Examples of the the word, appealing , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Relationships to length, time and mass may be derived by equally, appealing ,methods. Two of them rely on the forces observed on charges. Two fundamental
  2. With a complete abandonment of the pursuit of what is aesthetically, appealing , Indeed, the reverse is often true, that the revision of what is popularly
  3. Common ownership was the key to eroding differences of economic power," and, appealing ,to social solidarity,Tucker's individualist anarchism advocated distribution
  4. The dominant patriarchal discourse. For the general reader the Treasure is, appealing ,because she gives fascinating glimpses into women's lives in 1400,from the
  5. The Lobe Classical Library introduction characterizes the book as:" an, appealing ,collection of facts and fables about the animal kingdom that invites the reader
  6. Likens it to the string of a jeweled necklace; while it may not be the most, appealing ,for most people, it is the string that gives form to the necklace, allowing the
  7. The termand the South African government shifted to the politically, appealing ,but historically deceptive term" ethnic homelands ". Meanwhile the
  8. Is to notice the disquieting links between democracy and a number of less than, appealing ,features of Athenian life. Although democracy predated Athenian imperialism by
  9. Demonstrative sense. Art has a transformative capacity: it confers particularly, appealing ,or aesthetically satisfying structures or forms upon an original set of
  10. Against the Fathers and wrote a letter to Phillip Augustus, King of France, appealing ,for his intervention—or an intervention led by his son, Louis. This was not the
  11. Version of the Burr dilemma applies to approval voting when two candidates are, appealing ,to the same subset of voters. Although approval voting differs from the voting
  12. Because his work intentionally disregarded contemporary Architecture discourse, appealing ,more through methods consistent with his theories than through established
  13. Fatal. Ethylene glycol, often used as an automotive antifreeze, is particularly, appealing ,to cats, and as little as a teaspoonful can be fatal. Some human foods are
  14. In addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressure (for example, appealing ,to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful.
  15. Party who, having lost part or all their claim in a lower court decision, is, appealing , to a higher court to have their case reconsidered. This is usually done on the
  16. Military supplies and had attempted to stop it, at first diplomatically by, appealing ,to previous treaty obligations, interpretation of whose terms the two nations
  17. Haydn accordingly wanted more dramatic contrast and more emotionally, appealing ,melodies, with sharpened character and individuality. This period faded away in
  18. That the revision of what is popularly conceived of as being aesthetically, appealing ,allows for a re-invigoration of aesthetic sensibility, and a new appreciation
  19. Scottish National Party and Plaid Cyprus),whether to be a center-left party, appealing ,to the electorate on a social democratic line, or whether to appeal emotionally
  20. Which to challenge a judges order on merits. The first is the front door and by, appealing ,to a higher court. The second is by directly disobeying the order on merits.
  21. When he later confronted a corrupt Army officer attempting to manipulate him by, appealing ,to his loyalty," I'm loyal to nothing, General ... except the American Dream.
  22. Be art. However," good" art is not always or even regularly aesthetically, appealing ,to a majority of viewers. In other words, an artist's prime motivation need
  23. Fought back with patronage, by pitting his opponents against each other, and by, appealing ,to the American people with his powers of oratory. His Gettysburg Address of
  24. To the importance of episcopal apostolic succession would counter the above by, appealing ,to the New Testament, which,they say, implies a personal apostolic succession
  25. Closer to Capp's later villains LEM and Luke Scraggy, than to the much more, appealing ,and innocent Li'l Abner. ) Also during this period, Capp was working at night
  26. Fidelity? " Queen adds," ... and his choice of the euphoric Solar Pons is an, appealing ,addition to the fascinating lore of Shylockian nomenclature. " Vincent
  27. De Broglie's wavelength reproduces Bohr's rule. Bohr justified his rule by, appealing ,to the correspondence principle, without providing a wave interpretation. In
  28. Is the genre of grotesque. Greek philosophers initially felt that aesthetically, appealing ,objects were beautiful in and of themselves. Plato felt that beautiful objects
  29. She portrays in Edward Weston, and that her heroine Agnes Grey finds deeply, appealing , If Anne did form an attachment to Weightman, that does not imply that he, in
  30. By the early 1990s,the revitalized neighborhoods transformed areas of the city, appealing ,to new residents. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s,historic streetcar suburbs
  31. Appeared on a map in 1759–1760. Although the Beau Leave theory is the most, appealing ,but least plausible theory among many, it is unlikely that Buffalo's true name
  32. Set of reals and use computable numbers for all mathematics. This idea is, appealing ,from a constructivist point of view, and has been pursued by what Bishop and
  33. The support of the young post-war university students and recent graduates, appealing ,to younger voters in a way that many of his recent predecessors had not, and
  34. 2010 Bar dot addressed a letter to the Danish Queen, Margrethe II of Denmark, appealing ,for the sovereign to halt the killing of dolphins in the Fare Islands. In the
  35. Unpopular Stoughton his appointment as lieutenant governor under Ships by, appealing ,to his politically powerful father, Increase Mather. “ Intercession had been
  36. Abraham Kuiper argues, moreover,that Abigail's conduct indicates" a most, appealing ,character and unwavering faith. " Yet Alice Bach regards her as subversive
  37. Descent. Why not see if they could be persuaded to keep Russia in the way by, appealing ,to their latent Jewishness and giving them another reason to continue the fight
  38. Russian boy band Anushka International. The Puerto Rican boy band Menu do, appealing ,to young Latina audiences, was founded in 1977. Menu do had a convention unique
  39. Extent of regulation can be a hindrance; more restrictive regulations seem, appealing ,on an intuitive level, but critics decry the tradeoff cost in terms of slowing
  40. Mutton and lamb, together with wild boar and venison all make up highly, appealing ,dishes. Also, typical of this southern region are smoked products, including
  41. The lawsuit in the spring of 2009 on procedural grounds, but farmers are, appealing ,this decision in August 2009,seeking to have the merits of their arguments
  42. Into a hereditary duchy for himself. This proposal, which was understandably, appealing ,to Albert, had already been discussed by some of his relatives; but it was
  43. Purpose of overturning the lower court's decision. The specific procedures for, appealing , including even whether there is a right of appeal from a particular type of
  44. On alcoholic beverage sales, who argue that the beverages are especially, appealing ,to underage drinkers. Other terms include FAB (flavored alcoholic beverage)
  45. Many years in the 'stagnant backwaters' of British politics, this seemed most, appealing , The Reform Act 1867 extended the franchise by 938,427 – an increase of 88 % –
  46. Lighter in color and possessing a deep grain structure that is visually, appealing , ..... Due to decreasing availability and rising prices of premium-quality
  47. Come from the Septuagint Greek translation. Ignorant of Hebrew, and only rarely, appealing ,to other Greek versions (to Aquila once in the Thesis, to other versions
  48. Engineering popular among followers of Francis Bacon. These lampoons include, appealing ,to the authority of" a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London "
  49. Many ethnic minority youth in Germany find the these German identity themes, appealing , others view the desire of immigrants to be seen as German negatively, and they
  50. Nature—an ending which the publisher insisted would be 'more realistic' and, appealing ,to a U. S. audience. The film adaptation, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is based

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