Examples of the the word, infusion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infusion ), is the 11361 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Treatment, or prevention of disease, Some examples include pacemakers, infusion ,pumps, the heart-lung machine, dialysis machines, artificial organs, implants
  2. The Lemelson-MIT Prize for inventors, for his invention of the Segway and of an, infusion ,pump for diabetics. In 2003 his" Project Slingshot," a cheap portable water
  3. The unproven concept that much of the effect of the ingestion of coca leaf, infusion ,would come from the secondary alkaloids, as being not only quantitatively
  4. Energy Holdings Corp. NNG was put up as collateral for a $2.5 billion capital, infusion ,by Dynegy Corporation when Dynegy was planning to buy Enron. When Dynegy looked
  5. Was already a successful and wealthy inventor, after inventing the first drug, infusion ,pump and starting a company, AutoSyringe, to market and manufacture the pump.
  6. Populations now speak English were then part of the Spanish Empire). This is new, infusion ,of West Indians has both accelerated social and political change, and
  7. Was financed through cash from foreign sources. Side effects of the cash, infusion ,were that the national currency, the empire became overvalued and the amount
  8. Of stimulation is known as a" rush ". Coca leaf infusion s Coca herbal, infusion ,(also referred to as Coca tea) is used in coca-leaf producing countries much
  9. Beverages, the term beer being gradually introduced to describe a brew with an, infusion ,of hops. The word ale may come from the Old English Yalu, in turn from the
  10. Be supplied in the form of cornstarch every few hours or by continuous gastric, infusion , Several treatments are used for hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, depending on
  11. Typically non-invasive and include x-ray machines, PACS,powered wheelchairs, infusion ,pumps, and surgical drapes. #Class III devices generally require premarket
  12. Amyl nitrite pearls (inhalation) and sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate (, infusion ,). The goal of the antidote is to generate a large pool of ferric iron to
  13. Of Human Population. In January 1987,Gorbachev called for democratization: the, infusion ,of democratic elements such as multicandidate elections into the Soviet
  14. Formed on the basis of quintessence of Hindu religion by the Supreme Court" An, infusion ,is a method of preparing herbs by placing them in oil or water. Infusion may
  15. The economy of Afghanistan has improved significantly since 2002 due to the, infusion ,of multi-billion dollars in international assistance and investments, as well
  16. Revelation of grace. For the intellect's natural light is strengthened by the, infusion ,of gratuitous light. Faith is a kind of knowledge, inasmuch as the intellect is
  17. Sensitivity and nerve function in the glans and shaft of the penis.; Dynamic, infusion ,cavernosometry (DISC): technique in which fluid is pumped into the penis at a
  18. Tea) is used in coca-leaf producing countries much as any herbal medicinal, infusion ,would elsewhere in the world. The free and legal commercialization of dried
  19. Added, or " pitched ", to the fermentation tank. There are two main methods –, infusion ,mashing, in which the grains are heated in one vessel; and decoction mashing
  20. The eyes of God. In Catholic theology, one is made righteous by a progressive, infusion ,of grace accepted through faith and cooperated with through good works. Luther
  21. 40–60 minutes after the peak effects are attained. Mate de coca or coca-leaf, infusion ,is also a traditional method of consumption and is often recommended in coca
  22. Impact diverse regions of the brain, including the frontal lobes. The effect, infusion ,model (AIM) is a theoretical model developed by Joseph Forges in the early
  23. Detected in the urine of people a few hours after drinking one cup of coca leaf, infusion , Routes of administration Oral Many users rub the powder along the gum line, or
  24. Observation of fluorescence was described by Nicolás Monarchs in 1565 in the, infusion ,of a certain type of wood (Linux nephriticum). The chemical compound
  25. In some cases, isolated limb perfusion (often used in melanoma),or isolated, infusion ,of chemotherapy into the liver or the lung have been used. The main purpose of
  26. During treatment. These results suggest that the administration of coca leaf, infusion ,plus counseling would be an effective method for preventing relapse during
  27. The rate. Name ACLS2010/> If this is not effective intravenous isotope, infusion ,(dopamine, epinephrine ) or transcutaneous pacing should be used. Name
  28. Made with 11 botanical featuring cloves,Magellan's discovery, and an, infusion ,of iris petals *Sacred Microdistillery distilled in one of London's two new
  29. Into one of two categories: prophylaxis or on-demand. Prophylaxis involves the, infusion ,of clotting factor on a regular schedule in order to keep clotting levels
  30. The economy has been growing strong in the last decade, which is due to the, infusion ,of multi-billion dollars in international assistance and investments as well as
  31. For the treatment of cocaine dependence. In one controversial study, coca leaf, infusion ,was used -in addition to counseling- to treat 23 addicted coca-paste smokers in
  32. Latest audio recording and processing equipment. These efforts represented an, infusion ,of Asian music into the emerging genre and would eventually pave the way for
  33. U. S. health food stores were selling dried coca leaves to be prepared as an, infusion ,as“ Health Inca Tea. ” While the packaging claimed it had been" cocainized
  34. Avocados and plums are major exports. A traditional drink of Argentina is an, infusion ,called mate (in Spanish, mate,with the accent on the first syllable). The
  35. The product components. " *"Local I. V. site reactions are more frequent if the, infusion ,time is 30 minutes or less. These may appear as local skin reactions that
  36. Treatment of diabetes mellitus, also known as continuous subcutaneous insulin, infusion ,therapy. The device includes: * the pump itself (including controls
  37. Out before graduating after five years of private advanced research for drug, infusion ,pump Autopsying. He is the son of Jack Karen, an illustrator for Mad, Weird
  38. For hyperinsulinism. In this context this is referred to as the glucose, infusion ,rate (AIR). Finally, the blood glucose response to glucagon given when the
  39. Commodore's cost for the parts. Commodore had to be rescued once again by an, infusion ,of cash from Gould, which Trammel used beginning in 1976 to purchase several
  40. May appear as local skin reactions that resolve rapidly upon completion of the, infusion , Subsequent intravenous administration is not contraindicated unless the
  41. War II. " The introduction of foreign bacteria into the human GI tract via, infusion ,of fecal enemas is, moreover,an established medical practice in cases of
  42. The early years of its formation. Some breeders, who argue that the continued, infusion ,of Thoroughbred bloodlines is beginning to compromise the integrity of the
  43. Was posted daily in the company elevator. An advancing number meant a continued, infusion ,of investor capital on which debt-ridden Enron in large part subsisted. Under
  44. Failed to respond to at least two antiretroviral regimens, a single intravenous, infusion ,of autologous CD4 T cells genetically modified with VRX496 was safe and well
  45. Treat poison oak, insect bites, and skin irritations. Blackfeet Indians used an, infusion ,made from the bark of Red Alder to treat lymphatic disorders and tuberculosis.
  46. Be detected in the urine of subjects that have sipped even one cup of coca leaf, infusion , Therefore, this is an actual additional form of administration of cocaine
  47. Him to appoint up to six new justices, what he referred to as a" persistent, infusion ,of new blood. " This" court packing" plan ran into intense political
  48. Carbohydrate foods. In more severe circumstances it is treated by injection or, infusion ,of glucagon. Recurrent hypoglycemia may be prevented by reversing or removing
  49. Punjabi folk singers due to it being heavily influenced in Britain by the, infusion ,of rock sounds and a need to move away from the simple and repetitive Punjabi
  50. Used in portable dialysis machines, an insulin pump (based on the drug, infusion ,pump technology),and an all-terrain electric wheelchair known as the bot

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