Examples of the the word, impeachment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( impeachment ), is the 9855 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2008 – President of Pakistan Perez Musharraf resigns due to the threat of, impeachment , *2011 – The West Memphis Three are released from prison after 18 years in
  2. The first president of Lithuania to be peacefully removed from office by, impeachment , *2005 – Kurdish leader Jamal Taliban becomes Iraqi president; Shiite Arab
  3. 1786. His interaction with the British dominion of India began well before the, impeachment ,trial. Previous to the impeachment , Parliament dealt with the Indian issue for
  4. Of Buckingham went badly, and the House of Commons began proceedings for the, impeachment ,of the duke. Charles nominated Buckingham as Chancellor of Cambridge University
  5. Intentionally violating the Tenure of Office Act. On March 5,1868,a court of, impeachment ,to hear charges against the president was constituted in the Senate. William M.
  6. Loses Congressional seats),the Democratic Party gained several seats. To hold, impeachment ,proceedings, the Republican leadership called a lame-duck session in December
  7. Chosen by Congress, notwithstanding the lack of any provisions permitting, impeachment ,of Supreme Court justices by Congress and the specific provisions giving the
  8. When a Justice dies in office, retires,or is removed from office following, impeachment ,by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate. Each of the
  9. Voted to acquit Clinton on both charges. The Senate refused to meet to hold an, impeachment ,trial before the end of the old term, so the trial was held over until the next
  10. Thus falling short of the two-thirds majority required for conviction in, impeachment ,trials by a single vote. A decisive role was played by seven Republicans
  11. Impeachments, however,are to all intents and purposes obsolete; the last, impeachment ,was that of Henry Sundas,1st Viscount Melville in 1806. Similarly, the House
  12. Twentieth century assassinations (Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley) and one, impeachment ,(Johnson),reasserted its political dominance by the early twentieth century
  13. Minorities who needed the protection of the upper classes. India and the, impeachment ,of Warren Hastings Burke pursued for years the impeachment against Warren
  14. Attempt to overthrow the Constitution). Although he threatened to prevent the, impeachment ,procedure by dissolving Parliament, the impeachment request was ultimately
  15. Sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky a denial that became the basis for the, impeachment ,charge of perjury. On November 18, 1998,Clinton agreed to an out-of-court
  16. Was heavily criticized. On May 8,1849,Led Rolling introduced a bill of, impeachment ,in the National Constituent Assembly against Louis Napoleon for exceeding his
  17. Francis Bacon by George Villains,1st Duke of Buckingham, leading to Bacon's, impeachment ,before the Lords; the first of its kind which was not officially sanctioned by
  18. Mohamed Doha became president. His time in office was turbulent, including an, impeachment ,attempt in 1991 and a coup attempt in 1992. On September 28, 1995 Bob Lenard
  19. From 1875 until his death. Johnson was the first U. S. President to undergo an, impeachment ,trial. He is commonly ranked by historians as being among the worst U. S.
  20. Widest form of inviolability, in some states the exceptions to this includes, impeachment , or a similar constitutional procedure by which the highest legislative and/or
  21. India and the impeachment of Warren Hastings Burke pursued for years the, impeachment ,against Warren Hastings, the former Governor General of Bengal, in 1786. His
  22. Party of the Left (successor to the Communist Party) started the procedure of, impeachment ,(Presidents of Italy can be impeached only for high treason against the State
  23. By U. S. officers. The Dominican Congress rejected these demands and began, impeachment ,proceedings against Jimenez. The United States occupied Haiti in July 1915
  24. When evidence of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal became overwhelming and, impeachment ,was imminent. By the 1980s,the increasing influence of the Christian right on
  25. Public the next day. *1974 – 10,000 march in Washington’D. C., calling for the, impeachment ,of US President Richard Nixon *1977 – 28 people are killed in the Guatemala
  26. Acts that May Constitute Grounds for an Impeachment ", the House began, impeachment ,hearings against Clinton before the midterm elections. Although the midterm
  27. Assembly. On June 11, 1848,Ledru-Rollin once again offered his bill of, impeachment ,against Louis Napoleon. On June 12, 1848,the Legislative Assembly defeated
  28. His rating consistently ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s. After his, impeachment ,proceedings in 1998 and 1999,Clinton's rating reached its highest point. He
  29. War on Spain. At the behest of Charles and Buckingham, James assented to the, impeachment ,of the Lord Treasurer, Lionel Canfield,1st Earl of Middlesex by the House of
  30. Already hostile to Buckingham for his monopoly on royal patronage, opened, impeachment , proceedings against him. Charles responded by dissolving Parliament. This move
  31. 1999 – President Bill Clinton is acquitted by the United States Senate in his, impeachment ,trial. *2001 – NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft touchdown in the" saddle" region of
  32. 1995) Sequel to The Better Angels: Christopher's cousins cause a Presidential, impeachment ,*Old Boys (2004) Christopher's old associates discover a plot involving
  33. Were three votes in the Senate. One came on May 16 for the 11th article of, impeachment , which included many of the charges contained in the other articles, and two on
  34. In Ames and ISU graduate * Edward Lewinsky, former US Congressman who lead the, impeachment ,of Richard Nixon and father-in-law of Chelsea Clinton; raised in Ames * Neva
  35. Revisions). Originally, in the event of the death, resignation or, impeachment ,of the governor, or absence from the state, the lieutenant governor would take
  36. To impose the full Anglican liturgy. The controversy eventually led to Laud's, impeachment ,for treason by a bill of attainder in 1645,and subsequent execution. Charles
  37. In 1973,the ACLU was the first major national organization to call for the, impeachment ,of President Richard Nixon, giving as reasons the Nixon administration's
  38. Dominion of India began well before the impeachment trial. Previous to the, impeachment , Parliament dealt with the Indian issue for two decades, this trial was the
  39. To convene the legislature, and to grant pardons, except in cases of, impeachment , There have officially been 53 governors of the state of Alabama; this official
  40. The United States House of Representatives forwards articles I and III of, impeachment ,against President Bill Clinton to the Senate. *2000 – The Leninist Guerrilla
  41. Convene the legislature, and to grant pardons, except in cases of treason and, impeachment , The governor of New York is often considered a potential candidate for
  42. Threatened to prevent the impeachment procedure by dissolving Parliament,the, impeachment ,request was ultimately dismissed. Corsica resigned two months before the end of
  43. Johnson is a particular favorite for the bottom of the pile because of his, impeachment ,(although he was acquitted in the Senate by one vote in May 1868),his
  44. On the Government through other means, such as No Confidence Motions; the last, impeachment ,was that of Viscount Melville in 1806. Legislative functions Bills may be
  45. This land, I am no less confident, that no learned lawyer will affirm that an, impeachment ,can lie against the King, they all going in his name: and one of their maxims
  46. House of Lords, where a simple majority is necessary to convict. The power of, impeachment , however, has fallen into disuse: the House of Commons exercises its checks on
  47. The Republic has the power to select various government officials, conduct an, impeachment ,trial of the president, and accept or reject the bills passed by the House of
  48. Theory or practice. In the 1870s in the United States, in the aftermath of the, impeachment ,of President Andrew Johnson and his near-removal from office, it was speculated
  49. Of 1867. On November 21, 1867,the House Judiciary Committee produced a bill of, impeachment ,that consisted of a vast collection of complaints against him. After a furious
  50. Some for actually being irrelevant or false. Color desperately tried to resist, impeachment ,by rallying the support of the youth and of the lower classes, but his call for

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