Examples of the the word, antigen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antigen ), is the 11808 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. See Somatic hypermutation and Affinity maturation Following activation with, antigen , B cells begin to proliferate rapidly. In these rapidly dividing cells, the
  2. Receptor, in which case they will be recognized by B cells. Nativity A native, antigen ,is an antigen that is not yet processed by an APC to smaller parts. T cells
  3. Of an antibody by the immune system, which will then kill or neutralize the, antigen ,that is recognized as a foreign and potentially harmful invader. These invaders
  4. Cell activation follows engagement of the cell bound antibody molecule with an, antigen , causing the cell to divide and differentiate into an antibody producing cell
  5. Antigen specificity is due primarily to the side-chain conformations of the, antigen , It is a measurement, although the degree of specificity may not be easy to
  6. Related concepts *Epitome - The distinct molecular surface features of an, antigen ,capable of being bound by an antibody (a. k. a. antigen ic determinant).
  7. Resolution. This information is used for protein engineering, modifying the, antigen ,binding affinity, and identifying an epitome, of a given antibody. X-ray
  8. Antibodies prior to and immediately after trauma and delivery destroys Rh, antigen ,in the mother's system from the fetus. Importantly, this occurs before the
  9. Rho (D) immune globulin antibodies are specific for human Rhesus D (RHD), antigen , Antioch antibodies are administered as part of a prenatal treatment regimen
  10. Region. Each of these variants can bind to a different target, known as an, antigen , This enormous diversity of antibodies allows the immune system to recognize an
  11. Of proteins that strongly bind to various antibody isotopes. Origin of the term, antigen ,In 1899,Ladislav Deutsche (Laszlo Deter) (1874–1939) named the hypothetical
  12. Like Imogen is a precursor of an enzyme. But, by 1903,he understood that an, antigen ,induces the production of immune bodies (antibodies) and wrote that the word
  13. The various" locks" that can match" the keys" ( epitomes) presented on the, antigen ,molecule. *Allergen - A substance capable of causing an allergic reaction. The
  14. Awakening response, a physiological response when a person wakes up * Chimeric, antigen ,receptor, artificial T cell receptors. Sports * Confederation of African Rugby
  15. Disease itself. To obtain antibody that is specific for a single epitome of an, antigen , antibody-secreting lymphocytes are isolated from the animal and immortalized
  16. Antigen (IC) specificity is the ability of the host cells to recognize an, antigen ,specifically as a unique molecular entity and distinguish it from another with
  17. Include: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF),extractable nuclear, antigen , and specific antibodies. Events *1755 – Commodore William James captures the
  18. Induces the production of immune bodies (antibodies) and wrote that the word, antigen ,is a contraction of" Antisomatogen = Immunkörperbildner ". The Oxford English
  19. Between the specific molecular structures presented on the surface of the, antigen ,(as illustrated in the Figure). Antigens are usually proteins or
  20. And child, consequential blood mixing may sensitize an Rh- mother to the Rh, antigen ,on the blood cells of the Rh+ child, putting the remainder of the pregnancy
  21. The body for years afterward in order to allow the immune system to remember an, antigen ,and respond faster upon future exposures. At the prenatal and neonatal stages
  22. a billion different antibodies, each capable of binding a distinct epitome of an, antigen , Although a huge repertoire of different antibodies is generated in a single
  23. Antibodies are produced by clonal B cells that specifically respond to only one, antigen ,(an example is a virus capsid protein fragment). Antibodies contribute to
  24. Property of antigen icity, the reverse is not true. " At the molecular level,an, antigen ,is characterized by its ability to be" bound" at the antigen -binding site of
  25. Idea prompted Paul Ehrlich to propose the side chain theory for antibody and, antigen ,interaction in 1897,when he hypothesized that receptors (described as“ side
  26. Prenatal therapy Rhesus factor, also known as Rhesus D (RHD) antigen , is an, antigen ,found on red blood cells; individuals that are Rhesus-positive (Rh+) have
  27. To its own antigen s. In similar manner, an immunogen is a specific type of, antigen , An immunogen is defined as a substance that is able to provoke an adaptive
  28. Chain to another, creating a different isotype of the antibody that retains the, antigen ,specific variable region. This allows a single antibody to be used by several
  29. Of the B cell receptor (BCR),which allows a B cell to detect when a specific, antigen ,is present in the body and triggers B cell activation. The BCR is composed of
  30. And activation. Immature B cells, which have never been exposed to an, antigen , are known as naïve B cells and express only the IGM isotype in a cell surface
  31. Immunoglobulin isotopes render the B cell 'mature' and ready to respond to, antigen , B cell activation follows engagement of the cell bound antibody molecule with
  32. Individual. Prenatal therapy Rhesus factor, also known as Rhesus D (RHD), antigen , is an antigen found on red blood cells; individuals that are Rhesus-positive (
  33. And environmental factors, the normal immunological tolerance for such an, antigen ,has been lost in these patients. Tumor antigen s or antigen s
  34. In the mother's system from the fetus. Importantly, this occurs before the, antigen ,can stimulate maternal B cells to" remember" Rh antigen by generating memory
  35. To the immune system via a biocompatibility molecule. Depending on the, antigen ,presented and the type of the biocompatibility molecule, several types of
  36. Allowing millions of antibodies with slightly different tip structures, or, antigen , binding sites, to exist. This region is known as the hypervariable region. Each
  37. Cells, or memory B cells that will survive in the body and remember that same, antigen ,so the B cells can respond faster upon future exposure. In most cases
  38. Occurs before the antigen can stimulate maternal B cells to" remember" Rh, antigen ,by generating memory B cells. Therefore, her humoral immune system will not
  39. By random combinations of a set of gene segments that encode different, antigen ,binding sites (or paradoxes),followed by random mutations in this area of
  40. On the light (VS) and heavy (VH) chains are responsible for binding to the, antigen , These loops are referred to as the complementarity determining regions (CDR's
  41. Is specific to a particular epitome. Using the" lock and key" metaphor,the, antigen ,itself can be seen as a string of keys - any epitome being a" key" - each of
  42. Another way, an immunogen is able to induce an immune response, whereas an, antigen ,is able to combine with the products of an immune response once they are made.
  43. Which case they will be recognized by B cells. Nativity A native antigen is an, antigen ,that is not yet processed by an APC to smaller parts. T cells cannot bind
  44. Viruses. The antibody recognizes a unique part of the foreign target, termed an, antigen , Each tip of the" Y" of an antibody contains a. Antibodies are produced by a
  45. Of antibodies that have a weaker interaction (low affinity) with their, antigen ,than the original antibody, and some mutations will generate antibodies with a
  46. Bacterial strains (and function-replacement plasmids) is preferred. An, antigen ,is a substance or molecule that, when introduced into the body, triggers the
  47. Since an antibody has at least two paradoxes it can bind more than one, antigen ,by binding identical epitomes carried on the surfaces of these antigen s. By
  48. Homology models that predict successful docking of antibodies with their unique, antigen , History The first use of the term" antibody" occurred in a text by Paul
  49. On red blood cells; individuals that are Rhesus-positive (Rh+) have this, antigen ,on their red blood cells and individuals that are Rhesus-negative (Rh –) do
  50. Full activation of the B cell and, therefore,antibody generation following, antigen ,binding. Soluble antibodies are released into the blood and tissue fluids, as

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