Examples of the the word, pouch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pouch ), is the 11809 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of fish has the unique characteristic whereby females lay their eggs in a brood, pouch ,on the male's chest, and the male incubates the eggs. Fertilization may take
  2. Action. Superman usually stores his Clark Kent clothing compressed in a secret, pouch ,within his cape, though some stories have shown him leaving his clothes in some
  3. Is then squeezed out through the baleen plates by pressure from the ventral, pouch ,and tongue. Once the mouth is clear of water, the remaining krill, unable to
  4. A part of the human digestive system * Left auricular appendix, a conical, pouch ,on the left atrium of the heart * Right auricular appendix, a conical pouch on
  5. Often with garter flashes, and a sporran (Gaelic for" purse ": a type of, pouch ,), which hangs around the waist from a chain or leather strap. This may be
  6. They grow ears, eyes,and fur. The joey then begins to explore outside the, pouch , At about this stage it begins to consume small quantities of the mother’s "
  7. Only the forelimbs are somewhat developed, to allow the newborn to climb to the, pouch ,and attach to a teat. In comparison, a human embryo at a similar stage of
  8. Its development is temporarily halted. Meanwhile, the neonate in the, pouch ,grows rapidly. After about 190 days, the baby (called a joey) is sufficiently
  9. Were the rooster and the tortoise, and he can be recognized by his purse or, pouch , winged sandals, winged cap, and the herald's staff, the Heraklion. The night
  10. Typically lasts only 24 hours and consists of: * The disappearance of the gill, pouch , making the front legs visible. * The transformation of the jaws into the big
  11. Pouch on the left atrium of the heart * Right auricular appendix, a conical, pouch ,on the right atrium of the heart * Appendix of the epididymis, a detached
  12. To a nipple, which is located on the underside of the mother either inside a, pouch ,called the marsupial or open to the environment. To crawl to the nipple and
  13. During the Cretaceous Period. In the absence of soft tissues, such as the, pouch ,and reproductive system, fossil marsupials can be distinguished from placentals
  14. Wants to go and can also be folded together like a napkin and carried in a, pouch , The other is the boar Gullinbursti whose mane glows to illuminate the way for
  15. A girl named Rib org Vogt was the unrequited love of Andersen's youth. A small, pouch ,containing a long letter from Rib org was found on Andersen's chest when he
  16. And forests, Audubon wore typical frontier clothes and moccasins" and a ball, pouch , a buffalo horn filled with gunpowder, a butcher knife, and a tomahawk on his
  17. Primarily used for hunting wildfowl, these usually have a double string with a, pouch ,between the strings to hold the projectile. Accessories The ancient crossbow
  18. Or pouch in the middle of two lengths of cord. The sling stone is placed in the, pouch , The index finger is placed through the loop, the other string has a tab that
  19. Will) and attaches itself to one of the two teats. Young remain hidden in the, pouch ,for about six months, only feeding on milk. During this time they grow ears
  20. And/or goading, Doraemon produces a futuristic gadget out of his aforementioned, pouch ,to help Nikita fix his problem, enact revenge, or flaunt to his friends.
  21. Which always has a favorable breeze and can be folded together and carried in a, pouch ,when it is not being used. He has the servants Skinner, Byggvir, and Ball. The
  22. From loose tobacco and rolling papers. Roll-your-own products are sold as a, pouch ,of tobacco for rolling hand-rolled cigarettes, sometimes with the rolling
  23. For balance, and a small head. Like most marsupials, female kangaroos have a, pouch ,called a marsupial in which joeys complete postnatal development. Larger
  24. A length of about would be typical. At the center of the sling, a cradle or, pouch ,is constructed. This may be formed by making a wide braid from the same
  25. For all hyena species is: Hyenas lack perineal scent glands, but have a large, pouch ,of naked skin located at the anal opening. Large anal glands open into it from
  26. If a female is the victim of a collision, animal welfare groups ask that her, pouch ,be checked for any surviving joey, in which case it may be removed to a
  27. Is born, it is about the size of a Lima bean. The joey will usually stay in the, pouch ,for about nine months (180–320 days for the Western Grey) before starting to
  28. S abdomen into the pouch , which takes about three to five minutes. Once in the, pouch , it fastens onto one of the four teats and starts to feed. Almost immediately
  29. Nine months (180–320 days for the Western Grey) before starting to leave the, pouch ,for small periods of time. It is usually fed by its mother until reaching 18
  30. Kinds of milk simultaneously for the newborn and the older joey still in the, pouch , Unusually, during a dry period, males will not produce sperm, and females will
  31. The Lucia also adds an onboard USB Audio Player and the included strap has a, pouch ,intended to hold a wireless transmitter. * 2010 - Roland Fungi: Mobile
  32. Is sufficiently large and developed to make its full emergence out of the, pouch , after sticking its head out for a few weeks until it eventually feels safe
  33. 1955; 1960) asserts that the ægis in its Libyan sense had been a shamanic, pouch ,containing various ritual objects, bearing the device of a monstrous
  34. S chest, and the male incubates the eggs. Fertilization may take place in the, pouch ,or before implantation in the water. Included in Syngnathidae are seahorses
  35. The development of an embryo until the previous joey is able to leave the, pouch , This is known as diapause, and will occur in times of drought and in areas
  36. The Shinto god INRI, who is believed to have a fondness for fried tofu. The, pouch ,is normally fashioned as deep-fried tofu (油揚げ, abura age). Regional
  37. Tadpoles or polliwogs) breathe with exterior gills at the start, but soon a, pouch ,is formed that covers the gills and the front legs. Lungs are also formed quite
  38. Regionally. It is eaten annually on Hinamatsuri in March. Inarizushi is a, pouch ,of fried tofu filled with usually just sushi rice. It is named after the Shinto
  39. The males undergo a form of 'pregnancy ', brooding eggs deposited in a ventral, pouch ,by a female. Examples The ocean sunfish is the largest bony fish in the world
  40. Hand-rolled cigarettes, sometimes with the rolling papers provided in the, pouch , Loose filters can also be bought and added to the rolled cigarettes.
  41. And greens, and will occasionally eat burrowing insects. They have an elongated, pouch ,on each side of their heads that extend to their shoulders, which they stuff
  42. It is lowered in front of them approximately to the height where the mother's, pouch ,would be. The joey's instinct is to" cuddle up ", thereby endearing
  43. Made on a rectangular omelette pan (makiyakinabe),and used to form the, pouch ,for the rice and fillings. Net For culinary, sanitary,and aesthetic reasons
  44. Of vertical strips of leather sewn together with sinew. His belt had a, pouch ,sewn to it that contained a cache of useful items: a scraper, drill,flint
  45. And earless. At birth the joey, only long, crawls into the downward-facing, pouch ,on the mother's belly (which is closed by a drawstring-like muscle that the
  46. To climb its way through the thick fur on its mother's abdomen into the, pouch , which takes about three to five minutes. Once in the pouch , it fastens onto
  47. That also stretched between the toes as webbing, and a pelican-like throat, pouch , An additional specimen, studied using ultraviolet light, revealed even more
  48. Suggesting that he was also associated with material wealth as does the coin, pouch ,from the Cernunnos of Roams (Marne, Champagne,France)—in antiquity
  49. It is also known as the shepherd's sling. A sling has a small cradle or, pouch ,in the middle of two lengths of cord. The sling stone is placed in the pouch .
  50. Time in the outside world and eventually, after about 235 days, it leaves the, pouch ,for the last time. The average lifespan of kangaroos averages at 6 years in the

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