Examples of the the word, tempo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tempo ), is the 10450 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The instrument can record a repeating loop of adjustable length, set to any, tempo , and new loops of sound can be layered on top of existing ones. This lends
  2. Variants of these techniques, most notably hop-skating, which involves dynamic, tempo ,causing both skis to leave the snow at the same time; generally it is used as a
  3. My Broken Heart ", is a sentimental teen pop ballad that runs through a slowly, tempo , " I Will Be There" features a guitar riff similar to Natalie Imbruglia's "
  4. Drumming, minor keys or atonality, and complex song structures with multiple, tempo ,changes. Building from the musical structure of thrash metal and early black
  5. By Colombia's performance, and particularly, by Valderrama: dictating the, tempo ,with his attractive short passing brand of football, whenever he had the ball
  6. Drummer is playing a rapid roll of hits. In other words, a gradual increase in, tempo ,.; Aborigine: A high-pitched hand-held gong played with a small mallet and used
  7. About repeating events like musical beats (for example, to determine, tempo ,) or pulsar frequencies, though it cannot tell the position in time of the beat
  8. This was pre-MIDI, but the results were impressive even though heavy doses of, tempo ,rubato would continually surprise my Synthetic Performer. In 1985, we solved the
  9. Fool, trick and deceive him. Music is integral to Capoeira. It sets the, tempo ,and style of game that is to be played within the road. The music is composed
  10. Of the cellist. Max Mathews developed the" Conductor" program for real-time, tempo , dynamic and timbre control of a pre-input electronic score. Morton Subsonic
  11. Francis Grass in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially he was counting the, tempo ,with a metronome and looking for records with the same tempo . Later a mixer was
  12. Laptop computers used to activate loops, sequences and samples; metronomes and, tempo ,meters; recording devices; and personal sound reinforcement equipment (e.g.
  13. Such as the IDJ2 or the Cortex Dmix-300 have the pitch control that alters, tempo ,and allows for beat matching on a digital music player. However, recent
  14. And sealed the series after a heavy collapse during the English run chase. The, tempo ,of the play changed over the next four series in the 1960s,held in 1962–63
  15. The Collegiate Shag (or" Shag" ) is a partner dance done primarily to upper, tempo ,jazz music (usually 200+ beats per minute). It belongs to the swing family of
  16. Instead of a single step. This is commonly used during songs when a slower, tempo ,makes the single step difficult (an example progression would be" rock step
  17. That and turntables with pitch control enabled him to mix tracks with different, tempo ,by changing the pitch of the cued (redirected to headphones) track to match
  18. Which maintain a slower pace at around 130–140 BPM. A general upward trend in, tempo ,has been observed during the evolution of drum and bass. The earliest forms of
  19. Disco Beats),which published hit disco songs listed by beats per minute (, tempo ,), as well as by either artist or song title. Billboard ran an article on the
  20. Add to the complexity of the genre. Death metal is known for its abrupt, tempo , key, and time signature changes, as well as fast and complex guitar and
  21. Premiere of An American in Paris. He stated that Damrosch's sluggish, dragging, tempo , caused him to walk out of the hall during a matinée performance of this work.
  22. A track are normally linked together: spin a disc 5 % faster and both pitch and, tempo ,will be 5 % higher. However, some modern DJ software can change pitch and tempo
  23. Sides of one, two,or three fingers, especially for walking baselines and slow, tempo ,ballads, because this is purported to create a stronger and more solid tone.
  24. Hand-held gong played with a small mallet and used to establish a common, tempo , It is also referred to as a" Kane" or" chancing," a name that comes from
  25. Rubato would continually surprise my Synthetic Performer. In 1985, we solved the, tempo ,rubato problem by incorporating learning from rehearsals (each time you played
  26. Version featuring a bagpipe soloist accompanied by a pipe and drum band. The, tempo ,of their arrangement was slowed to allow for the bagpipes, but it was based on
  27. A different arrangement to the original. As well as different instruments,the, tempo , time signature and key signature may be altered, sometimes drastically so. The
  28. Fade to the second track, then back to first, then to second again. Pitch and, tempo ,The pitch and tempo of a track are normally linked together: spin a disc 5 %
  29. Recording. He wrote his decisions on the score, notably those concerning the, tempo , Caravan decided on minim (half note) 80 whereas Beethoven had written
  30. 1988. *Hello, ellus: grammatical Sara. Nor: Pedro,c1994. *La lingual new, tempo ,: variation e Papiamento in Latino, italiano e Sarto. Cagliari: CUE,1995.
  31. Tracks with slower tempo s (that is, in the 150s and 160s),but the mid-170, tempo , is still the hallmark of the drum and bass sound. Live performances of drum and
  32. Tune of Johnnie Hamp's 1929 song" Keep Your Sunny Side Up" at an increased, tempo , The official version of the song was recorded in 1972 by the Fable Singers and
  33. Track, then back to first, then to second again. Pitch and tempo The pitch and, tempo ,of a track are normally linked together: spin a disc 5 % faster and both pitch
  34. From 1991. At this point, all the above characteristics are present: abrupt, tempo ,and count changes, on occasion extremely fast drumming, morbid lyrics and
  35. Then, the orchestra descends chords in arpeggio form, and in slow maestro, tempo , the full chorus sings," Tighter AUS Elysium, Freude, schöner Götterfunken
  36. Changing the pitch of the cued (redirected to headphones) track to match its, tempo ,with the track being played by ear. Essentially, the technique he originated
  37. A type of lively, fast-paced rhythm and dance music consisting of a, tempo ,of about 120 to 160 beats per minute (though it varies) based on musical
  38. A result, it created the freedom that Valderrama needed in order to dictate the, tempo ,of the game without doing too much running with and without the ball, the
  39. Tempo will be 5 % higher. However, some modern DJ software can change pitch and, tempo ,independently using time-stretching and pitch-shifting, allowing harmonic
  40. And is a fusion of honky took, country-rock and Bakersfield Sound. It has the, tempo ,of country-rock and the emotion of honky-tonk, Truck driving country songs
  41. With Valderrama and Resin pulling all the strings, permanently dictating the, tempo ,of the game. In the second match, Colombia reaffirmed their new-found status
  42. Out a certain number of beats per minute. They are adjustable to fit the, tempo ,of the piece. Many models can also produce a tuning pitch of A4 (440 Hz)
  43. Programmes. But rave music tended to feature stronger bass sounds and a faster, tempo ,(127 to over 140) beats per minute (BPM) than that of early house music.
  44. Use, because it allows him more flexibility to change the pieces in rhythm and, tempo , In 2001, he told Time magazine," I may hear something I like on an old record
  45. Style by figures such as Eric Burden, Tom Jones and Joe Cocker to produce slow, tempo ,songs often building to a loud and emotive chorus backed by drums, electric
  46. Was counting the tempo with a metronome and looking for records with the same, tempo , Later a mixer was built for him by Alex Roster which let him listen to any
  47. Or the road style. The Bergman is the leading instrument, determining the, tempo ,and style of the music and game played. Two low pitch Rimbaud (called
  48. They can be stored on the strings past the bridge. *Metronomes provide a steady, tempo ,by sounding out a certain number of beats per minute. They are adjustable to
  49. Disc jockey technique of pitch shifting or time stretching a track to match its, tempo ,to that of the currently playing track e.g. the kicks and snares in two houses
  50. Mid 90s was not a form of House or a progression of Garage House. The beats and, tempo ,that define House are entirely different. This did cause further confusion in

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