Examples of the the word, longing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( longing ), is the 11348 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minimal script; it is a mood piece exploring people, the city, and a concept: a, longing ,for and love of life, existence,reality. Peter Fall wasn't meant to be a
  2. For an upstairs neighbor who has fallen off a ladder, visits her, sensing her, longing ,to die, but is unable to take her, though she informs her that Ra (the sun)
  3. A more literal translation, however,might be stormed and urge, storm and, longing , or storm and impulse) is the name of a movement in German literature and
  4. Such as The Sick Child (1885),and Love and Pain) or as the cause of great, longing , jealousy and despair (see Separation, Jealousy and Ashes). Munch often uses
  5. Rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with, longing ,"; in this sense, Lord Henry can be seen to represent the Devil," leading
  6. 400 years in the Land of Ne phi rose to the occasion and, filled with a sense of, longing ,for what has been lost, eloquently recounted the last days of the Nephrite
  7. Used his own observation and experience. Although he frequently wrote of his, longing ,for solitude in order to come closer to God and to extend his reflections –
  8. Or end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy, longing , The ellipsis calls for a slight pause in speech or any other form of text. The
  9. Of sensation. Father himself was a convert to Catholicism. That the, longing ,to transcend oneself is" one of the principal appetites of the soul" is
  10. Needlework and weaving (63–4); Aphrodite" shed grace upon her head and cruel, longing ,and cares that weary the limbs" ( 65–6); Hermes gave her" a shameful mind
  11. In Tombs,9 on the origins of the place,2,3,and 11 his emotional distress and, longing ,for home. The final poem is again an apology for his work. The fourth book has
  12. Iapetus with banishment. Iapetus is said to have replied" With eager, longing ,have I come to gaze upon the Most Christian Emperor Justinian. In his place I
  13. Preserved in the Icelandic sagas. These legends intensified an inner, longing ,he later called" joy ". He also grew to love nature; its beauty reminded him
  14. McCallum completed his research for the book, Cobb was again alone and had a, longing ,to return to Georgia. In December 1959,Cobb was diagnosed with prostate
  15. Fascinating forts and palaces, a true royal retreat. It is not just a romantic, longing ,for a royal experience, but also the search for the truly authentic Indian
  16. Into two different beings they began dying in each other's arms since their, longing ,to be together was so great. Once Zeus saw this, he stuck pity on them and
  17. Rhythm which is most often sung to by one of the two drummers. These songs of, longing ,and romance once served as a courtship ritual and still do today to some extent
  18. Six years by her aunt Virginia and uncle Audrey Galbraith. Nancy describes, longing ,for her mother during those years:" My favorite times were when Mother had a
  19. With monogamy is said to be" because of widespread cheating and divorce ". The, longing ,for community is associated with a felt need for the richness of" complex and
  20. And the city's borders have been the subject of bilateral talks. A strong, longing ,for peace is symbolized by the Peace Monument (with farming tools made out of
  21. By the dim light of the stars for the dawn of a new day ... we were, longing ,for the answer to the agonizing prayers of centuries. " During the U. S.
  22. Once green, hanging below an equally tattered cotton frock, once purple; her, longing ,eyes fixed on a game of baseball at the corner of the green till she reaches
  23. Works show an artist at the height of his ability, completely in control and ", longing ,for concision and grace ". Letters The most comprehensive primary source for
  24. Part of these feet:: Mile/NI mi/nun the/Kevin (1:1): (" I am driven by my, longing ,") * All syllables without a main stress are metrically neutral. Neutral
  25. Used to be. When they sing, in voices layered with ambivalence and anger and, longing , it is clear that it is their past selves whom they are serenading. " Awards
  26. It reflects the heart and mind open to meet the given, ready,even, longing , to accept the wonderful. The Doors are a quiet book. It is also one that
  27. Movement appealed to the revolutionary spirit of America as well as to those, longing ,to break free of the strict religious traditions of early settlement. The
  28. But the drug also expresses an innate jealousy of the living, stemming from a, longing ,for the things of the life it once had. This idea is clearly expressed in the
  29. Seek redemption and meaning in an absurd and violent world. The theme of, longing ,for redemption, justification,and honor in a dishonorable existence permeates
  30. Your servanthood (ubudiyya),and that there may never be in your soul a, longing ,for any existing thing '. Junayd Baghdadi (830-910 CE) was
  31. That the absence of religious belief can simultaneously be accompanied by a, longing ,for" salvation and meaning ". This line of thinking presented an ostensible
  32. For detachment from a process, which includes non-existence and causes the, longing ,for self-annihilation. # Gurkha Nicola (cessation of suffering): One cannot
  33. Yet is an alert and intelligent hound. It is said that Sloughs have a mighty, longing ,for moving and that is not easy to keep them in flats with families; however, a
  34. Urban music, usually associated with the Portuguese guitar and sausage, or, longing , Cobra fade, a unique type of fade, is also noteworthy. Internationally
  35. Longer life ... for many of Hopkins’s best poems — impregnated with an elegiac, longing ,for Dolmen, his lost beloved and his muse — were the result. " Some of his
  36. An American audience slowly recovering from the Great Depression and that was, longing ,for prosperity. At the time the credibility of Fukuyama’s imaginary landscape
  37. His own physical strength, his ignorance, the perverseness of the people, his, longing , for the tranquility of his former life "; and having divested himself of every
  38. Of course. I love to Seize the Day. " Quotations" There is an immense, painful, longing , for a broader, more flexible, fuller,more coherent, more comprehensive account
  39. Blended with the pagan philosophy in which lived the desire for truth and the, longing ,after God. When he died, however,he left no pupil who could succeed him, nor
  40. By a Vedic Sanskrit epithet ascribed to her, vanas-" ( female) loveliness;, longing , desire ", which is cognate with Latin Venus (Proto-Indo-European root In the
  41. Of which is set on Sakhalin, where the murderer Yakov loads coal in the night, longing ,for home. Melikhovo In 1892,Chekhov bought the small country estate of
  42. This have to do with reason? For Camus, when an individual's consciousness, longing ,for order, collides with the Other's lack of order, a third element is born:
  43. And the Zohar in order to free itself. The Wave Existence also sensed Abel's, longing ,for his mother and used the biological computer Harmony to create a woman for
  44. Unable to begin during his lifetime. A futuristic film about a humanoid android, longing ,for love, A. I. featured groundbreaking visual effects and a multi-layered
  45. Palestine Palestinian music () deals with the conflict with Israel,the, longing ,for peace, and the love of the Palestinian's land. A typical example of such a
  46. Attachment to an ongoing process, which appears in various forms, including the, longing ,for existence. Vaibhav Tanya is the Craving for detachment from a process
  47. Secretly tears well and so free my heart. Nightingales ... sing their song of, longing ,from their dungeon's depth ... everyone delights, yet no one feels the pain
  48. Then as simply as" Germans ". This produced in many former GDR citizens a, longing ,for certain aspects of the former East Germany, such as full employment and
  49. And witches to liberate his heart chosen, Ileana Cosânzeana. The words ", longing ," and" mourning" have correspondent in another language, but the
  50. From the Greek deity Eros) is passionate love, with sensual desire and, longing , The Greek word rota means in love. Plato refined his own definition. Although

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