Examples of the the word, smuggling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smuggling ), is the 11824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Carrying commercial cargo on a boat with a yacht ensign is deemed to be, smuggling ,in many jurisdictions. There is a system of international maritime signal flags
  2. Outfit, which subsequently became known as the" Capone's ", was dedicated to, smuggling ,and bootlegging liquor, and other illegal activities such as prostitution, in
  3. Americans avoided as often as they could. The royal officials responded to, smuggling ,with open-ended search warrants (Writs of Assistance). In 1761,Boston lawyer
  4. Load of approximately 2.5 tonnes. Commercial fishing vessels are also used for, smuggling ,operations. In areas with a high volume of recreational traffic, smugglers use
  5. A 2007 joint report by American and Canadian officials on cross-border drug, smuggling ,indicated that, despite their best efforts," drug trafficking still occurs in
  6. Features one of the protagonists, Josef Cavalier, an amateur Jewish magician, smuggling ,himself out of Nazi Europe along with the Prague Golem. The theme of vengeance
  7. With the local smugglers. Syn soon became aware that his parishioners were, smuggling ,goods from France to avoid the excessive customs duties the government charged.
  8. The Philadelphia Route was to remain under Israeli control to prevent the, smuggling ,of materials (such as ammunition) and people across the border with Egypt.
  9. Of this opinion, Burke objected to the opium trade, which he called a ", smuggling ,adventure" and condemned" the great Disgrace of the British character in
  10. The Dominican Republic to transport the drug. The traffickers use a variety of, smuggling ,techniques to transfer their drug to U. S. markets. These include airdrops of
  11. Frequently mounted cannon or carbonates and were used for piracy, privateering, smuggling , or interdiction service. The last China clippers were acknowledged as the
  12. Moderating" to 54 % in 1979; an increasingly overvalued CEDI; flourishing, smuggling ,and other black-market activities; unemployment and underemployment
  13. Lew Kowalski moved their research on neutron moderation from France to England, smuggling ,the entire global supply of heavy water (which had been made in Norway)
  14. The smugglers) that certain townsfolk had been ambushed and captured during a, smuggling ,run, Syn purchased the great black stallion Gehenna from gypsies and raced to
  15. From Colombia, and recently Mexico, have also established a labyrinth of, smuggling ,routes throughout the Caribbean, the Bahama Island chain, and South Florida.
  16. The high visibility and low reliability of offshore sources and international, smuggling , replacing them with clandestine domestic laboratories, as are common for
  17. Illegal immigration, followed by illegal gun sales (from the U. S.),drug, smuggling ,(to the U. S.) and escalating drug cartel violence just south of its border.
  18. Meanwhile, Israeli and Egyptian security reports said that Hamas continued, smuggling ,in large quantities of explosives and arms from Egypt through tunnels. Egyptian
  19. River from Detroit, Michigan,easily served bootleggers using small, fast, smuggling , boats. Whiskey brands In linguistics, a collective noun is a word used to define
  20. A seat on the Privy Council—but Thomas was bent on scheming for power. He began, smuggling ,pocket money to King Edward, telling him that Somerset held the purse strings
  21. On March 31, 1980. Their duties include defending the Bahamas, stopping drug, smuggling , illegal immigration, poaching,and providing assistance to mariners whenever
  22. For several roles: internal security, prevention of drug, smuggling , the protection and support of fishing rights, prevention of marine pollution
  23. Diplomatic mission. Violation of the law by diplomats has included espionage, smuggling , child custody law violations, and even until Libya admitted" general
  24. Goods through Iran from the Persian Gulf increased significantly. The pre-2003, smuggling , trade provided undocumented jobs to tens of thousands of Afghans and Pakistanis
  25. Syn: A Tale of the Romney Marsh was published in 1915. The story idea came from, smuggling ,in the 18th century Romney Marsh, where brandy and tobacco were brought in at
  26. Poorer quality goods themselves. With the trading monopoly nearing collapse, smuggling ,and piracy were rife. Denmark tried to solve the problem by giving the Fares
  27. Foreign investment because of corruption, human rights violations, and diamond, smuggling , Production rose by 30 % in 2006 and Indiana, the national diamond company of
  28. And many found employment or at least profit in cross-border liquor, smuggling , Much of Vancouver's prosperity and opulence in the 1920s results from this "
  29. Ghana deteriorated, aggravated by political differences and incidents such as, smuggling ,across their common border. At times, relations have verged on open aggression.
  30. Said he would not oppose the loosening of trade restrictions, but believed that, smuggling ,tunnels in the Sinai and an open seaport in the Gaza Strip endangered the
  31. Years later, Captain Collier, a Royal Navy officer assigned to smash the local, smuggling ,ring, uncovered the deception and Dr. Syn's true identity, thanks in part to
  32. Public installations near the coast and the patrol of coastal waters to prevent, smuggling , It has an inventory consisting of about thirty-five large patrol craft (each
  33. And Urge. The Angolan government loses $375 million annually from diamond, smuggling , In 2003 the government began Operation Brilliant, an anti- smuggling
  34. Historically military strongholds, free ports, oil ports, and also fishing and, smuggling ,centers. Today the economy of the city depends heavily on its port (now in
  35. Other assaults, robbery,tiger kidnapping, extortion,fuel laundering and, smuggling ,were undertaken by the group. The CIA also actively took part in recruiting
  36. Island known as Ben Your Island. The island became infamous for its activity of, smuggling ,illegal Chinese immigrants for local labor. Your and his partner Lawrence "
  37. Shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks because the story involved, smuggling ,a nuclear weapon onto an airplane. In 2002,Barry poked fun at the city of
  38. Of his underground base and invites him to be his representative for his heroin, smuggling ,operations in the United States. When questioned, Han shows Roper the mutilated
  39. Commodities from supermarket shelves. The Cuban packages scandal revealed arms, smuggling ,from the Communist Cuba to Chile; Allende – surrounded by KGB advisors – had
  40. In northern Mexico. The cocaine is then broken down into smaller loads for, smuggling ,across the U. S. – Mexico border. The primary cocaine importation points in the
  41. Had discovered the site of Caligula's burial, after arresting a thief caught, smuggling ,a statue which they believed to be of the emperor. The claim has been met with
  42. Your and his partner Lawrence" Pirate" Kelly were quite profitable at their, smuggling ,business and played hide-and-seek with the United States Customs Department for
  43. Around this hostile coastline during west/south-westerly gales. Consequently, smuggling , deliberate shipwrecking and attacks on ships were common. Cityscape" Inner
  44. He moved to Chicago to take advantage of a new opportunity to make money, smuggling ,illegal alcoholic beverages into the city during Prohibition. He also engaged
  45. Figure, and also includes crimes committed at the airport, such as, smuggling , Frankfurt is actually therefore a very safe city, corroborated by surveys
  46. Cecil Corwin ", who has been declared insane and incarcerated, from where he is, smuggling ,out in fortune cookies the ultimate secret of life. This fate is said to be
  47. Flu outbreak begins at Fort Dix, NJ. *1988 – Manuel Noriega is indicted on drug, smuggling ,and money laundering charges. *1994 – Byron De La Beck with is convicted of the
  48. To be explained by transactions intended to launder money or evade taxes, smuggling ,and other visibility problems. However, especially for developed countries
  49. Hinder the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process: (1) the relative ease of, smuggling ,diamonds across African borders, and (2) the violent nature of diamond mining
  50. Of small domestic airlines and air charter companies. The transport (and, smuggling ,) of minerals with a high value for weight is also carried out by air, and in

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