Examples of the the word, plow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plow ), is the 10100 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The planting of the next year's spring crop of corn. * No-till - Never use a, plow , disk, etc. ever again. Aims for 100 % ground cover. * Rotational Tillage -
  2. Lots of clothing, measurements,and related items. Ancestry Issue The plow or, plow ,(see spelling differences;) is a tool used in farming for initial cultivation
  3. In a primary election has been attributed to the city's inability to properly, plow ,city streets during a heavy snowstorm. In 1979,Jane Byrne, the city's first
  4. Agricultural inventions such as barbed wire,windmills, and the steel, plow , combined with good weather, enabled settlers to make use of Nebraska as prime
  5. Are generally unsuitable, though breeds such as the scene could work. The steel, plow ,allowed farming in the American Midwest, where tough prairie grasses and rocks
  6. That households should grow their own food. " If in one's prime he does not, plow , someone in the world will grow hungry. If in one's prime she does not weave
  7. The weeds that surrounded the cotton plants as well as excessive sprouts. The, plow ,gangs followed behind, stirring the soil near the rows of cotton plants and
  8. Plow the length of the dirt-loaded train by winching up the steel cable. The, plow ,scraped the dirt off the railroad cars, allowing the entire train-load of dirt
  9. At one of the approximately 60 different dumping grounds, a three-ton steel, plow ,was put on the last car (or a car carrying the plow was attached as the last
  10. Saiph al-Din's army. A hand-to-hand fight ensued and the Begins managed to, plow ,Saladin's left wing, driving it before him, when Saladin himself charged at
  11. Reconstructed with certainty. Argo- (interpreted by some as meaning those who, plow ,), sometimes upheld as a self-identification of the Proto-Indo-Europeans (see
  12. Warm coat was domesticated and put to work as a farm animal that could pull a, plow ,or wagon. This animal was later adapted through selective breeding to create a
  13. One explorer remarked that the Platte was" too thick to drink, too thin to, plow ,". Nevertheless, the Platte provided an abundant and reliable source of water
  14. Hoofed animals could also be used to till soil via trampling. The wooden, plow ,was then invented. It could be pulled by mule, ox,elephant, water buffalo, or
  15. And under funded world, few people have the time or background knowledge to, plow ,though 3,000 footnotes checking his sources. It is impressively
  16. To his bodyguard Ward Hill Lemon and remarked that his speech, like a bad, plow ," won't scour. " According to Garry Wills, this statement has no basis in
  17. If God spares my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that drive the, plow ,to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost! " Tyndale left for London in
  18. Such as a shooting power wave and vehicles such as a motorbike that can, plow ,straight through rock, helicopter powered by pedaling, and speedboat. The
  19. The 2-field system that had been used). Further, the development of the heavy, plow ,allowed for a rise in communal agriculture as most individuals could not afford
  20. State ", Railroads and John Deere's invention of the self-scouring steel, plow ,turned Illinois' rich prairie into some of the world's most productive and
  21. Shining Odysseus, never try to console me for dying. I would rather follow the, plow ,as thrall to another man, one with no land allotted to him and not much to live
  22. Preacher Vehicle has a variety of systems installed, such as a full-width mine, plow , two linear demolition charges, and a lane-marking system. Reactive armor has
  23. Clydesdale. Others, such as the Shire, are slower and more powerful, bred to, plow ,fields with heavy, clay-based soils. The cold-blooded group also includes some
  24. Continental drift. Specifically, they did not see how continental rock could, plow ,through the much denser rock that makes up oceanic crust. Wegener could not
  25. Multiple operations with implements such as a mold board, disk,and/or chisel, plow , Then a finisher with a harrow, rolling basket, and cutter can be used to
  26. A Class Dominator combine harvester in Norway, which was converted into a snow, plow , Expressing its necessity on the British way of life as he knows it, he stated
  27. During the critical erosion period. This may involve the use of a chisel, plow , field cultivators, or other implements. See the general comments below to see
  28. Knowledge of Felix Wankel, who remarked" you've turned my race horse into a, plow ,mare ". The first working prototype DKM 54 was running on February 1,1957, at
  29. To the engine. The winch, powered by the train’s steam engine, pulled the, plow ,the length of the dirt-loaded train by winching up the steel cable. The plow
  30. Platte as it pursued its braided paths to the Missouri River was" too thin to, plow ,and too thick to drink ". While unusable for transport, the Platte River and
  31. 1964). Under that program, huge tracts of Kazakh grazing land were put to the, plow ,for the cultivation of wheat and other cereal grains. Still more settlers came
  32. And thistles even where men sowed wheat and that Noah then introduced the, plow , Christian views According to 2 Peter 2:5,Noah is considered a" preacher of
  33. As well as brewing beer. The fields were tilled with a light-weight wooden, plow , although heavier models also existed in some areas. Common clothing styles are
  34. Some M1A1s were modified with armor upgrades. The M1 can be equipped with mine, plow ,and mine roller attachments if needed. The M1 chassis also serves as a basis
  35. With Jupiter in July 1994. Studies suggested that the train of nuclei would, plow ,into Jupiter's atmosphere over a period of about five days. Astronomers
  36. His windowand saw a" very, very large passenger jet ". He watched" it just, plow ,right into the side of the Pentagon. The nose penetrated into the portico. And
  37. In plow design was the moldboard plow (American spelling: moldboard, plow ,), which aided the cutting blade. The Coulter, knife or skate cuts vertically
  38. With Jason. As a result, Medea aided Jason in his tasks. First, Jason had to, plow ,a field with fire-breathing oxen, the Khalkotauroi, that he had to yoke himself
  39. Crops in rows instead of casting seeds out by hand. The heavy moldboard iron, plow , also invented during the Han Dynasty, required only one man to control it, two
  40. For strength, but also to have the calm, patient temperament needed to pull a, plow ,or a heavy carriage full of people. Well-known draft breeds include the Belgian
  41. Entire train-load of dirt cars to be unloaded in about ten minutes or less. The, plow ,and winch were then detached for use on another train. Another plow , mounted on
  42. Less. The plow and winch were then detached for use on another train. Another, plow , mounted on a steam engine, then plow ed the dirt spoils away from the track.
  43. By the invading Vandals, Alans, and Spirit, who also introduce a heavy wheeled, plow ,to be used for farming. Religion * Stained glass is used for the first time in
  44. Graip but with tines at a 90-degree angle to the handle. In larger plots,the, plow ,is the fastest implement for unearthing potatoes. Commercial harvesting is
  45. Letters on each circular segment of the wheel. He improved the moldboard, plow ,and the polygraph, in collaboration with Charles Wilson Peale. As Minister to
  46. With the invention of a three-field system of crop rotation and the moldboard, plow ,greatly improved agricultural efficiency. In the European medieval period
  47. Years that consisted of important government officials taking turns with the, plow ,on a special field, to create a simulation of government interest and activity
  48. Disdain for positivism, as his protagonist convinces the society's leaders to, plow ,vast amounts of money into research on topics such as telepathy and the
  49. Septentrio, from septum (seven) and trio (three),from three oxen driving a, plow , which the seven stars also resemble. Ultimate is a sport played with a 175
  50. Grounds, a three-ton steel plow was put on the last car (or a car carrying the, plow ,was attached as the last car) and a huge winch with a braided steel cable

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