Examples of the the word, ophthalmology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ophthalmology ), is the 11326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Oculist who flourished in Ham in 1296. He wrote an elaborate treatise of, ophthalmology ,entitled Our albumin Wei Jami al-Funun (light of the eyes and collection of
  2. Turner and Mark Hall * Pascal Photocoagulator, a pattern scan laser used in, ophthalmology ,* J. Pascal's Furniture and Hardware, a Montreal hardware and furniture store
  3. Contributed significantly to the field of medicine, including anatomy, ophthalmology , pharmacology, pharmacy,physiology, surgery,and the pharmaceutical sciences.
  4. Of Eye Diseases & Tissue Therapy in Odessa is one of the world's leading, ophthalmology ,clinics. Odessa's catacombs Most of the city's 19th century houses were built of
  5. Miller School of Medicine, there are two specialized departmental libraries for, ophthalmology ,and psychiatry that are open to the public: Combined holdings of the libraries
  6. Services for the government of Bangladesh. He wrote the first book on community, ophthalmology ,(public eye health). *David Taylor (United Kingdom) Pediatric
  7. Eyes, they are considered to be both surgical and medical specialists. The word, ophthalmology ,comes from the Greek roots ophthalmic meaning eye and logos meaning word
  8. Emergency and critical care, internal medicine, cardiology,oncology, ophthalmology , neurology, radiology and surgery. To become a specialist, a veterinarian must
  9. Farming class during imperial Russian rule. Her mother received a doctorate in, ophthalmology ,at the University of Berlin in 1908 and became the first female physician in
  10. All of Northern Ireland. It also provides the city's specialist neurosurgical, ophthalmology , ENT, and dentistry services. The Belfast City Hospital is the regional
  11. Degree rather than an MD. The same residency and certification requirements for, ophthalmology ,training must be fulfilled by osteopathic physicians. Completing the
  12. Sub-specialty fellowships are also being offered in the fields of pediatric, ophthalmology ,and vitreo-retinal ophthalmology . Philippines Ophthalmology is a considered a
  13. Moor fields Eye Hospital in London, England was a transforming event in modern, ophthalmology , Clinical developments at Moor fields and the founding of the Institute of
  14. Germany) Along with Helmholtz and Wonders, one of the 'founding fathers' of, ophthalmology ,as a specialty. A brilliant clinician and charismatic teacher who had an
  15. Eastern ophthalmology Medieval Islamic physicians are considered founders of, ophthalmology ,as an independent discipline. One of the pioneers of ophthalmology was the
  16. 1021 – Alien completes his Book of Optics, which made important advances in, ophthalmology ,and eye surgery, as it correctly explained the process of visual perception. As
  17. And Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary. *Marshall M. Parks" Father of pediatric, ophthalmology ,". *José Ignacio Barrier (1916–1998) (Spain) " Father of modern
  18. Of residency programs can receive further training in subspecialties of, ophthalmology ,such as neuro- ophthalmology , etc. by completing a fellowship program which
  19. Also being offered in the fields of pediatric ophthalmology and vitreo-retinal, ophthalmology , Philippines Ophthalmology is a considered a medical specialty that uses
  20. Field of" physiological optics ". Alien discussed the topics of medicine, ophthalmology , anatomy and physiology, which included commentaries on Gaelic works. He
  21. Founders of ophthalmology as an independent discipline. One of the pioneers of, ophthalmology ,was the Persian physician Hazes. In al-Haytham (Alien) wrote extensively
  22. In Division, a developer and manufacturer of digital imaging systems for, ophthalmology , ** Agra stopped its desktop scanners and digital camera business in September
  23. Code-named the beta of Firefox 4 Tumucumaque. Blind spot may refer to: In, ophthalmology ,: *Optic disc, also known as the anatomical blind spot, the specific region of
  24. Charismatic teacher who had an international influence on the development of, ophthalmology , A pioneer in mapping visual field defects and diagnosis and treatment of
  25. And liver transplantation, radiology,neurosurgery, neurology,oncology, ophthalmology , gene therapy,women's health, fetal surgery, pediatrics,and internal
  26. Bottom) who have completed a college degree, medical school, and residency in, ophthalmology , In many countries, ophthalmologists also undergo additional specialized
  27. By about 30 % of fellows (FRCSC). There are about 30 vacancies per year for, ophthalmology ,training in all of Canada. Finland In Finland, physicians willing to become
  28. 1986; Yaroslav Nikolaevich Fyodor: for outstanding achievements in, ophthalmology ,and eye microsurgery.; Josef Roman (academician, Chairman of the Czechoslovak
  29. Of eye movements, which still forms a basis of information for modern, ophthalmology , He also provided useful information on the optic nerves, iris,and central and
  30. Language. *Bashar al-Assad (Syria) The President of Syria. He did his, ophthalmology ,residency in a hospital in London. *Syed Molasses Ali (Bangladesh) An
  31. In the country is the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology which also regulates, ophthalmology ,residency programs and board certification through its accrediting agency, the
  32. Of the eyes) *Veterinary Formal specialty training programs in veterinary, ophthalmology ,now exist in some countries. *Ophthalmology in Ayurveda Branch of Ophthalmology
  33. Ophthalmology (PAO) accredited program. Attainment of board certification in, ophthalmology ,from PRO is optional, but is preferred and required to gain privileges in most
  34. Which sees both countries coming together with the aim of offering free, ophthalmology ,operations to an estimated 4.5 million people in Latin America and the
  35. And have the CCST/CCT are usually deemed to be comparable. Canada In Canada,an, ophthalmology ,residency after medical school is undertaken. The residency lasts a minimum of
  36. And neurophysiologist. Ophthalmology The contributions of the Canon to, ophthalmology ,in medieval Islam include its descriptions and explanations on the physiology
  37. And has been described as the father of pediatrics. He was also a pioneer of, ophthalmology , He was among the first to use Moralism to distinguish one contagious disease
  38. Optical muscles, one too many. He also knew of the tear ducts. Middle Eastern, ophthalmology ,Medieval Islamic physicians are considered founders of ophthalmology as an
  39. The United Kingdom, there are three colleges that grant postgraduate degrees in, ophthalmology , The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (Roof) grants MRCOphth and Froth
  40. Mammograms (MG),Digital radiography (DR),computed radiography (CR), ophthalmology , etc. Additional types of image formats are always being added. Clinical areas
  41. Disease, infectious diseases, musculoskeletal disease, neuroscience,oncology, ophthalmology , and respiratory diseases. Controversies and criticism Challenge to India's
  42. Discipline. Other medical specialties may employ surgical procedures, such as, ophthalmology ,and dermatology, but are not considered surgical sub-specialties per se.
  43. And body. Ophthalmic optics In 1851,Helmholtz revolutionized the field of, ophthalmology ,with the invention of the ophthalmoscope; an instrument used to examine the
  44. Studies. India In India, after completing MBBS degree, post-graduation in, ophthalmology ,is required. The degrees are Doctor of Medicine (MD),Master of Surgery (MS
  45. Although it sees clinical use as a local anesthetic, particularly in, ophthalmology , Most cocaine use is recreational, and its abuse potential is high, and so its
  46. Roots ophthalmic meaning eye and logos meaning word, thought,or discourse;, ophthalmology ,literally means" the science of eyes ". " Opt homology" is a common
  47. Discipline uses techniques such as EEG topography for brain mapping. In, ophthalmology , corneal topography is used as a technique for mapping the surface curvature of
  48. Any other animals. NHS are commonly used in preclinical trials, neuroscience, ophthalmology , studies,and toxicity studies. Rhesus macaques are often used, as are other
  49. From the normal). Clinical significance In medicine, particularly optometry, ophthalmology ,and orthotics, refraction (also known as refractory) is a clinical test
  50. Him blind in his left eye. Dreyfuss and Rain have continued to raise money for, ophthalmology ,centers throughout the United States. After his 1995 divorce from Rain

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