Examples of the the word, constable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( constable ), is the 11331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two tickets in a poker game. * David Warner as Spicer Love joy: An ex-Pinkerton, constable , Love joy is Cal's English valet and bodyguard, who keeps an eye on Rose and is
  2. A Song for Soldiers ", which he later withdrew. He signed up as a special, constable ,in the local police and later joined the Hempstead Volunteer Reserve of the
  3. Acts of Hooliganism which occur from time to time, and it was reported to the, constable ,on the beat as such ". H. G. Wells wrote in his 1909 semi-autobiographical
  4. Two or more are making preparations for a rave. Section 65 allows any uniformed, constable ,who believes a person is on their way to a rave within a five-mile radius to
  5. Is various police agencies such as sheriff, police,highway patrol, marshal, constable , park rangers, law enforcement explorer scouts, or other law enforcement
  6. Goodwin, who was shot in Cumberland, British Columbia by a Dominion Police, constable ,when he was resisting the First World War. The impact of Ginger Goodwin goes
  7. Isabella's invasion. Henry, reoccupying most of the Lancaster lands, was made, constable ,of Kenilworth and Edward was transported there in late 1326; Henry's legal
  8. S cousin Te rho Manner in Toys in 1923,a summer villa for the Jyväskylä chief, constable ,in 1923 and the Palatal farmhouse in Larval in 1924. During this period he
  9. s.38 of the APA 1861. That act formerly created the offense of 'Assault on a, constable ,in the execution of his duty '. Under section 7 (1) (a),but that section
  10. Keep a watch at the city gates and 'arrest all suspicious night walkers' The, constable ,organized the watch and any strangers were handed over to him and taken to
  11. Was also pressured into dismissing her father's appointees, among them the, constable ,Quasar, a Reorganized Kick of ignoble birth, who had helped George III in
  12. The surviving rebels under the leadership of Henry de Hastings,Montfort's, constable ,at Kenilworth, regrouped at the castle the following spring. Edward's forces
  13. A constable acting in the execution of their duty; or: :a person assisting a, constable ,in the execution of their duty. It is a summary offense which carries a maximum
  14. Does not actually have to be aware that the person he is assaulting is a, constable ,(Forbes (1865) 10 Cox CC 362). The fact that the victim is a police officer
  15. School in Madras, and he tried to avoid attending. His family enlisted a local, constable ,to make sure he attended school. Within six months, Ramanujan was back in
  16. Assault a constable in the execution of his duty, or a person assisting a, constable ,in the execution of his duty. United States American common law has defined
  17. Designations with the countries of the former British Empire – for example, constable , for a police officer of the lowest rank, and chartered accountant. Education
  18. Ian McDermid, Michael Golf, and Christopher Walken. The plot follows police, constable ,Ichabod Crane (Depp) sent from New York City to investigate a series of
  19. British police laws, where entitlements of police constable s are vested in the, constable ,in person and not in the police as an administrative agency, this leading to
  20. His death on March 5. ** Bernard Frey berg,1st Baron Frey berg is made deputy, constable ,and lieutenant governor of Windsor Castle. * March 6 – George Maksimilianovich
  21. Himself, however,was at pains to minimize his role, describing himself as a, constable ,or watchman. Death and posthumous execution Cromwell is thought to have
  22. Act 1996 provides that it is an offense for a person to assault either:: :a, constable ,acting in the execution of their duty; or: :a person assisting a constable in
  23. Assault a constable in the execution of his duty or a person assisting a, constable ,in the execution of his duty. Northern Ireland Several offenses of assault
  24. All the lords wanted to be in the vanguard, against the opinion of the, constable ,and the experienced knights ". There appear to have been thousands of troops in
  25. Little but a pretext for the nobles, led by the pretender's father-in-law,the, constable ,Ivan Orwell, to weaken the crown. George III was able to crush the revolt and
  26. Dan De Quille were taking a drunken rooftop tour of Virginia City until a town, constable ,threatened to blast all three of them with a shotgun loaded with rock salt. In
  27. The Academy Award for Best Art Direction. Plot In 1799,New York City police, constable ,Ichabod Crane is dispatched by his superiors to the Westchester County hamlet
  28. Retreated back into the advancing French vanguard. The main French assault The, constable ,himself led the attack of the dismounted French men-at-arms. French accounts
  29. A Watch Committee which established a police force and appointed a chief, constable , On 1 June 1968 the York City, East Riding of Yorkshire and North Riding of
  30. Threatened its survival. Queen Melisande responded by sending an army led by, constable ,Manasseh of Hearses, Philip of Milly, and Eland of Buses. Raymond of Antioch
  31. Nobles were responsible to maintain order in their lands, and often appointed a, constable , sometimes unpaid, to enforce the law. Spain Modern police in Europe have a
  32. This was later replaced with paid forces. A garrison was usually commanded by a, constable ,whose peace-time role would have been looking after the castle in the owner's
  33. Took place in 1119,Henry's son-in-law, Eustace de Pacy, and Ralph Earned,the, constable ,of Ivory, exchanged their children as hostages. When Estate inexplicably
  34. Prevents the Turks from capturing the city. * Sir Richard Milieux is appointed, constable ,of Liverpool Castle. * The Ming Dynasty government of China begins a
  35. At Tordesillas, where she died in 1386. Before this, Nuno Altars Pereira, constable ,of Portugal, had gained his popular title of" The Holy Constable" by twice
  36. In several episodes of the BBC police series Z-Cars in 1963–64 as a detective, constable ,with a drink problem. Between 1964 and 1966 he appeared as the central role of
  37. Provides that it is an offense for a person to, amongst other things, assault a, constable ,in the execution of his duty or a person assisting a constable in the execution
  38. By, among others, Manasses of Hearses, who essentially governed for her as, constable , her son Amalia, whom she set up as Count of Jeff, Philip of Milly, and the
  39. R&B singer/songwriter/producer ** Sharon Beshenivsky, West Yorkshire police, constable ,(d. 2005) ** Leonardo" Leo" Ottoman, Italian comic book author * January
  40. To the Ministry of Transport in 1947 where, advised by the young chief, constable ,of Hertfordshire Sir Arthur Young, his term saw important improvements in road
  41. To R (Dullard) v Working Magistrates' Court (2005) WHO 2922 (Admin) a, constable ,cannot be acting in the execution of their duty when unlawfully on private
  42. And not in the police as an administrative agency, this leading to the single, constable ,being fully responsible for his or her own acts in office, in particular their
  43. Order since the Norman conquest was a private system of tithing, led by a, constable , which was based on a social obligation for the good conduct of the others;
  44. Sentence, and it is considered a more serious offense than common assault. The, constable ,must be acting" in the execution of his duty" for this offense to be made out
  45. By Griffin, Cuss only lost his trousers. J. A. Gaffers J. A. Gaffers is a, constable ,in the town of Piping. He is called upon by Mr. and Mrs. Hall to arrest Griffin
  46. Smith/Smite (German: Schmidt, smith ), Šulcs/Sulfa (German: Schulz, constable ,), Ulmanis (German: Pullman, a person from Ulm),Omanis (a God-man)
  47. Queen Melisande, now regent for her elder son Baldwin III, appointed a new, constable , Manasseh of Hearses, to head the army after Fulk's death, but Odessa could
  48. Would still constitute an offense. It is a separate offense to assault on a, constable ,in the execution of his duty, under section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act
  49. Provides that it is an offense for a person to, amongst other things, assault a, constable ,in the execution of his duty, or a person assisting a constable in the
  50. By section 38 of the Offenses against the Person Act 1861.; Assault on a, constable ,in the execution of his duty: Section 89 (1) of the Police Act 1996 provides

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