Examples of the the word, prenatal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prenatal ), is the 11511 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Differences. These extend from the exclusively biological" genetic" and ", prenatal ,hormonal" differences between men and women, to " postnatal" features, some
  2. States is statistically more likely to be exposed to many of the possible, prenatal ,and perinatal detrimental environmental factors. Epic, Fincher, and Thorn hill
  3. Members of the disability rights movement" believe that public support for, prenatal ,diagnosis and abortion based on disability contravenes the movement's basic
  4. Women can be screened for various complications during pregnancy. Many standard, prenatal ,screens can discover Down syndrome. Genetic counseling along with genetic
  5. Factors, including malnutrition, exposure to toxic substances, and various, prenatal ,and perinatal stressors, result in lowered psychometric intelligence under at
  6. Midwife is an obstetrical and religious specialist all at once. She provides, prenatal ,care, massage,attends delivery, and takes care“ takes charge of” mother and
  7. Of a heterosexual, homosexual,bisexual or asexual orientation include genes, prenatal ,hormones, and brain structure. Empirical studies Twin studies A number of twins
  8. Size In a study of the head growth of 633 term-born children, it was shown that, prenatal ,growth and growth during infancy were associated with subsequent IQ. The study
  9. CT). Ultrasound is also used to visualize fetuses during routine and emergency, prenatal ,care. Such diagnostic applications used during pregnancy are referred to as
  10. many people. Historically, the term has referred to everything from, prenatal ,care for mothers to forced sterilization and euthanasia. To population
  11. Average quality of contents ". Cyprus A similar screening policy (including, prenatal ,screening and abortion) intended to reduce the incidence of thalassemia exists
  12. Rhesus D (RHD) antigen. Antioch antibodies are administered as part of a, prenatal ,treatment regimen to prevent sensitization that may occur when a
  13. Benefits up to a maternal age of approximately 40 years, after which NC, prenatal ,testing and abortion has higher economic benefit. Management While there are no
  14. The same is not true in humans. In humans, the masculinizing effects of, prenatal ,androgens on behavior (and other tissues, with the possible exception of
  15. In the United States. They argue that Boas' method is more useful, because the, prenatal ,environment is a crucial developmental factor. Although some sociologists
  16. The development of schizophrenia include the living environment, drug use and, prenatal ,stressors. Other factors that play an important role include social isolation
  17. Have an increased chance of having a child with Down syndrome, or where normal, prenatal ,exams indicate possible problems. In the United States, ACOG guidelines
  18. System to remember an antigen and respond faster upon future exposures. At the, prenatal ,and neonatal stages of life, the presence of antibodies is provided by passive
  19. To the hypothalamus (especially affecting LH secretion). In many mammals, prenatal ,or perinatal" masculinization" of the sexually biomorphic areas of the brain
  20. h)anthracene (C20H14),indent (1,2,3-cd)pyrene (C22H12) and valence. High, prenatal ,exposure to PAH is associated with lower IQ and childhood asthma. The Center
  21. And included over 4,500 children over age 4 whose CP was acquired during the, prenatal ,or neonatal period): * Mental disadvantage (IQ < 50) and not walking: 20 %
  22. By other groups to reverse this increased risk by encouraging increased, prenatal ,consumption of fish were unsuccessful. Psychiatric disorders n−3 fatty acids
  23. Of six. Microglia are believed by some to be part of the genetic lack of, prenatal ,development which is a cause of, or one of the causes of, dyslexia. Albert
  24. Fingers. Studies on relations between the size of the fingers and the level of, prenatal ,testosterone According to a South Korean study published in Asian Journal of
  25. Of biological factors in psychological phenomena—for example, the effect of the, prenatal ,environment on brain development and cognitive abilities, or the influence of
  26. Midwives are primary care providers for women in all stages of pregnancy, from, prenatal , phase to six weeks postpartum. To see the approximate proportion of women whose
  27. Medicine * Adequate, Appropriate or Average for Gestational Age, referring to, prenatal ,growth rate Technology * Air-to-Ground-to-Air (see ground-to-air and
  28. In the United States. They argue that Boas' method is more useful, because the, prenatal ,environment is a crucial developmental factor. Indices Cephalic indices are
  29. Organs. Animals Mammals In mammals, sex organs include: Development In typical, prenatal ,development, sexual organs originate from a common engage anatomy during early
  30. To 2006 the proportion of women choosing to terminate a pregnancy following, prenatal ,diagnosis of Down Syndrome has remained constant at around 92 %. Ethical issues
  31. Have a right to make the decision on their child's behalf. For example, prenatal ,testing raises the issue of selective abortion, a choice considered
  32. To the brain that results from inadequate oxygenation and CP that arises from, prenatal ,brain damage that then precipitates premature delivery. Recent research has
  33. The dystrophic gene and nutritional defects (with no genetics history) at the, prenatal ,stage are also possible in about 33 % of people affected by DMD. The main cause
  34. Genetic diagnosis (PGD) with natural conception (NC) followed by, prenatal ,testing and abortion of affected pregnancies, PGD provides net economic
  35. On the levels and duration of circulating free testosterone. Prenatal the, prenatal ,androgen effects occur during two different stages. Between 4 and 6 weeks of
  36. The stage for genetically engineered human growth hormone *First to develop, prenatal ,tests for sickle cell anemia and thalassemia *First to train pharmacists as
  37. No regular scientific agency has established the validity of his theories of, prenatal ,perception and engrams, or cellular memory, or Diabetic reverie, or the effects
  38. Among TWA households in Rwanda; a greater prevalence of childbirths without, prenatal ,care among ethnic minorities in Vietnam; suicide rates among Inuit youth in
  39. More possible causes for gender dysphoria, stemming from genetic reasons and, prenatal ,exposure to hormones, as well as other psychological and behavioral reasons. (
  40. In 2002,a currently unidentified gunman killed Bonnie Penned Wither all at a, prenatal ,clinic in Simon, Lebanon. She had been proselytizing and attempting to convert
  41. Of" nurture" has expanded to include influences on development arising from, prenatal , parental, extended family, and peer experiences, and extending to influences
  42. In his May 2006 annual speech, Putin proposed increasing maternity benefits and, prenatal ,care for women. Putin was strident about the need to reform the judiciary
  43. Is legal, and it is totally reimbursed by all insurance companies. This includes, prenatal ,care, childbirth (by midwives or obstetricians, at home or in the hospital)
  44. Rare instances of polyploid mammals are known, but most often result in, prenatal ,death. Hawthorn flies One example of evolution at work is the case of the
  45. Length can be connected to penis size. Short index fingers as a result of high, prenatal ,testosterone concentration may also indicate an increased risk for development
  46. Female to the next generation were the womb in which the homunculus grew, and, prenatal , influences of the womb. An opposing school of thought, the exists, believed
  47. Recurring attacks of nausea and vomiting * Chorionic villus sampling, a form of, prenatal ,testing * Computer vision syndrome, a condition resulting from excessive
  48. Of environmental input to human nature may arise from stochastic variations in, prenatal ,development. Heritability estimates It is important to note that the term
  49. To environmental conditions. Similar concerns have been raised when a, prenatal ,diagnosis of a congenital disorder leads to abortion (see also preimplantation
  50. And veins in the human brain. Arteriovenous malformations are most commonly of, prenatal ,origin. The cause of Arms remains unknown. If a rupture or bleeding incident

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