Examples of the the word, rectangle , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rectangle ), is the 11340 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are roughly almond-shaped, particularly a shape which is a part way between a, rectangle ,and an ellipse. See, for example, the brain structure amygdala, which uses a
- The gardener's ellipse. If the ellipse is to be inscribed within a specified, rectangle , tangent to its four sides at their midpoints, one must first determine the
- A dosimeter. This has been replaced with a more conventional, wider & rounded, rectangle ,which can still be halved, but lacks the dosimeter reading holes. Australia The
- Thus, a one-dimensional array is a list of data, a two-dimensional array a, rectangle ,of data, a three-dimensional array a block of data, etc. This should not be
- Of compact spaces are any closed interval a, b of the real numbers, or any, rectangle ,(including its boundary) of the plane. More generally the Bolzano–Weierstrass
- The construction of tall structures without slant Examples Rectangles For a, rectangle , the aspect ratio denotes the ratio of length to width of the rectangle . An
- One man behind an ox in one day. This explains one definition as the area of a, rectangle ,with sides of length one chain and one furlong. A long narrow strip of land is
- Its primary symbols are only 4: the directed arrow showing program flow,the, rectangle ,(SEQUENCE, GOTO),the diamond (IF-THEN-ELSE),and the dot (OR-tie). The
- In M and S is congruent to T then T is also in M and a (S) = a (T). * Every, rectangle ,R is in M. If the rectangle has length h and breadth k then a (R) = HK. * Let
- The most basic area formula is the formula for the area of a rectangle . Given a, rectangle ,with length and, the formula for the area is: ( rectangle ). That is, the area
- It. Each wall, the floor and the ceiling is a simple polygon, in this case,a, rectangle , Each corner of the rectangle s is defined by three values referred to as X, Y
- Each Braille character, or cell, is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a, rectangle ,containing two columns of three dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the
- Loop, insert a pin at one focus, and the second pin at the opposite side of the, rectangle ,on the major axis. Loop the string around the two pins and tie it taut. Move
- Case). For four or more points on the same circle (e.g., the vertices of a, rectangle ,) the Delaney triangulation is not unique: each of the two possible
- Stamped atop of the upper half. France issues either a metallic rounded, rectangle ,(Army) or disk (Navy),designed to be broken in half, bearing Family Name &
- Many similarities to those of association football: the game is played on a, rectangle ,of ice the same size as a football field. Each team has 11 players, one of whom
- The northern interior reduces the actual land area to. Belize is shaped like a, rectangle ,that extends about north-south and about east-west, with a total land boundary
- Superman ". An image of the lead character either appeared above or below the, rectangle , For books that did not have a single star, such as anthologies like House of
- Such definitions apply simultaneously. For instance, given the following: * a, rectangle ,: a quadrilateral that has interior angles which are all right angles. * a
- Measurements of area and volume are derived from distances. For example,a, rectangle ,with a width of 3 and a length of 4 has an area that represents the product
- Occurrences within each bin are counted and plotted such that the area of each, rectangle ,equals the portion of the sample values within that bin:: H (x_k)=\franc where
- It follows that the area of the parallelogram is the same as the area of the, rectangle ,:: (parallelogram). Triangles, as shown in the figure to the right. It follows
- It may take a few tries to push just hard enough to make the ellipse fit the, rectangle , The string method was developed by James Clerk Maxwell, the discoverer of the
- For a rectangle , the aspect ratio denotes the ratio of length to width of the, rectangle , An aspect ratio of 1:1 is a square. From left to right: * 1. = 4:3: Some (not
- Rectangles The most basic area formula is the formula for the area of a, rectangle , Given a rectangle with length and, the formula for the area is: ( rectangle ).
- Such lintels characteristically consists in a dominant image at the center of a, rectangle , from which issue swirling elements that reach to the far ends of the rectangle
- On Sunday newspaper cartoons: the standard cartoon starts with a large, wide, rectangle , featuring the cartoon's logo or a throwaway panel tangential to the main area
- Focus. Then draw the ellipse as above; it should fit snugly in the original, rectangle , Unfortunately strings tend to be elastic so if you push harder on the pencil
- Tubes were used to display rectangular images, the diagonal measurement of the, rectangle ,was equivalent to the diameter of the tube's face. This method continued even
- 40 % of a hectare. Perhaps the easiest way to envisage an acre is as a, rectangle ,measuring 88 yards by 55 yards (1/10 of 880 yards by 1/16 of 880 yards)
- A-B)squared - (A-D)squared) i.e. square root of the long side of the, rectangle ,squared minus short side squared. Draw a horizontal line through the center of
- One value of the function f (x). Call that value h. Then the area of the, rectangle ,with base Ex and height h gives the distance (time Ex multiplied by speed h)
- Of mathematical filings and palominos, the word domino often refers to any, rectangle ,formed from joining two congruent squares edge to edge. The traditional
- And so dichromats simply look for the position of the light within the, rectangle ,— top, middle or bottom. In the Eastern provinces of Canada
- Minus short side squared. Draw a horizontal line through the center of the, rectangle , This will be the major axis of the ellipse. Place the loci on the major axis
- Foci and the length of the string loop:: Let A, B,C, D be the corners of the, rectangle , in clockwise order, with A-B being one of the long sides. Draw a circle
- 1970 DC briefly retired the circular logo in favor of a simple" DC" in a, rectangle ,with the name of the title, or the star of the book; the logo on many issues of
- Up with it exactly. (Flipping it over is allowed. ) Thus, for example, a 2x6, rectangle , and a 3x4 rectangle are equal but not congruent, and the letter R is congruent
- There are proposed lunar alignments. The four station stones mark out a, rectangle , The short sides point towards the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset. The
- Color. Most British road traffic lights are mounted vertically on a black, rectangle ,with a white border (forming a" sighting board" ) and so dichromats simply
- Is moved to the other side of the trapezoid, then the resulting figure is a, rectangle , It follows that the area of the parallelogram is the same as the area of the
- A rectangle . Given a rectangle with length and, the formula for the area is: (, rectangle ,). That is, the area of the rectangle is the length multiplied by the width. As
- Is the shape of a cross (a long central rectangle , with side rectangle s, and a, rectangle ,in front of the altar space or sanctuary). These churches also often have a
- A common architecture for churches is the shape of a cross (a long central, rectangle , with side rectangle s, and a rectangle in front of the altar space or
- Or any prism) is cut lengthwise, the surface can be flattened out into a, rectangle , Similarly, if a cut is made along the side of a cone, the side surface can be
- Side length is given by the formula: (square). The formula for the area of a, rectangle ,follows directly from the basic properties of area, and is sometimes taken as a
- And, the formula for the area is: ( rectangle ). That is, the area of the, rectangle ,is the length multiplied by the width. As a special case, the area of a square
- Rectangle, from which issue swirling elements that reach to the far ends of the, rectangle , These swirling elements may take shape as either vinelike vegetation or as the
- Will not suffice on even a wood floor. Many Cellists often use a square or, rectangle ,of carpet that can be secured under the front two legs of the chair as an
- Then T is also in M and a (S) = a (T). * Every rectangle R is in M. If the, rectangle ,has length h and breadth k then a (R) = HK. * Let Q be a set enclosed between
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