Examples of the the word, stupidity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stupidity ), is the 9878 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pittman, that the bombing was“ a colossal blunder... a piece of a gross, stupidity , ” What is certain from every investigation that followed since the event, is
  2. To be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or, stupidity , I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional
  3. S Press Office, Fritz Hesse, that the Munich Agreement was" first-class, stupidity ,... All it means is that we have to fight the English in a year, when they will
  4. The Schloss. Tyler punches Mazola for ignoring the Chain of Command and his, stupidity , yelling at him that" What do you think this is, huh?! This is not a god-damn
  5. Empire" (" You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from, stupidity ,"); this was noticed in 1996 (five years before Bigger identified the Robert
  6. Is returned in kind, making jokes at her expense regarding her promiscuity and, stupidity , but when she is in a legitimate bind Bud will stand up for Kelly. * Marcy
  7. And art by assiduously flattering the lowest of tastes; clarity bordering on, stupidity , a dog's life. " -André Breton (Surrealism) # Art for psychological and
  8. Is meant by the fittest? Not the strongest; not the cleverest – Weakness and, stupidity ,everywhere survive. There is no way of determining fitness except in that a
  9. In which he expressed his opposition to what he called" Teutonico-Christian, stupidity ," on female affairs. He claimed that" woman is by nature meant to obey. " He
  10. Him up uncharitably as" a Prince of the profoundest lethargy and most abysmal, stupidity , " And yet he would guide his family through the difficult French-Batavian
  11. And relished becoming a" playboy" like Elly's beau Dash Rip rock. Jethro's, stupidity ,usually caused such career attempts to fail spectacularly, as when he decided
  12. Workers fight against the Police. * 1 November: Miliukov gives his 'Is this, stupidity ,or treason? ' Speech in reconvened Dump. * 29 December: Rasputin is killed by
  13. Recruit Depot. *1916 – Paul Miliukov delivers in the State Dump the famous ", stupidity ,or treason" speech, precipitating the downfall of the Boris Summer government
  14. And to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though if, stupidity ,is lacking, the others are useless. His Curves Completes (8 vols.,1885) were
  15. Proclamations ... calculated to deceive woods people ", and for his" folly and, stupidity ,". Clinton's response, once he recovered his temper, was to issue another
  16. In October 1967. He described his work to Ginsberg as:" A mess ... my writing, stupidity ,and ignorance all the way through," and in the Pension CCI restaurant in
  17. Ya total, yo ya me VOY," which means" Now, I speak freely. Now, I say any, stupidity , It doesn't matter anymore. Anyway,I'm already leaving. " Then, during the
  18. Realizing that the violence was" stupid ", and that he saw his role in the, stupidity , Mac Kaye claimed that immediately after this he decided to leave the hardcore
  19. Irishman and a Scotsman ..." which exploit the supposed parsimony of the Scot, stupidity ,of the Irish or rigid conventionality of the English. Such jokes exist among
  20. Themes dealt with in the novel are concerns for the environment and“ human, stupidity ,and the delusional belief in human superiority ”, both frequent topics in New
  21. Did not mock Jesus, and that it raised important issues about the hypocrisy and, stupidity ,that can affect religion. However, Stephen Green, the head of Christian Voice
  22. Stupid however, pointing out" Cordy's solipsism could easily be mistaken for, stupidity , but it comes coupled with a keen intelligence and a fixity of purpose that
  23. Frank style, along with his passionately fierce denunciation of human, stupidity ,and cruelty (especially to children) all of which rank him among the more
  24. The crime, solving the case only by accident. His incompetence, clumsiness and, stupidity , the fact that he is usually right, and his ability to always survive perilous
  25. By Napoleon to carry it out to preserve his political career. Rumors about her, stupidity , though unfounded, continue to circulate to this day. Talleyrand's venality
  26. The failure of non-believers to see" divine things" is due to" a dreadful, stupidity ,of mind, occasioning a sottish insensibility of their truth and importance. "
  27. English usage, the terms" idiot" and" idiocy" describe an extreme folly or, stupidity , and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is
  28. Who gets under Al's skin to the point of him physically assaulting them. Her, stupidity ,manifests in many ways, from forgetting ideas on the spot to
  29. Open, unarmoured vehicle or walking about the streets unguarded are just damned, stupidity , which serves the Fatherland not one whit. That a man as irreplaceable as
  30. Of Lardner's stories, You Know Me Al employed satire, in this case to show the, stupidity ,and avarice of a certain type of athlete. " Ring Lardner thought of himself as
  31. Is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity ,does not. " *" All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;
  32. Is common. Alternatively, punk artwork may contain images of selfishness, stupidity , or apathy to provoke contempt in the viewer. Much of the earlier artwork was
  33. On her noble family, and all their tea-drinking friends – a state of complete, stupidity ,which none of these aristocrats found strange. Memory vanished, general
  34. The affair could be, and how nearly every strained gag depends on the sheer, stupidity ,of its characters. " Ken Parish Perkins, writing for Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  35. Sour. Antonia referred to him as a monster, and used him as a standard for, stupidity , She seems to have passed her son off on his grandmother Livia for a number of
  36. Boston Phoenix commented on the series' humor, stating that it transformed ", stupidity ,into a crusade, forcing us to acknowledge how little it really takes to make us
  37. Is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a, stupidity , Tel Aviv and U. S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets
  38. The storyline generally attributes this to naïveté and laziness rather than to, stupidity , She spends her time eating, playing video games and reading comics (including
  39. Empress Audit. November * November 1 – Paul Miliukov delivers the famous ", stupidity ,or treason" speech in the Russian State Dump, precipitating the downfall of
  40. Self-indulgence' and indifference to humanity would lead to suffering or, stupidity , and he concluded the book was irresponsible, if not quite immoral, too
  41. It" a kind of fantasy morality play about the grossness and warmth and, stupidity ,of the audience ". It fared so dismally that it was withheld from the US at the
  42. And genetic engineering in public lectures and interviews, arguing that, stupidity ,is a disease and the" really stupid" bottom 10 % of people should be cured.
  43. Parents and brother on the farm. This results in week-long comical displays of, stupidity ,by Jon and his family, and their interactions. There is a comic strip where Jon
  44. On Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by, stupidity , but don't rule out malice. Yet another similar epigram (" Never ascribe to
  45. Capek also expressed fear from social disasters, dictatorship,violence, human, stupidity , the unlimited power of corporations, and greed. Capek tried to find hope, and
  46. Coined by August Rebel. (The ox and the donkey are symbolic of stubborn, stupidity ,in German culture. ) *" The future belongs to socialism" ( Original: Die
  47. Else attempts to harm him in any way. This may imply that Obelix, either by, stupidity ,or ignorance, simply does not notice or react to the pain that should be
  48. In April 1927," More and more do I feel an utter contempt for their lamentable, stupidity , " His poor relations with the Labour Party later played a major part in his
  49. His revelation prompted him to change direction and to acknowledge both his own, stupidity ,and his interest in ignorance and impotence:" I realized that Joyce had gone
  50. And he answered objections by citing Frederick the Great and others as praising, stupidity ,in soldiers; he argued that if the Americans did not do this, the British would

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