Examples of the the word, shear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shear ), is the 10439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These properties are typically a function of their inability to support a, shear ,stress in static equilibrium. Solids can be subjected to shear stresses, and to
  2. Modelling In a solid, shear stress is a function of strain, but in a fluid, shear ,stress is a function of strain rate. A consequence of this behavior is Pascal
  3. Colloidal gels, such as bentonite and toothpaste, flow like liquids under, shear , but maintain their shape when shear is removed. It is for this reason that
  4. If we assume that there are no viscous forces in the medium (the bulk and, shear ,viscosity are zero),the momentum equation takes the form: \rho \left (
  5. Past one another, strike-slip faults develop in shallow regions, and become, shear ,zones at deeper depths where the rocks deform ductile. The addition of new
  6. And transferred to the perimeter diaphragm walls. In order to reduce large, shear ,reversals in the core walls in the basement, and at the top of the tower base
  7. To stress and therefore are viscous, but a fluid which has no resistance to, shear ,stress is known as an ideal fluid or in viscid fluid. Lubricated friction
  8. To support a shear stress in static equilibrium. Solids can be subjected to, shear ,stresses, and to normal stresses—both compressive and tensile. In contrast
  9. Stiffness, and militancy (volume change associated with application of, shear ,stress). Water resources engineering Water resources
  10. Be classified by how the forces of tension, compression,bending, torsion and, shear ,are distributed through their structure. Most bridges will employ all of the
  11. Such as the TIM barrel). Β-Barrels are often described by their stagger or, shear , Some open β sheets are very curved and fold over on themselves (as in the SH3
  12. Noted that the symphonic trombonists used the least amount of both direct and, shear ,forces and recommends this model be followed. Other research notes that
  13. The crank may fail due to twisting, so the Conrad needs to be checked for, shear ,at the position of maximal twisting. The pressure at this position is the
  14. Would form behind a sliding retaining wall, and he suggested that the maximum, shear ,stress on the slip plane, for design purposes, was the sum of the soil cohesion
  15. Capable of being subjected to low levels of shear stress. Modelling In a solid, shear ,stress is a function of strain, but in a fluid, shear stress is a function of
  16. In compression, but weak in tension. Larger earthquakes can generate very large, shear ,loads on structures. These shear loads subject the structure to both tension
  17. Is a deformable body that possesses shear strength, sc. A solid can support, shear ,forces (forces parallel to the material surface on which they act). Fluids
  18. A fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied, shear ,stress, no matter how small. Fluids are a subset of the phases of matter and
  19. Advances in this field showed the existence of a liquid outer core (where, shear ,waves were not able to propagate) and a dense solid inner core. These advances
  20. From metal billets, reducing weight * First airliner to be fitted with wind, shear ,protection * Advanced autopilots capable of flying the aircraft from climb-out
  21. Energy. Although the strength of individual CNT shells is extremely high, weak, shear , interactions between adjacent shells and tubes leads to significant reductions
  22. Of the soil mass treated. Usually, the properties that are modified are, shear ,strength, stiffness and permeability. Ground improvement has developed into a
  23. Those of its elements, but engineering properties such as tensile strength and, shear ,strength may be substantially different from those of the constituent materials
  24. The force to merge with other lipids. The oil is emulsified using a high, shear ,mixer with detergents to stabilize the emulsion, so,when they encounter the
  25. Describes how mouthpiece pressure towards the lips (vertical forces) and, shear ,pressure (horizontal forces) functioned in three test groups, student
  26. Power by which the luminance of an image is increased in gamma correction **The, shear ,rate of a fluid is represented by a lower case gamma with a dot above it: \dot
  27. To the surface of the water because a liquid in equilibrium cannot support, shear ,stresses. To quote Anthony and Bracket: Moreover, because the element of water
  28. Naturally occurring colloids, modern chemical process industries utilize high, shear ,mixing technology to create novel colloids. The dispersed-phase particles have
  29. Bodies, as opposed to rigid bodies. A solid is a deformable body that possesses, shear ,strength, sc. A solid can support shear forces (forces parallel to the
  30. Notches that serve in today's carnivores to hold flesh in place to, shear ,apart with cutting ridges. The theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex
  31. In glacier velocity. As the parts move at different speeds and directions, shear ,forces cause the two sections to break apart, opening the crack of a crevasse
  32. Lambda~ (\tabla \dot \math bf)~\bold symbol where \mu is the, shear ,viscosity and \lambda is the bulk viscosity. Therefore, the divergence of
  33. Where the loading are normal to the crack. * Mode II is a sliding or in-plane, shear ,mode where the crack surfaces slide over one another in direction perpendicular
  34. Metamorphism of granite, which contains characteristic elliptic or lenticular, shear ,bound feldspar porphyroclasts, normally microphone, within the layering of the
  35. List of GIMP transform tools include the align tool, move,crop, rotate,scale, shear , perspective and flit tools.; Layers, layer masks and channels: An image being
  36. Dykes which form along new or pre-existing fault systems and networks of active, shear ,zones (Clemens,1998). As these narrow conduits open, the first magma to
  37. Actinium is a soft, silvery-white,radioactive, metallic element. Its estimated, shear ,modulus is similar to that of lead. Owing to its strong radioactivity, actinium
  38. In characterizing a fluid's state. Depending on the relationship between, shear ,stress, and the rate of strain and its derivatives, fluids can be characterized
  39. Scheme, the core has a similar arrangement to the steel scheme and the wind, shear ,is taken out from the core at the lowest basement level and transferred to the
  40. 170 MPA (1800 kg/cm²) but poor tensile strength of 104–121 MPA and very low, shear ,stress strength (51.6 MPA),meaning it resists pushing forces well, but not
  41. As force per unit area): \eta = \tau/\franc (dynamic viscosity defined as, shear ,stress per unit velocity gradient). Thus, for example, the CGS unit of
  42. Atlantic Ocean experiences depressed activity due to increased vertical wind, shear ,across the region during El Niño years. Elsewhere In Africa, East Africa -
  43. Larger earthquakes can generate very large shear loads on structures. These, shear ,loads subject the structure to both tension and compressional loads. Concrete
  44. To foreground objects through statistical analyses. By examining the apparent, shear ,deformation of the adjacent background galaxies, astrophysicists can
  45. Fluids display viscosity and so are capable of being subjected to low levels of, shear ,stress. Modelling In a solid, shear stress is a function of strain, but in a
  46. Material surface on which they act). Fluids, on the other hand, do not sustain, shear ,forces. For the study of the mechanical behavior of solids and fluids these are
  47. Physical strength of chromatin is vital for this stage of division to prevent, shear ,damage to the DNA as the daughter chromosomes are separated. To maximize
  48. And toothpaste, flow like liquids under shear , but maintain their shape when, shear ,is removed. It is for this reason that toothpaste can be squeezed from a
  49. This device allows testing in essentially mode II condition. * Crack lap, shear ,tests (CLS) are application-oriented fracture resistance tests. They consist
  50. Both energy and momentum densities as well as stress (that is, pressure and, shear ,). Using the equivalence principle, this tensor is readily generalized to

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