irony when the" savage
  30. Wheeling across a matte backdrop sky. The original Star Trek required a, staggering ,array of models; the USS Enterprise had to be built in several scales
  31. Presided by the President of the Republic. Criminality has reached, staggering ,proportions: about 200 murders per month, and it is starting to affect the
  32. Jack and Joe's biggest hit in years ". Indeed, the pioneering title sold a, staggering ,92 % of its print run, inspiring Crestwood to increase the print run by the
  33. The best returns in this regard. For example, road investments in India were a, staggering ,3-10 times more effective than almost all other investments and subsidies in
  34. Describes Bonds as a polarizing insufferable braggart with a legendary ego and, staggering ,ability, relied on over five hundred interviews, except with Bonds himself.
  35. Been substantially reduced. " Gwyn said of Macdonald, His accomplishments were, staggering ,: Confederation above all, but almost as important, if not more so, extending
  36. Speaking. It is characteristic of the man’s perseverance that, despite his, staggering ,handicap, he made himself one of the greatest orators of our time. ’ For
  37. Unprecedented five months, with five wins for Karol, three for Kasparov, and a, staggering ,forty draws. A rematch was set for later in 1985,also in Moscow. The events of
  38. The exploding and burning of approximately 700 oil wells in Kuwait also created, staggering ,levels of atmospheric pollution, spewed oily soot into the surrounding areas
  39. Has been used, because of its immense potential power, to finish off an already, staggering ,opponent who seems unable or unlikely to take advantage of the poor position it
  40. War and 1,000,000 missing, all making up a total of nearly 5,000,000 men. These, staggering ,losses played a definite role in the Mutinies that began to occur and, in 1916
  41. Was discovered under Lake Maracaibo. Gómez managed to deflate Venezuela's, staggering ,debt by granting concessions to foreign oil companies, which won him the
  42. Views of peoples. In his writings he espoused the viewpoint that because of the, staggering ,differences in the grammatical systems of languages no two languages were ever
  43. 51 cuts for the Body tribe, while the Koreans differentiate beef cuts into a, staggering ,120 different parts. " See the external links' section below for links to more
  44. And the materialist worship of law end in the same void. Nietzsche scales, staggering ,mountains, but he turns up ultimately in Tibet. He sits down beside Tolstoy in
  45. Men tats are humans trained to mimic computers: human minds developed to, staggering ,heights of cognitive and analytical ability. Overview In Herbert's fiction
  46. Doses produce a numbness in the extremities and intoxication, characterized by, staggering , unsteady gait, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and loss of balance. Moderate
  47. Him food, and speaks to him, urging him not to" have on his conscience the, staggering ,burden of needless bloodshed" ( verse 31,NIV) and reminding him that God
  48. Reviewing it for Harper's Magazine wrote:" Extraordinary ... literally, staggering ,... one of the most powerful books I have ever read. " Jonathon Yardley
  49. Leigh as" a stunner whose ravishing beauty often tended to obscure her, staggering ,achievements as an actress. Great beauties are infrequently great actresses —
  50. Of unique artistic value. For instance, the Antikythera wreck contained a, staggering ,collection of marble and bronze statues including the Antikythera Youth.

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