Examples of the the word, meadow , in a Sentence Context
The word ( meadow ), is the 9864 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Mention it. However, the barber could not keep the secret; he went out into the, meadow , dug a hole in the ground, whispered the story into it, then covered the hole
- Landscape designer Russell Page created a suitable setting for them in a large, meadow ,at the National Arboretum as the National Capitol Columns, where they are
- And eventually came across a boar in a large and deep meadow . Because of the, meadow ,'s depth, the three hunters were ambushed by the seemingly invisible boar and
- Assets were: a church, five mills, three fisheries worth 10s,27 plows, of, meadow , woodland worth six hogs. It rendered £30. In 1730 the chapel containing the
- Modern linguists lean toward an interpretation of" Oslo/Also" as either" the, meadow ,at the foot of the hill ", with the name serving a topographical description
- Èl is more negative that -ET); *Prada, pradinàs and dreidels imply that the, meadow ,and the smaller meadow s, respectively,are not so good. Of course, all the
- The old city, around the Baroda, centred on the area known as al-Jarrah or the, meadow , al-Jarrah soon became the name of what was initially the central square of
- Of a large, open meadow , locally known as the Great Meadow. To the north of the, meadow ,lie most of the campus' buildings, many of them among redwood groves. The
- Though similar to Prada in theory, is actually the opposite: a bad little, meadow ,(note that -El is more negative that -ET); *Prada, pradinàs and dreidels
- Highest elevations of Mount Pinball are home to the Pinball mountain alpine, meadow , an alpine shrubland notable for its numerous endemic species, including many
- Affect how things or people are perceived. See for instance the word prat for, meadow ,: *dreidel, pradet, pradòt and pardon all refer to a small meadow ; *Prada, pradàs
- As the 'Articles of the Barons ', to which his Great Seal was attached in the, meadow ,at Runnymede on 15 June 1215. In return, the barons renewed their oaths of
- And place-names of this area of Asia Minor, for example, Homer refers to, meadow ,birds at the mouth of the Castro (Iliad 2.459ff. ), a storm in the Icarian
- Climbed Mount Parnassus and eventually came across a boar in a large and deep, meadow , Because of the meadow 's depth, the three hunters were ambushed by the
- Is derived from the German words Gerber, meaning " tanner," and AUE, meaning ", meadow , " Call had a centuries-old tanners' trade, and,during Hesse's childhood
- Trying (" Tyr's Meadow" ), Viby, Jutland,Denmark. Once a stretch of, meadow ,near a stream called DDEA (" Stream of the Dead" or" Dead Stream" ), where
- Include trips à la mode de Can, andouilles and andouilles, salt, meadow , ( PRE sale) lamb, seafood (mussels, scallops,lobsters, mackerel … ), and
- Whereas the earliest of the groups of compound names with the suffixes VIN (“, meadow ,”) or Ham (“ settlement” ), as in Bargain (Bergen) or Saddam (Sam)
- Ullr's headland" ) - name of an old farm in Hennessy. * Marvin (" Ullr's, meadow ,") - name of four old farms in Hole Oslo, Ullensaker and Are Biker. * Clearly
- On their bellies. Mysterious pinwheels and a speaker rise out of the, meadow ,to announce the days' activities. The sun, which is superimposed of
- In itself); *dreidels is larger than a dreidel but smaller than a prat (this, meadow ,is rather large for a small one: it's not so small in fact); *bracelet
- Name of an old farm in Ullensvang (old church site). * Ullinsvin (" Ullin's, meadow ,") - name of an old farm in Saga (old church site). (For a possible
- Of Cleanings in Lough Erie. The Irish words" Clan Finnish ", which mean ", meadow ,and island ", have been contracted to" Greenish ", where the remains of the
- Large, atmospheric panoramas of the countryside, the highlights on a blade of, meadow ,grass, the mane of a tranquil horse, the horn of a dairy cow reclining by a
- And location of the land, and to specify what portion of it was arable, what, meadow , what vineyard, and what olive-ground: and of the land thus described, he had
- Site The Cardiff Arms Park site was originally called the Great Park, a swampy, meadow ,behind the Cardiff Arms Hotel. Cardiff Arms Park was named after this hotel/pub
- And prayer are smaller than a prat but larger than a trade (this small, meadow ,is quite large: its being small is not seen as a problem in itself); *dreidels
- Quatrain XI in his 1st edition, as above): In Spring time I love to sit in the, meadow ,with a paramour perfect as a Houri and goodly jar of wine, and though I may be
- Of campus. The entrance is located in the forest between the Porter College, meadow ,and Empire Grade Road. The caves wind through a set of caverns, some of which
- Or the possibility of the name referring to an ancient site of worship in" the, meadow ,consecrated to the gods ". Both interpretations are considered equally likely.
- Mountain" ), Lindgren (" linden branch" ), Sandström and Around (" field, meadow ,") were quite frequent and remain common today. The same is true for similar
- Name of two old farms in Fredrik and Ullensvang. * Leaving (" Freyr's, meadow ,") - name of four old farms in Hole, Lom, Sunnylven and Sure Caudal. *
- Would influence" every species of plant, whether growing in a forest or a, meadow ,". He came to his ideas as the result of experiments in plant and animal
- E" before front vowels – e.g. поляна (Poland) vs полени (Poland) ", meadow ,– meadow s" or even жаба (Ghana) vs жеби (Sheba) " frog – frogs ", even
- A nice little meadow ; *bracelet, with two diminutive suffixes, is a nice little, meadow ,as well; *Pamela, though similar to Prada in theory, is actually the
- Students also frequent Sunset Tree located on the east side of the, meadow ,behind the UCSC Music Center. The combination of porous limestone bedrock with
- Pradeta, the diminutive and feminine form of prat, also means a nice little, meadow ,; *bracelet, with two diminutive suffixes, is a nice little meadow as well;
- Spent most of his time living in a tent in the spectacularly beautiful alpine, meadow ,called Gulag (or 'Meadow of Roses' ). Except for his latest dog (which was
- Suggests a borderline. Image: Garden Gate. JPG|A small but elegant gate to a, meadow ,path. Image: Pergamonmuseum Babylon Ischtar-Tor. JPG|Ishtar Gate is the oldest
- Botanic Garden. * Reading Park - a passive use park incorporating an open, meadow , and a 1.1 kilometer walking trail through one of the city's last swaths of
- Into it, then covered the hole up. A thick bed of reeds later sprang up in the, meadow , and began whispering the story, saying " King Midas has an ass's ears ".
- About. The southern portion of the campus primarily consists of a large, open, meadow , locally known as the Great Meadow. To the north of the meadow lie most of the
- Word prat for meadow : *dreidel, pradet, pradòt and pardon all refer to a small, meadow ,; *Prada, pradàs and Prada mean a large one (note that the feminine makes it
- Pradelet, pradelon, praderon and prayer are quite smaller than a small, meadow ,; *predate, pradariá and protein refer to a group of meadow s or all meadow s in
- System of parks in Victoria also includes a few areas of natural Garry oak, meadow ,habitat, an increasingly scarce ecosystem that once dominated the region. In
- Or Rhododendron hirsute (on alkaline soils). Above this is the alpine, meadow , and even higher, the vegetation becomes more and more sparse. At these higher
- Before its modern spelling was accepted) comes from an Iroquois word meaning ", meadow ,lands ", referring to the buffalo hunting grounds in Central Kentucky's
- Have jail" green" or" yellowish green ", compared to a Mongolian word for ", meadow ,". Indeed, in the comparative study of color terms in the world's languages
- In showing their joy" In The Knight of the Cart, ( probably late 1170s) at a, meadow ,where there are knights and ladies, various games are played while:::: :Li
- Dachau” originated in the Celtic Dhaka, which roughly translates to“ loamy, meadow ,” and also alludes to the loamy soil of the surrounding hills. Some theories
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