Examples of the the word, pawn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pawn ), is the 11804 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bishops on opposite colors is likely to be a draw, even with an advantage of a, pawn , or sometimes even with a two- pawn advantage. Endgame The endgame (or end game
  2. Often enhance this. * Pawn structure: Players strive to avoid the creation of, pawn ,weaknesses such as isolated, doubled,or backward pawn s, and pawn islands – and
  3. If the black pawn has just advanced two squares from g7 to g5,then the white, pawn ,on f5 can take it via en passant on g6 (but only on white's next move).
  4. That piece. The pawn has two special moves: the en passant capture and, pawn ,promotion. * Pawns can optionally move two squares forward instead of one on
  5. Sides, as with Black to move he must play 1 ... Kb7 and let White promote a, pawn ,after 2. Kd7; and with White to move he must allow a draw by 1. Kc6 stalemate
  6. S pawn can capture it en passant (in passing),and move to the square the, pawn ,passed over. However, this can only be done on the very next move, or the right
  7. With White to move he must allow a draw by 1. Kc6 stalemate or lose his last, pawn ,by any other legal move. Endgames can be classified according to the type of
  8. Evaluation of chess positions is the pawn structure (sometimes known as the, pawn ,skeleton),or the configuration of pawn s on the chessboard. Since pawn s are
  9. Is diagonally in front of it on an adjacent file, capturing that piece. The, pawn ,has two special moves: the en passant capture and pawn promotion. * Pawns can
  10. On the chessboard. Since pawn s are the least mobile of the chess pieces,the, pawn ,structure is relatively static and largely determines the strategic nature of
  11. S choice of queen, rook,bishop, or knight of the same color. Usually,the, pawn ,is chosen to be promoted to a queen, but in some cases another piece is chosen;
  12. Its pawn ) 3. Ke5!! (now the white king comes just in time to support his, pawn , or catch the black one) 3 ... h3 4. Kd6 draw. Competitive play Organization
  13. Knight from the g-file moves to the square f3 ". The letter P indicating a, pawn ,is not used, so that e4 means" pawn moves to the square e4 ". If the piece
  14. Gid=1067748 Viktor Kirchner vs Anatolia Karol, Moscow 1973 Karol sacrifices a, pawn ,for a strong center and queen side attack.
  15. The Emperors into a simple mold of his choosing. He wrote Claudius as a passive, pawn ,and an idiot—going so far as to hide his use of Claudius as a source and omit
  16. Become more important; endgames often revolve around attempting to promote a, pawn ,by advancing it to the eighth rank. * The king, which has to be protected in
  17. Catch the advanced black pawn , while the black king can easily stop the white, pawn , The solution is a diagonal advance, which brings the king to both pawn s at the
  18. Premise—for example" Charlie enters a health spa" or" Charlie works in a, pawn ,shop. " Chaplin then had sets constructed and worked with his stock company to
  19. Another important factor in the evaluation of chess positions is the, pawn ,structure (sometimes known as the pawn skeleton),or the configuration of
  20. Vertically. The knight is the only piece that can leap over other pieces. * The, pawn ,may move forward to the unoccupied square immediately in front of it on the
  21. Value of the pieces on the board, control of the center and centralization,the, pawn ,structure, king safety, and the control of key squares or groups of squares (
  22. Is chosen; this is called under promotion. In the diagram on the right,the, pawn ,on c7 can be advanced to the eighth rank and be promoted to an allowed piece.
  23. In secret. On the abortion debate, an irresponsible drug addict is used as a, pawn ,in a power struggle between pro-choice and pro-life groups in Citizen Ruth (
  24. Arise from particular groups of openings which result in a specific type of, pawn ,structure. An example is the minority attack, which is the attack of queen side
  25. A piece initial, and ranks may be omitted if unambiguous. For example,exd5 (, pawn ,on the e-file captures the piece on d5) or end ( pawn on e-file captures
  26. According to the pieces on board other than kings, such as the" rook and, pawn ,versus rook endgame ". History Predecessors Chess is commonly believed to have
  27. Changed and other events are avoided (the play makes Henry nearly an innocent, pawn ,in the hands of a dastard Cardinal Wolsey, and the play stops short of Anne
  28. On the very next move, or the right to do so is lost. For example, if the black, pawn ,has just advanced two squares from g7 to g5,then the white pawn on f5 can take
  29. It via en passant on g6 (but only on white's next move). Promotion When a, pawn ,advances to the eighth rank, as a part of the move it is promoted and must be
  30. The destination square. Thus, Bxf3 means" bishop captures on f3 ". When a, pawn ,makes a capture, the file from which the pawn departed is used in place of a
  31. In 1594 marked a downturn in the country's fortunes and Cambodia. Becoming a, pawn ,in power struggles between its two increasingly powerful neighbors, Siam and
  32. Check. En passant When a pawn advances two squares and there is an opponent's, pawn ,on an adjacent file next to its destination square, then the opponent's pawn
  33. By Richard Yeti in 1921. It seems impossible to catch the advanced black, pawn , while the black king can easily stop the white pawn . The solution is a
  34. The square f3 ". The letter P indicating a pawn is not used, so that e4 means ", pawn ,moves to the square e4 ". If the piece makes a capture," x" is inserted
  35. And largely determines the strategic nature of the position. Weaknesses in the, pawn ,structure, such as isolated, doubled,or backward pawn s and holes, once created
  36. Piece on d5) or end ( pawn on e-file captures something on the d-file). If a, pawn ,moves to its last rank, achieving promotion, the piece chosen is indicated
  37. Subtracting ½ point for each doubled pawn s, backward pawn , and isolated, pawn , Another positional factor in the evaluation function was mobility, adding 0.1
  38. For example,exd5 ( pawn on the e-file captures the piece on d5) or end (, pawn ,on e-file captures something on the d-file). If a pawn moves to its last rank
  39. Pieces are gone, kings typically take a more active part in the struggle, and, pawn , promotion is often decisive. Fundamentals of tactics In chess, tactics in
  40. Pawn on an adjacent file next to its destination square, then the opponent's, pawn ,can capture it en passant (in passing),and move to the square the pawn
  41. By enemy pieces, nor move to a square where it is in check. En passant When a, pawn ,advances two squares and there is an opponent's pawn on an adjacent file next
  42. An almost forced draw, and allowed Kasparov to adjourn the game with an extra, pawn , After a further mistake in the second session, Karpov was slowly ground down
  43. Bishop captures on f3 ". When a pawn makes a capture, the file from which the, pawn ,departed is used in place of a piece initial, and ranks may be omitted if
  44. Nine queens problem: Place nine queens and one, pawn ,on an 8×8 board in such a way that queens don't attack each other. Further
  45. Some positional factors, subtracting ½ point for each doubled pawn s, backward, pawn , and isolated pawn . Another positional factor in the evaluation function was
  46. Creation of pawn weaknesses such as isolated, doubled,or backward pawn s, and, pawn , islands – and to force such weaknesses in the opponent's position. Most
  47. King, with the pieces working together with their king. For example, king and, pawn ,endgames involve only kings and pawn s on one or both sides and the task of the
  48. Technology from the future (2098),which, after an unsuccessful attempt to, pawn ,it, he uses benevolently — reclaiming his career and redeeming his soul ... but
  49. Greater power. Forum confronts Rich, and learns School is nothing more than a, pawn ,of the Chaos God. Rich then ignores Forum, who discovers the location the
  50. 1. Kg7! H4 2. Kf6! Kb6 (or 2 ... h3 3. Ke7 and the white king can support its, pawn ,) 3. Ke5!! (now the white king comes just in time to support his pawn , or

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