Examples of the the word, moth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moth ), is the 11716 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The peppered moth (Boston Bulgaria) is a temperate species of night-flying, moth , Peppered moth evolution is often used by educators as an example of natural
  2. The Eurasian Pied Flycatcher * Atlas Moth (Attacks atlas),a large saturnine, moth ,species * Atlas Turtle (Colossochelys atlas),a prehistoric giant tortoise
  3. Of last resort for gypsy moth caterpillars, utilized only during outbreaks when, moth ,densities are extremely high. Toxicity Mountain laurel is poisonous to several
  4. Is one of a number of creationists who have criticized the use of peppered, moth ,melanism as an example of evolution in action. In his book Icons of Evolution
  5. Twigs. Morphs There are several melanic and non-melanic morphs of the peppered, moth , These are controlled genetically. A particular morph can be indicated in a
  6. Natural selection. Ecology and life cycle In Britain and Ireland, the peppered, moth ,is nicotine (i.e., it has one generation per year),whilst in
  7. By John Jenner Weir that birds would not eat a certain kind of common white, moth ,because they found it unpalatable. " Now, as the white moth is as conspicuous
  8. To withstand the chemical defenses of pepper plants, for example the featuring, moth ,Louisiana subject or some flea beetles of the genus Lanka. The latter can be
  9. Moths have again become common, but the dramatic change in the peppered, moth ,'s population has remained a subject of much interest and study. This has led
  10. Deforested, as well as areas that have been heavily developed. A silk spinning, moth , the Acanthus silk moth (Samoa Cynthia),lives on Acanthus leaves, and
  11. The fifth-worst video game controller by IGN editor Craig Harris. The peppered, moth ,(Boston Bulgaria) is a temperate species of night-flying moth . Peppered moth
  12. Several species of Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth ) including the blood-vein, moth , Characteristics It has whorled spikes of reddish-green flowers, which bloom in
  13. To Admiral Hopper, she did bring the term into popularity. The remains of the, moth ,can be found in the group's log book at the Smithsonian Institution's
  14. Amphora tragopoginis). The Eng railed (Ectopic crepuscular),a geometer, moth , also uses columbine as larval food plant. Cultivation Several species are grown
  15. Living in the guts of insects and other organisms, the fig wasp and yucca, moth ,pollination complex, lichens with fungi and photosynthetic algae, and corals
  16. Of natural selection, and not of evolution, as a population of a" kind" of, moth ,turned into simply a population of another" kind" of moth . While it is true
  17. Are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and, moth ,) species including Coleoptera albitarsella. Selected species Cumin (or,
  18. Firstly, a few inches below a branch-trunk joint on a tree trunk where the, moth ,is in shadow; secondly, on the underside of branches and thirdly on foliate
  19. And cheaper than mulberry silk, but inferior to it in fineness and gloss. This, moth ,has been introduced to the eastern United States and is common near many towns;
  20. With individuals of all other morphs; hence there is only one peppered, moth ,species. By contrast, different subspecies of the same species can
  21. And moth ) species, including napoleon Jacobin (Dancer brass),turnip, moth ,and some members of the genus Indochina, including E. Damon and E. malarious.
  22. Is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and, moth ,) species, including napoleon Jacobin (Dancer brass),turnip moth and some
  23. To produce dark-colored offspring, and in just fifty years from the first dark, moth ,being caught, nearly all the moth s in industrial Manchester were dark. The
  24. Created by the Alan people of Ghana and Ivory Coast, from silk of the various, moth ,species in West Africa. Kent comes from the Ashanti two word Kenton which
  25. The larva of some Lepidoptera (butterflies and moth s). Caterpillars of the, moth ,Coleoptera citronella feed exclusively on Winter savory (S. Montana). Savory
  26. Functions * Brinjal fruit and shoot borer (Leucine orbitals),a, moth ,species The Fermi paradox (Fermi's paradox or Fermi-paradox) is the apparent
  27. Plants for some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth ) species including the nutmeg, moth ,and various case-bearer moth s of the genus Coleoptera: C. tarantella, C.
  28. A Mark II Computer at Harvard University in 1947,her associates discovered a, moth ,stuck in a relay and thereby impeding operation, whereupon she remarked that
  29. Of a" kind" of moth turned into simply a population of another" kind" of, moth , While it is true that this example shows natural selection causing
  30. Moth (Boston Bulgaria) is a temperate species of night-flying moth . Peppered, moth ,evolution is often used by educators as an example of natural selection.
  31. Are eaten by the larvae of several species of Lepidoptera (butterfly and, moth ,) including the blood-vein moth . Characteristics It has whorled spikes of
  32. Be readily distinguished from another. Evolution The evolution of the peppered, moth ,over the last two hundred years has been studied in detail. Originally, the
  33. The upper part of the trees. Majors notes: Creationist critics of the peppered, moth ,have often pointed to a statement made by Clarke et al. (1985):" ... In 25
  34. Dear, thistle,gorse, Norway rat, crested myna, and Asian or European gypsy, moth , Some endangered species in British Columbia are: Vancouver Island marmot
  35. Like the Fagaceae, being food plants for various Lepidoptera (butterfly and, moth ,) species. While taxonomists using molecular phylogenetic techniques find
  36. Of common white moth because they found it unpalatable. " Now, as the white, moth ,is as conspicuous at dusk as a colored caterpillar in the daylight ", Wallace
  37. The term" debugging" for fixing computer glitches (motivated by an actual, moth ,removed from the computer). Because of the breadth of her accomplishments and
  38. The cane toad was successfully introduced into New Guinea to control hawk, moth ,larvae that were eating sweet potato crops. Initial reports argued that the
  39. Evolutionary pressure for pests resistant to that toxin. Already, a diamondback, moth ,population is known to have acquired resistance to BT in spray form (i.e.
  40. Window ", Walter reveals to Astrid the apparent transformation of a mutated, moth ,into a beautiful butterfly and quotes" a friend of his" and repeats the Third
  41. Matters is total lifetime reproduction of the animal. For example, the peppered, moth ,exists in both light and dark colors in the United Kingdom, but during the
  42. Became rare again, demonstrating the influence of natural selection on peppered, moth ,evolution. If the traits that give these individuals a reproductive advantage
  43. Simple and easy-to-understand circumstances of the adaptation, the peppered, moth ,has become a common example used in explaining or demonstrating natural
  44. Who isolated it as the cause of a disease called Schlaffsucht in flour, moth ,caterpillars. In 1976,Robert A. Saharan reported the presence of a plasmid
  45. In action. In his book Icons of Evolution, Wells alleges that peppered, moth ,studies, and in particular Kettlewell's experiments, were erroneous. Despite
  46. Best evidence for resting positions is given by data collected by the peppered, moth ,researcher Michael Majors, and it is given in the accompanying charts. These
  47. Belief that speciation was involved in the observed evolution of the peppered, moth , This is not the case; individuals of each morph interbreed and produce fertile
  48. Amaranths are recorded as food plants for some Lepidoptera (butterfly and, moth ,) species including the nutmeg moth and various case-bearer moth s of the genus
  49. Or damage the plants include the Colorado potato beetle, the potato tuber, moth , the green peach aphid (Minus Persian),the potato aphid, beetleafhoppers
  50. And bridge guardrails. Mountain laurel is a food plant of last resort for gypsy, moth ,caterpillars, utilized only during outbreaks when moth densities are extremely

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