Examples of the the word, canopy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( canopy ), is the 10438 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And deciduous. # Mixed broadleaf/needle leaf forest - Natural forest with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, in which the canopy is composed of a more or less even mixture of
  2. Broadleaf evergreen forest - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover,the, canopy ,being > 75 % evergreen and broadleaf. # Deciduous broadleaf forest - Natural
  3. Flow and nutrient cycling. A typical forest is composed of the over story (, canopy ,or upper tree layer) and the understory. The understory is further subdivided
  4. Silver firs Babies, Douglas firs Pseudotsuga and hemlocks Sugar, make up the, canopy , but other taxa are also important. In the Southern Hemisphere, most coniferous
  5. Which > 75 % of the canopy is deciduous and broadleaves predominate (> 75 % of, canopy ,cover). # Freshwater swamp forest - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover
  6. Forest - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover, in which > 75 % of the, canopy ,is deciduous and broadleaves predominate (> 75 % of canopy cover). #
  7. Plant communities on atoll rim: 9. Mixed Native Forest, with no dominant, canopy ,species. 10. Marshes divided into three different types: Cattail (Type
  8. And basketry materials. The altered state of soil nutrient supply and cleared, canopy ,structure also opens new ecological niches for seedling establishment. Most
  9. The parasite find mates. A nematode (Myrmeconema neotropic) that infects, canopy ,ants (Deflates stratus) causes the black colored Masters of workers to
  10. At dawn, a festive procession with the Blessed Sacrament carried beneath a, canopy ,encircles the church. As church bells ring out, handbells are vigorously shaken
  11. The Sarah pillar is a column surmounted by a capital, which consists of a, canopy ,representing an inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, a short cylindrical abacus
  12. Coils of North Vietnamese trucks hidden under the dense foliage of the jungle, canopy ,along the Ho Chi Minh trail. It could also detect the signal from hand-held
  13. Despite apparent homogeneity, contains many types of vegetation, from high, canopy ,forest to bamboo groves. In the semiarid Northeast, caatinga, a dry, thick
  14. Heavy tree cover declined from 48 % in 1974 to 38 % in 1996. This loss of tree, canopy ,resulted in a 33 % increase in stormwater runoff and a loss of 11 million
  15. And broadleaf. # Deciduous broadleaf forest - Natural forests with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, in which > 75 % of the canopy is deciduous and broadleaves predominate (
  16. Needleleaf forest - Natural forest with > 30 % canopy cover, in which the, canopy ,is predominantly (> 75 %) needle leaf and evergreen. # Deciduous needle leaf
  17. It required painting, as all the parts (except the clear orange crown and, canopy ,) were molded in dark gray. The kit included springs that enabled the
  18. Linked to a total of eight AN/ALE-49 flare dispensers located on top behind the, canopy , which are handled by the/ASQ-184 avionics management system. Each AN/ALE-49
  19. It is the removal of or compromise to the forest floor not the removal of the, canopy ,that can lead to erosion. This is because rain drops striking tree leaves
  20. Orchids and vines grow on the branches in the humid atmosphere beneath the, canopy , The 135 plant species include at least eighteen which are found nowhere else.
  21. Boreal forest types # Evergreen needle leaf forest - Natural forest with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, in which the canopy is predominantly (> 75 %) needle leaf and evergreen
  22. Is a waterlogged soil. # Sclerophyllous dry forest - Natural forest with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, in which the canopy is mainly composed of sclerophyllous broadleaves and
  23. Forest - Natural forest with > 30 % canopy cover, in which the, canopy ,is composed of a more or less even mixture of needle leaf and broadleaf crowns (
  24. Large colonies of encrusting species often have" chimneys ", gaps in the, canopy ,of lophophores, through which they swiftly expel water that has been sieved
  25. 50. With a new, larger Allison engine, slightly narrower fuselage, redesigned, canopy , and improved cockpit, the P-40D eliminated the nose-mounted .50 in (12.7 mm)
  26. Small monkeys like the red colobus, chimps hunt in areas where the forest, canopy ,is interrupted or irregular. This allows them to easily corner the monkeys when
  27. And evergreen. # Deciduous needle leaf forests - Natural forests with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, in which the canopy is predominantly (> 75 %) needle leaf and deciduous
  28. North America, members of this family often grow in association with an oak, canopy , in a type of ecology known as an oak-heath forest. The Ericeira consists of
  29. To over a hundred feet from great buttresses at the roots, it emerges above the, canopy ,of the surrounding trees with a crown of large, shining green leaves. In the
  30. In the erosive power of rainfall. Other reasons include: a) changes in plant, canopy ,caused by shifts in plant biomass production associated with moisture regime; b
  31. Within an area referred to as forest. A woodland has a more continuously open, canopy , with trees spaced farther apart, which allows more sunlight to penetrate to
  32. Midtown, and Bulkhead business districts, the skyline gives way to a dense, canopy ,of woods that spreads into the suburbs. The nickname is factually accurate, as
  33. Engines. *XP-40Q with a 4-bladed prop, cut-down rear fuselage and bubble, canopy , supercharger, squared-off wingtips and tail surfaces, and improved engine with
  34. Investitures, the Queen stands on the throne dais beneath a giant, domed velvet, canopy , which is known as a shaman or a Baldwin and was used at the coronation
  35. Etc. # Sparse trees and parkland - Natural forests in which the tree, canopy ,cover is between 10-30 %, such as in the steppe regions of the world. Trees of
  36. 75 % of canopy cover). # Freshwater swamp forest - Natural forests with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, composed of trees with any mixture of leaf type and seasonality, but in
  37. Needleleaf forests - Natural forests with > 30 % canopy cover, in which the, canopy ,is predominantly (> 75 %) needle leaf and deciduous. # Mixed
  38. Palms). # Exotic species plantation - Intensively managed forests with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, which have been planted by people with species not naturally occurring
  39. Dogwoods, Southern pines, and magnificent oaks. " The city's lush tree, canopy , which filters out pollutants and cools sidewalks and buildings, has
  40. Proportion of precipitation, which is then evaporated back to the atmosphere (, canopy ,interception); *their litter, stems and trunks slow down surface runoff;
  41. And 25:75 %). # Broadleaf evergreen forest - Natural forests with > 30 %, canopy ,cover, the canopy being > 75 % evergreen and broadleaf. # Deciduous broadleaf
  42. A characteristic of them was a relatively short half-cylindrical glazed blue, canopy ,to provide shelter from the rain. All stations were above ground and were
  43. Dry forest - Natural forest with > 30 % canopy cover, in which the, canopy ,is mainly composed of sclerophyllous broadleaves and is > 75 % evergreen. #
  44. As a coordinated team so that they can corner their prey even in a continuous, canopy , Both males and females will sometimes travel alone. At the core of social
  45. Or carbohydrate. Forests are differentiated from woodlands by the extent of, canopy ,coverage: in a forest, the branches and the foliage of separate trees often
  46. Seasonality of rainfall is usually reflected in the deviousness of the forest, canopy , with most trees being leafless for several months of the year. However, under
  47. Small bulldozer shovel, forming a basic robot. Power would be provided by a ", canopy ," of solar cells supported on pillars. The other machinery could run under the
  48. Trees surrounding the body of water. Forests used for nesting should have a, canopy ,cover of no more than 60 percent, and no less than 20 percent, and be in close
  49. 1960s. Fire creates environmental mosaics and a patchiness to ecosystem age and, canopy ,structure. Native North Americans were among the first to influence fire
  50. Of solar cells supported on pillars. The other machinery could run under the, canopy , The study identified four key manufacturing capabilities out of the hundreds

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