Examples of the the word, projected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( projected ), is the 10985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It moves through its apparent course, the sun draws a curve with the tip of the, projected ,shadow, which is shortest at noon, when pointing due south. The variation in
  2. Later, the upgraded Phoenix, the AIM-54C,was developed to better counter, projected ,threats from tactical anti-naval aircraft and cruise missiles, and its final
  3. On the trucking industry was kept to a gradual rate in consideration of its, projected ,effects on the national economy, in the decades following the order
  4. Development is Master City near Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. It is, projected ,to house between 45,000 and 50,000 inhabitants on 6 square kilometers, and to
  5. As was Thomas Edison's CinemaScope, premiered in 1891. Since 1892,the, projected ,drawings of Émile Reynaud's Theater Antique were attracting Paris crowds to
  6. Light passing through a pinhole, none of them suggested that what is being, projected ,onto the screen is an image of everything on the other side of the aperture.
  7. Best Actress for her gender-bending portrayal of Alex, the music-loving teenage, projected ,on seven TV screens. " In January 2010 a live and improvised stage adaptation
  8. The films were slowly restored by the Whitney Museum and are occasionally, projected ,at museums and film festivals. Few of the Warhol-directed films are available
  9. 34 % of the country's energy needs, and another nuclear power station with a, projected ,capacity of is under construction. Have seen a rapid increase in electricity
  10. In 1894. Max and Emil Skladanowsky, inventors of the Biotope, had offered, projected ,moving images to a paying public one month earlier (November 1,1895,in
  11. Civilization and Ethics (The Philosophy of Civilization, Vols I & II of the, projected ,but not completed four-volume work),A. & C. Black, London 1923. Material from
  12. From pole to pole, and bisected by a line around the equator. Bipyramid faces, projected ,as spherical triangles, represent the fundamental domains in the dihedral
  13. Separation and position angle (P. A.) are in continuous change throughout the, projected ,orbit. Observed stellar positions in 2010 are separated by 6.74 arc sec through
  14. First film screenings The Lumiere held their first private screening of, projected ,motion pictures in 1895. Their first public screening of films at which
  15. Palatine, Frederick V, and the Princess Elizabeth, and a firm opponent of the, projected ,marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Infant of Spain. This policy brought
  16. 3-6 V/nm). The needle is oriented towards a phosphor screen to create a, projected ,image of the tip's work function, near the specimen surface. Whilst providing
  17. Went further and suggested that the evident expansion of the universe, if, projected , back in time, meant that the further in the past the smaller the universe was
  18. Of the US$26.8 billion (in 1995 dollars) life cycle cost that the CBO, projected ,an additional 20 B-2s would cost. In 1997,as Ranking Member of the House Armed
  19. Of the huge cost incurred. Blue Streak would have become the first stage of a, projected ,all British satellite launcher known as" Black Prince ": the second stage was
  20. Theory also furnishes the resources for exploring poly modal chromaticism, projected ,sets, privileged patterns, and large set types used as source sets such as the
  21. Students, and the average class size was in the low to mid-twenties. Due to a, projected ,increase in enrollment and the modernization of facilities, Simmons Middle
  22. And lenses; in practice these conditions are not realized, and the images, projected ,by uncorrected systems are, in general,ill-defined and often completely
  23. Next fifty years and strawberries will drop as much as 32 % simply because of, projected ,climate changes of a few degrees. Plants are extremely sensitive to such
  24. The 9.91 kilometers Serangan-Tanjung Genoa toll road. The construction is, projected ,to cost RP.2.3 trillion ($2.6 billion) and is expected to be finished by
  25. Trout. " The US produced 1.5 million tons of tilapia in 2005,with 2.5 million, projected ,by 2010. Widespread publicity encouraging fish consumption has led to increases
  26. Oversaw a boom of the U. S. economy. Under Clinton, the United States had a, projected ,federal budget surplus for the first time since 1969. After initial successes
  27. A number of strategic options to counter British opposition, including, projected , invasions of Ireland and Britain, and the expansion of the French Navy to
  28. Have incomes over $100,000). When fully built out, the neighborhood is, projected ,to have 14,000 residents. Population history: History Throughout the 19th
  29. Prisms and will generally have isosceles triangle faces. A bipyramid can be, projected ,on a sphere or globe as n equally spaced lines of longitude going from pole to
  30. In 2007,significant quantities of uranium were discovered, and mining is, projected ,to begin by 2010. Several international mining corporations have established
  31. Petroleum, which represented 10 percent of Azerbaijan’s GDP in 2005,and is, projected ,to double to almost 20 percent of GDP in 2007. Now that Western oil companies
  32. Of the tip's work function, near the specimen surface. Whilst providing a, projected ,image, the technique has limited resolution (2-2.5 nm),due to both quantum
  33. Setting by presenting in full the enduring natural background; with the people, projected ,against this, the writing comes to have the quality of an old Flemish picture
  34. Display an individual's hairstyle and skin color if a photo of their face is, projected ,onto the 3D Mask. Korea KITSCH researched and developed EveR-1,an android
  35. Series, a reprinting of the entire 43-year history of Li'l Abner spanning a, projected ,21 volumes, began on April 7,2010. Further reading *Camp, Al,Li’l Abner in
  36. A new deep sea port at the strategically important town of Radar. The port is, projected ,to be the hub of an energy and trade corridor to and from China and the Central
  37. On The Singles: The First Ten Years for possible inclusion on the next, projected ,studio album from ABBA, though this never came to fruition. " I Am the City "
  38. That the general dimensions of the project have already been determined. The, projected ,carrier is to have nuclear propulsion, to displace about 50,000 tons and to
  39. Depot was replaced by Kevin Towers) 2011 Season: Worst to First In a season, projected ,by many to be a last place finish, the Arizona Diamondbacks bucked expectations
  40. That has the effect of differentiating wave functions once the expression is, projected ,into the position basis:: - i \hear \tabla \Lang\math bf|\psi\rang. For further
  41. Gas sector being a priority. In December 2005,the Central Bank of Bangladesh, projected ,GDP growth around 6.5 %. In order to enhance economic growth, the government
  42. To defend carrier battle groups against the threat. Example of such was the, projected ,F6D Missileer. The weapon needed for interceptor aircraft, the Bendix AAM-N-10
  43. The widowed Madame Drama Main, formerly a lady-in-waiting to his mother. The, projected ,union initially aroused great opposition: he did not consult with his father
  44. Cables have a bandwidth Going from 20 Bit/s to 80 Bit/s, and some have a, projected ,final capacity of more than 1 Bit/s. Satellite connections List of business
  45. Map. This was designed to show Earth's continents with minimum distortion when, projected ,or printed on a flat surface. Quirks Fuller was a frequent flier, often
  46. Aircraft. The total" military construction" cost related to the program was, projected ,to be US$553.6 million in 1997 dollars. The cost to procure each B-2 was US$737
  47. Development by putting maximum limits on the weights of ships. Designs like the, projected ,British N3 class battleship, the first American South Dakota-class, and the
  48. Of churchmen as to the site, or some other cause, deprived the country of the, projected ,work. The mind of Canola was inspired by the warmest sense of devotion, and
  49. A rocket-powered, supersonic missile capable of carrying a large nuclear (or, projected ,thermonuclear) warhead with a range of at least. This would keep the bombers
  50. The film was highly innovative in that it consisted of two 16 mm-films being, projected ,simultaneously, with two different stories being shown in tandem. From the

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