Examples of the the word, receptive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( receptive ), is the 11344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of ruin ". In addition to religious socialism, many Mormons in Utah were, receptive ,to the secular socialist movement that began in America during the 1890s.
  2. At first, however. Under these circumstances, Soriano was initially very, receptive ,to an offer from a Milwaukee-based group headed by car salesman Bud Selim.
  3. On its cultural and ethnic links to the region and has found Kyrgyzstan, receptive ,to cultivating bilateral relations. The Kerry Republic also has experienced a
  4. Uses alpha waves in the 8-16 Hz range to produce a change of consciousness in, receptive ,viewers. Later years He also worked extensively with noted jazz soprano
  5. Observational evidence that the Earth was not flat. Greek thalassocracy was, receptive ,to the idea, unlike the Chinese, whose cosmology was firmly land-based. Some
  6. Galations%201:6-9; version 31; 1:6–9). The Galatians appear to have been, receptive ,to the teaching of these newcomers, and the epistle is Paul's response to what
  7. Mainly in that it has a greater focus on studying human activities and is more, receptive ,to qualitative research methodologies. Broadly speaking, human geography is a
  8. Aragon, unifying them under the laws of Castile, where the Cortes had been more, receptive ,to the royal wish. Spain became culturally and politically a follower of
  9. s) in the relationship or activity which are respectively the physically, receptive ,or controlled participants. The interaction between Tops and Bottoms, where
  10. SLI) - A developmental language disorder that can affect both expressive and, receptive ,language. SLI is defined as a" pure" language impairment, meaning that is not
  11. Balance between metabolic costs of dendritic elaboration and the need to cover, receptive ,field presumably determine the size and shape of dendrites. It is likely that a
  12. Fluent, non-fluent and" pure" aphasia. * Fluent aphasia, also called, receptive ,aphasia, are impairments related mostly to the input or reception of language
  13. In gay men found that 3 % of tops (insertive partners) and 16 % of bottoms (, receptive ,partners) reported significant pain. Factors predictive of pain during anal
  14. 1999,ISBN 0-201-61641-6),spreading his ideas to a much larger, yet very, receptive , audience. Authors in the series went through various aspects attending XP and
  15. Agile ". Yuri Lyubimov comments," The fact that he was more vulnerable and, receptive ,than other people was no doubt an important feature of his genius ". In later
  16. As being reliant not on knowledge in a general sense, but as being specially, receptive ,to mystical or esoteric experiences of direct participation with the divine.
  17. Can help profile strengths and weaknesses; for example, it is common for, receptive ,language skills to exceed expressive skills. Individualized speech therapy can
  18. Vice versa, so animal pollinators cannot easily transfer pollen to the pistil (, receptive ,part of the carpel). Homomorphic flowers may employ a biochemical (
  19. Projections referred to as" appendages" or" spines ". Appendages increase, receptive ,properties of dendrites to isolate signal specificity. Increased neural
  20. Learning disability, although in research literature it's considered to be a, receptive ,language-based learning disability. Accomplished adult dyslexics may be able to
  21. Known as anodyspareunia. Another study that examined pain during insertive and, receptive ,anal sex in gay men found that 3 % of tops (insertive partners) and 16 % of
  22. Male bear may kill the cubs of another bear either to make the female sexually, receptive ,or simply for consumption. Cubs flee up a tree when they see a strange male
  23. Continents and two major seas. For a male citizen to take the passive (or, receptive ,) role in anal intercourse was condemned in Rome as an act of impudicitia (
  24. None were interested, so he turned to his editor John W. Campbell, who was more, receptive ,due to a long-standing fascination with fringe psychologies and psychic powers
  25. Lesion may also play a role in the prognosis of aphasia. It has been seen in, receptive ,aphasia that larger lesions correlate to slower recovery. It has also been seen
  26. Of Brahms as the latter grew in stature and popularity, he was enthusiastically, receptive ,of the early Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel; Brahms himself
  27. And cigar shops, but eventually he took part in same-sex activities including, receptive ,anal sex. This was despite the fact that homosexual acts were illegal and
  28. Of Dun vegan and the MacDonald's of Egg and Seat as well as to create a more, receptive ,path for Reformation and Protestantism by forcing the Chiefs of the Clans to
  29. Silent era, with English actor Charlie Chaplin its biggest star, audiences were, receptive ,to films from all nations. However, with the advent of sound films, many
  30. Could not comprehend language (the essential difference between expressive and, receptive ,aphasia). Famous sufferers Ephesus (Ancient Greek
  31. Are a medically recommended way to lessen risk of infections. Unprotected, receptive ,anal sex is the most risky sexual behavior in terms of HIV transmission.
  32. Of image formation, he incorrectly agreed with Avicenna that the lens was the, receptive ,organ of sight, but correctly hinted at the retina being involved in the
  33. Broca's aphasia, non-fluent aphasia, motor aphasia, expressive aphasia, receptive ,aphasia, global aphasia and many others (see). Medical evaluations for the
  34. Persian, Turkic ) cultural influences that had shaped Hindi, but they were more, receptive ,to Sanskrit. Sensitization was thus viewed as a means to make Hindi more
  35. The signer to finger spell slowly. It frequently takes years of expressive and, receptive ,practice to become skilled with finger spelling. History Some writers have
  36. Assistance for the reform of Fiji's sugar industry, with Howard reported, receptive ,to giving aid. Arose said that he had asked Australia to provide two or three
  37. That the audience which both demands and consumes this emphasis itself is more, receptive ,to personalized, dramatic accounts of social phenomena. A second, perhaps
  38. Will spend most of its time hovering around the female herds, trying to find a, receptive ,mate. In West with the Night, Kenyan Aviatrix Beryl Markham suggests the
  39. Further European exploration of Asia. The Yuan dynasty in China, which had been, receptive ,to European missionaries and merchants, was overthrown, and the new Ming rulers
  40. BMJ),states that two thirds of gay men have anal sex. Pain during, receptive ,anal sex is formerly known as anodyspareunia. Another study that examined pain
  41. Man" by switching the subject and object. Note this element is a problem with, receptive ,language, not expressive language, and is one reason why the problem is
  42. Can one be open to Karate's many lessons. This is done by listening and being, receptive ,to criticism. He considered courtesy of prime importance. He said that" Karate
  43. Characteristics of different types of aphasia: Jargon aphasia is a fluent or, receptive ,aphasia in which the patient's speech is incomprehensible, but appears to make
  44. Any hypnosis or hypnosis-like methods, because a person under hypnosis would be, receptive ,to suggestions. This would decrease his self-determinism instead of increasing
  45. His attentions to Elizabeth by letter, planning to marry her. Elizabeth was, receptive , but, like Edward, unready to agree to anything unless permitted by the Council
  46. From an outlined 26 episodes to 13 episodes. Western audiences were more, receptive ,and the series achieved the success its creators were looking for. Several
  47. Been unhappy with Zukor (" a very expensive luxury" ) for not being more, receptive ,to directing other Selznick assignments, even though Zukor had remained on
  48. Artaxerxes for leave to return to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls; the king is, receptive ,and extends aid to his mission. *2. Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, carrying
  49. Of contraception, often in the absence of a condom. The risk of injury to the, receptive ,partner due to anal intercourse is many times higher than that due to vaginal
  50. Starts again. Another egg descends into the uterus, and she becomes sexually, receptive , Then, if she mates and a second egg is fertilized, its development is

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