Examples of the the word, robe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( robe ), is the 9866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The most fortunate were allowed the privilege of kissing the hem of his, robe ,(prosthesis, προσκύνησις ). Circuses and basilicas were designed to keep the
  2. Roman Republic: the most intrusive change had been changing the color of their, robe ,to purple. Later new symbols of worldly and/or spiritual power, like the orb
  3. Roman Pontiff and adjured the council not to" rend asunder Christ's seamless, robe ,". He was next sent by the Pope to the Emperor Sigismund to ask his aid in the
  4. At eve, : And heart-rending grief at morn --: The sleeves of my coarse-cloth, robe ,: Are never for a moment dry.: Composed when the Empress climbed the Thunder
  5. To power:" now does he feel his title / Hang loose about him, like a giant's, robe ,/ upon a dwarfish thief" ( V,2’ll. 18–20). Like Richard III, but without
  6. And she killed him. In a version by Status, Orion took hold of Artemis ', robe ,and she killed him in self-defense. In yet another version, Apollo sent the
  7. Him as a well-nourished bearded man dressed in a long green fur-lined, robe , A writer in" Time's Telescope" ( 1822) states that in Yorkshire at eight
  8. For her body was dazzling white, intimating her descent from heaven and her, robe ,was dark blue, denoting her emergence from the sea ... While Paris inspected
  9. Nude, with athleticism, as befits the god of speech and of the gymnastics, or a, robe , a formula is set predominantly through the centuries. When represented as
  10. Passé means past, passed,or (for a color) faded.;. A dressing gown is a ", robe ,de chamber" ( lit. A bedroom dress).; e: small; waiflike; skinny; In French
  11. Manner (wig, gown and jabot) before superior courts, although they no longer, robe ,for appearances in lower jurisdictions. Wigs are no longer worn in the highest
  12. A species of fish native to Africa Media Other uses * ABA (Dune),a type of, robe ,in the fictional Dune universe created by Frank Herbert * ABA (nymph)
  13. Utilising many of its symbols and regalia, such as a purple ermine-lined, robe , a sword of justice and a scepter (but not a crown or an orb). But, most
  14. His ambition lay in the Mahayana path, and so he put aside his white layman's, robe ,for the black robe of a monk ... Lamenting the decline of the true teaching in
  15. The first to celebrate a Roman triumph, after the Etruscan fashion, wearing a, robe ,of purple and gold, and borne on a chariot drawn by four horses. Death
  16. Had fallen in love with another woman. She smeared some blood on a, robe ,and sent it to Hercules by a servant named Lights. Lights spilled some blood on
  17. When Jesus is arrested, a young naked man flees:. A young man in a, robe ,also appears in, see also Secret Gospel of Mark. * Witness testimony against
  18. Temple was dedicated. Dallin's design is a dignified, neoclassical angel in, robe ,and cap, standing upright with a trumpet in hand. It stands 3.8 meters high
  19. Example, the Charité leader at Mosul was paraded about Baghdad clothed in a, robe ,of silk, of which Charities denounced as sinful, and then crucified. Upon
  20. Her wedding gown, which started a fashion craze in Constantinople for a type of, robe ,(for men) called titration. Their son Leo (Leo IV) would be better known
  21. Head waiter) instead (French never uses" d' " alone).; négligée: A, robe ,or a dressing gown, usually of sheer or soft fabric for women. French uses
  22. The Mahayana path, and so he put aside his white layman's robe for the black, robe ,of a monk ... Lamenting the decline of the true teaching in the outlands, he
  23. Is immediately preceded by a statement by a" young man dressed in a white, robe ," that Jesus is" risen" and is" going ahead of you into Galilee. " The last
  24. Cyril secretly sold sacrament ornaments of the church and a valuable holy, robe , fashioned with gold thread that the emperor Constantine had once donated for
  25. Soaked robe to Hercules. She was too late. Hercules had already put on the, robe ,and when he did so the blood still poisoned from the same arrow used by
  26. Would also be shown. As goddess of the moon, however,Diana wore a long, robe , sometimes with a veil covering her head. Both as goddess of hunting and
  27. As he worked and relaxed in his home, Klimt normally wore sandals and a long, robe ,with no undergarments. His simple life was somewhat cloistered, devoted to his
  28. Or her worldly goods to the community, vested himself in a simple black or blue, robe ,with cord belt, and sought to undertake a life dedicated to following the
  29. 1871,by about fifty men mounted and disguised. Each man wore a long white, robe ,and his face was covered by a loose mask with scarlet stripes. She was ordered
  30. Summons, to bow his knee in holy reverence. Kneeling, he caught his foot in his, robe , tumbled down several steps and hit his temple on a rugged stone edge. He died
  31. Verrocchio on his Baptism of Christ, painting the young angel holding Jesus ', robe ,in a manner that was so far superior to his master's that Verrocchio put down
  32. Of extinguishing the fire, it only made it worse. When he tried to rip off the, robe ,from his body his organs were also ripped off with it. Furiously, Hercules
  33. Worn under the nagajuban.; Nagajuban:: (, or simply Juan) is a kimono-shaped, robe ,worn by both men and women beneath the main outer garment. Since silk kimono
  34. Or the more recently ennobled bureaucratic aristocracy (the noblesse de, robe ,). These could be more easily dismissed than a grandee of ancient lineage whose
  35. He has also been depicted with a purse or a bag in his hands, and wearing a, robe ,or cloak, which had the power to confer invisibility. His weapon was a sword of
  36. Parthenon (Suggested being depicted on the Parthenon frieze). There, a vast, robe ,of woven wool (peoples) was ceremoniously placed on Phidias' massive ivory
  37. Over a fire of birchbark was used for color. Their traditional dress was a, robe ,spun from the inner bark of the elm tree, called attest or at tush. Various
  38. In the audience fondling a piece of blue-velvet fabric he cut from Dorothy's, robe , Jeffrey follows Frank and spends the next few days spying on him. Shortly
  39. Dark colors at times may also wear a white or off-white armband or white, robe , A traditional Chinese gift to the attendees upon entering is a white (and
  40. Pieces range from a graceful trifle like the Regrets SUR ma viable, robe ,de chamber (Regrets for my Old Dressing Gown) up to Le Eve de D'Alembert
  41. Were naked and his arms also a little above the wrists. … Not only was his, robe ,exceedingly white, but his whole person was glorious beyond description ".
  42. Impressionism. Monet's Camille or The Woman in the Green Dress (La lemme à la, robe ,verse),painted in 1866,brought him recognition and was one of many works
  43. Thought the king meant himself, so he said that the man should wear a royal, robe ,and be led on one of the king's horses through the city streets proclaiming
  44. Dog or stag. When portrayed as a goddess of the moon, Artemis wore a long, robe ,and sometimes a veil covered her head. Her darker side is revealed in some vase
  45. Worn by most Omani men. This typically consists of an ankle-length, collarless, robe , called a dishwash that buttons at the neck with a tassel hanging down.
  46. The baptism and the exorcism, the anointing, the putting on of the chrism, robe ,and the triple immersion were omitted. Most drastic of all was the removal of
  47. Wrote in his diary," I took off my slippers and my silver embroidered, robe ,and felt the body of my beloved next to mine ... How I felt then, I do not wish
  48. Various styles of clothing were made, and consisted generally of a simple short, robe ,with straight sleeves, which was folded around the body, and tied with a band
  49. Another servant to fetch Lights back before he could hand over the blood soaked, robe ,to Hercules. She was too late. Hercules had already put on the robe and when he
  50. Moroni vary. In one of Joseph Smith's histories, he said" He had on a loose, robe ,of most exquisite whiteness. It was a whiteness beyond anything earthly I had

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