Examples of the the word, immerse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immerse ), is the 10005 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Based on the Kline Greek verb baptize which is understood to mean to dip, immerse , submerge or plunge. Submersion is seen as more closely conforming to the death
  2. Within the earlier times of Predynastic Egypt Coffin Text (CT)V 385 .... I, immerse ,the waterways as Osiris, Lord of corruption, as Added, bull of vultures. CT
  3. She is noted for her descriptive songwriting talent, which she has used to, immerse ,the listener of her songs into a vivid feeling of small-town, rural Southern
  4. Then suspending it, but paradoxically it may actually inspire the viewer to, immerse ,themselves in the narrative premise of the story. Use in psychology Suspension of
  5. Then in continental systems. Divisional and brigade commanders generally do not, immerse ,themselves in the day-to-day functioning of a battalion – they can replace the
  6. Component of the Ex College is EPIC, a year-long program begun in 1985 to, immerse ,students in a global issue, which culminates in an annual symposium of scholars
  7. Kind of facility required for baptism, from the baptismal pool large enough to, immerse ,several adults simultaneously of the 13th century Baptistery at Pisa, to the
  8. At a fire station. Like anthropology scholars, communication scholars often, immerse ,themselves, participate in and/or directly observe the particular social group
  9. Third, the devices could block out the" real" world entirely and fully, immerse ,the user in a virtual reality environment. *People communicate with their
  10. Works. According to the author, these are included in order to further, immerse ,the reader in his work. Criticism The content of Palahniuk's works has earned
  11. Non-Hasidic Orthodox Jews. Daily Immersion Many male Orthodox Jews customarily, immerse ,in a Micah (ritual pool of water) before major Jewish holidays (and
  12. And Clute's vision was to create a respite where faculty and students could, immerse ,themselves completely in art making, surrounded by a supportive community of
  13. Kitten, is traditional to symbolize one’s purity on this day. Many Orthodox men, immerse ,themselves in a Micah on the day before Yom Kippur. Eve Before sunset on You
  14. Prohibit interactions to other players among characters for those who want to, immerse ,themselves in the game in this way. Community resources such as forums and
  15. Stimulus. For example, print occupies visual space, uses visual senses, but can, immerse ,its reader. Hot media favor analytical precision, quantitative analysis and
  16. This can be done before the child is even one year old. If the child did not, immerse ,in the Mike, or the boy was too old, then the child may choose of their own
  17. Or spray-washed and rinsed with mild soap and a gentle spray of water. Do not, immerse ,figurines in water. To avoid problems with dust and dirt, many collectors favor
  18. To the arts. His schooldays were unproductive; he found that he would rather, immerse ,himself in art, such as painting and drawing, or playing the piano, than attend
  19. Women to abstain from sexual relations during and following menstruation and to, immerse ,in a Micah prior to resumption, while liberalizing observance requirements
  20. Bulgaria, but decided to make his way to the Holy Land so that he could, immerse ,himself in its sanctity and complete his written works. Passing through
  21. That economics was the true driver of history, and so he planned to fully, immerse ,himself in economics and then migrate back to the history department. Robert
  22. Barker made many efforts to increase the realism of his scenes. To fully, immerse ,the audience in the scene, all borders of the canvas were concealed. Props were
  23. During the wash cycle, the outer tub is filled with water sufficient to fully, immerse ,and suspend the clothing freely in the basket. The movement of the agitator
  24. The person administering the baptism must recite the prayer exactly, and, immerse , every part, limb,hair and clothing of the person being baptized. If there are
  25. Student avoiding going to University). * Distraction: Where we engage or, immerse ,ourselves in other behaviors or actions to prevent awareness of the task (e.
  26. Their name in that sport. The Club, in 2002,was one of the first shows to, immerse ,sport with reality TV, based on a fabricated club competing against real clubs
  27. Camp for rising high school seniors. The eighteen-day program is designed to, immerse ,students into the role of an engineer attempting to solve problems posed by
  28. Is being piloted by the U. S. Navy to use a much more complex simulation to, immerse ,veterans suffering from PTSD in simulations of urban combat settings. Much as
  29. Laws of impurity concerning liquid and solid foods #Every impure person must, immerse ,himself in a Micah to become pure #The court must judge the damages incurred
  30. Water, which is frequently present in other liquids, both added in order to, immerse ,the substances being cooked (typically water, stock or wine),and released
  31. A girlfriend laughed at his ineptness at the game of bridge, motivating him to, immerse ,himself in a study of existing bridge materials. When he graduated, he briefly
  32. Head, where it must remain hard to function properly. Another approach is to, immerse ,the case mouth in a molten alloy of lead that is at the desired annealing
  33. On Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Line and GZA's Liquid Swords, RZA would, immerse ,his beats in dark, sinister soul sampling, pioneering the technique of speeding
  34. To enthusiasm for the philosophy of Fichte. From Fichte, Bakunin went on to, immerse ,himself in the works of Hegel, the most influential thinker among German
  35. Adirondack Mountain Writers' Retreat In August writers may, immerse ,themselves in reading, writing,critiquing, consulting and talking about
  36. They understand the meaning of βαπτίζω to be the same as βάπτω, to dip or, immerse , a verb used of the partial dipping of a morsel held in the hand into wine or
  37. That invited guests, or people returning from market, would not be expected to, immerse ,themselves (" baptize themselves" ) totally in water but only to practice the
  38. Ornithology, and Native American studies. Its exhibits are intended to, immerse ,visitors in the state’s long history. The museum features many complete
  39. Wild and untamed wildlife, all create a unique opportunity for the visitor to, immerse ,themselves in the natural wonder that the Northern Territory offers. Images of
  40. Offers large single rooms with ensuite bathrooms. For students wishing to, immerse ,themselves in French language and culture, based on student interest, the
  41. With adult lions other than their mother. However, they soon begin to, immerse ,themselves in the pride life, playing amongst themselves or attempting to
  42. North-west Nepal) and were operating from there against China. The RNA, under, immerse , diplomatic pressure from China and the international community moved nine
  43. Three A-levels. For university, he followed Simon's to Manchester primarily to, immerse ,himself in its music scene in general and the Hacienda in particular. Rowland's
  44. Rather than using today's self-adhesive electrodes Einthoven's subjects would, immerse ,each of their limbs into containers of salt solutions from which the EKG was
  45. Create social consciousness, break down class divisions and for young adults to, immerse ,themselves in public enterprise. Economic & resource efficiency It is estimated
  46. Life of the baptized. Baptists argue that the Greek word originally meant" to, immerse ,". They interpret some Biblical passages concerning baptism as requiring
  47. In. Although the Greek verb baptize in does not exclusively mean dip, plunge or, immerse ,(it is used with literal and figurative meanings such as" sink "," disable "
  48. Baby bottles for example, or for water while camping. It is not necessary to, immerse ,food in water: The minimum quantity of water or liquid used in the recipe to
  49. Common in science fiction and gaming, where dedicated fans of the franchise, immerse ,themselves in the fictional world to an exceptional degree. A good example of
  50. The Talmud records an enactment by Ezra that after a seminal emission one must, immerse ,in a Micah before studying Torah or praying; although this enactment was later

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