Examples of the the word, serpent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( serpent ), is the 11513 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Keys) similarly to a woodwind instrument. These included the cornet, serpent , ophicleide, keyed bugle and keyed trumpet. They are more difficult to play
  2. Hypothesis of what could have happened if the terrestrial Eve had resisted the, serpent ,'s temptation and avoided the Fall of Man. The last novel in the Trilogy, That
  3. 20:2). In the Bible, the devil is identified with" The dragon" and" the old, serpent ," in the Book of Revelation 12:9,20:2 have also been identified with Satan, as
  4. Pythias, Apollo shot his first arrow as an infant which effectively slayed the, serpent ,Python, the son of Gaia, who guarded the spot. To atone the murder of Gaia's
  5. Was also current in English up to the 18th century. The association of the, serpent ,with a monstrous opponent overcome by a heroic deity has its roots in the
  6. Disguise, they hunted him down and bound him to three rocks. Then they tied a, serpent ,above him, the venom of which dripped onto his face. His wife Sign gathered
  7. Descend the west balustrade of the northern stairway. The visual effect is of a, serpent ,descending the stairway, with its head at the base in light. Additionally the
  8. Game, the amphisbaena is depicted as in traditional myth as a giant, serpent ,with a head at both ends. It travels by grasping one head in the other and
  9. That according to Genesis, the first speech act is due to Eve, addressing the, serpent , and not to Adam. In his Divine Com media, however,Dante changes his view to
  10. To go ", also called the Mother of Ants, is a mythological, ant-eating, serpent , with a head at each end. According to Greek mythology, the amphisbaena was
  11. Angels, writes:: In Revelation 20:2 he" laid hold of the dragon, that old, serpent , which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years ". According to
  12. Rebel Al-Razi, the stomach Home, and the tail Aleppo. If I crush the head the, serpent ,will die. " Shishakli dispatched 10,000 regular troops to occupy the Rebel
  13. Dragon" and" drug" are not linguistically related. However, both the, serpent ,and the spirit serve as jealous guardians of the graves of kings or ancient
  14. From the Greek word δράκων, drakon (genitive dragons, δράκοντος ) ", serpent , giant selfish ", which is believed to have come from an earlier stem dark-, a
  15. The common theme of the mane of serpent s is kept across works, as is the, serpent ,'s tail, most literary works of the era describe Cerberus as having three heads
  16. Vapors that caused the oracle at Delphi to give her prophecies. Hera sent the, serpent ,to hunt Let to her death across the world. To protect his mother, Apollo
  17. Held every year, at which the whole story was represented: the slaying of the, serpent , and the flight, atonement,and return of the god. The Pythias Games took
  18. A new Garden of Eden on the planet Venus, a new Adam and Eve, and a new ", serpent ,figure" to tempt them. The story can be seen as a hypothesis of what could
  19. Was determined to crush them. He frequently proclaimed:" My enemies are like a, serpent ,: the head is the Rebel Al-Razi, the stomach Home, and the tail Aleppo. If I
  20. To in Dante's Divine Comedy:" Virtue is like an enemy avoided by all, as is a, serpent , through misfortune of place, or through bad habit that impels them, on which
  21. The Aegis is described as the bag in which Athene carried her shield and the, serpent ,who was her son. John Teethes says that it was the skin of the monstrous giant
  22. Eve to eat the forbidden fruit; thus, Satan has often been depicted as a, serpent , Though this identification is not present in the Adam and Eve narrative, this
  23. Pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, that, serpent , of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he
  24. Motif entered Greek mythology and ultimately Christian mythology, although the, serpent ,motif may already be part of prehistoric Indo-European mythology as well, based
  25. A priestess of the temple, but one day Apollo again returned to the form of a, serpent ,and coiled around her while she stood by a spring. This time Dry ope was turned
  26. With the (deadly) glance. " The Greek and Latin term referred to any great, serpent , not necessarily mythological, and this usage was also current in English up to
  27. As depicted in the bas-reliefs of the Bacon, and the story of Malinda,the, serpent ,king who protected the Buddha from the elements. Nāga Bridge Nāga bridges are
  28. Of buttocks left by a naked workman sitting in wet clay. The curves of the, serpent ,bench from a number of enclaves, creating a more social atmosphere. Saudi
  29. Ambassadors from other states ". Myths indicate that Apollo killed the Catholic, serpent ,Python, Pythia in older myths, but according to some later accounts his wife
  30. Of the book of Revelation, which specifically identifies Satan as being the, serpent ,(Rev. 20:2). In the Bible, the devil is identified with" The dragon" and "
  31. The park is the main terrace, surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea, serpent , To design the curvature of the bench surface Saudi used the shape of buttocks
  32. The vista to reveal Erichthonius, in the form (or embrace) of a serpent . The, serpent , or insanity induced by the sight, drives Here and Assaults to throw
  33. In the Vulgate). The connection between the sea-monster and" Leviathan the, serpent ," is made in. In Jewish astronomy this is also identified with the North Pole
  34. Is frequently called" the Lion-faced ", leontoeides, with the body of a, serpent , We are told also, that the Demiurge is of a fiery nature, the words of Moses
  35. And to any human system in opposition to God. Satan is often identified as the, serpent ,who convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit; thus, Satan has often been
  36. One finds brass instruments made of wood, like the Alford, the cornet,the, serpent ,and the didgeridoo, while some woodwind instruments are made of brass, like the
  37. Wall. Often the Madeira is depicted with some other creature, such as a lion or, serpent , emerging from its gaping maw. The Madeira is a central motif in the design of
  38. Historian Sac van Bercovitch:" Few puritans more loudly decried the bosom, serpent ,of egotism than did Cotton Mather; none more clearly exemplified it. Explicitly
  39. That could support masses of sound above it took some time. While the, serpent ,was used for over two centuries dating back to the late Renaissance, it was
  40. Bitten by Fiery flying serpent s for speaking against God and Moses. A brazen, serpent ,is made to ward off these serpent s. The Israelites arrive at the plains of Moab
  41. Cup shows that the Aegis was represented exactly as the skin of the guardian, serpent , with its scales clearly delineated. Often the Aegis is described as the bag in
  42. Of figures with the head of a cock, a lion, or an ass, and the tail of a, serpent ,was formerly taken in the light of what Grenades says about the followers of
  43. Womb) who is obviously connected with Delphi and Apollo Delphiniums and a male, serpent ,Typhoon (τύφειν: smoke),the adversary of Zeus in the Titanomachy, who the
  44. By the foiled rape by Hephaestus. Other variants relate that the, serpent ,who accompanied Athena, also called Erichthonius, was born to Gaia when the
  45. The euphonium traces its ancestry to the ophicleide and ultimately back to the, serpent , The search for a satisfactory foundational wind instrument that could support
  46. Which in turn comes from Latin dragon (nominative Draco) meaning" huge, serpent , dragon," from the Greek word δράκων, drakon (genitive dragons, δράκοντος )
  47. Sisters opens the vista to reveal Erichthonius, in the form (or embrace) of a, serpent , The serpent , or insanity induced by the sight, drives Here and Assaults to
  48. Symbolic of Shiva. Madeira A Madeira is a mythical sea monster with the body of a, serpent , the trunk of an elephant, and a head that can have features reminiscent of a
  49. People, who were said to be descended from the union of an Indian Brahman and a, serpent ,princess from Cambodia. Nāgas were also characters in other well-known legends
  50. Account of fly-fishing, using lures of red wool and feathers, of lacquer work, serpent ,worship — Essentially the Various History is a Classical" magazine" in the

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