Examples of the the word, deceptive , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The disappearance of parasites from the bloodstream can, therefore,be, deceptive , The longest incubation period reported for a P. viva infection is 30 years.
  2. Cannot throw to second until an infielder gets there. The delayed steal is a, deceptive ,technique that is sometimes executed by even slow runners and many times
  3. A straight forward presentation of demands or setting of preconditions to more, deceptive ,approaches such as cherry-picking. Intimidation and salami tactics may also
  4. Company, now called Mining Projects Group Ltd, alleging that their conduct was, deceptive ,and they engaged in insider trading. This case was settled out of court in July
  5. Gnosis. They warn against the“ wisdom of the wise” and their“ hollow and, deceptive ,philosophy” ( 1 Co 1:19; 2:5—NIV; CP. Col 2:1-10; 2:8). The book of Jude also
  6. South African government shifted to the politically appealing but historically, deceptive ,term" ethnic homelands ". Meanwhile, the anti-apartheid movement persisted in
  7. Was often displayed in a two-panel format with the first panel showing some, deceptive , pretentious, unwitting or scheming human behavior and the second panel
  8. Presentation of the facts, spin often, though not always, implies disingenuous, deceptive ,and/or highly manipulative tactics. Politicians are often accused of spin by
  9. Would be suggested by a date range. Thus use of the term" period" is somewhat, deceptive , " Period" also suggests a linearity of development, whereas it has not been
  10. City and local weather conditions. The Soviet counter-offensive planning used, deceptive ,measures that eventually trapped and destroyed the 6th Army and other Axis
  11. Gods gave the mortal many gifts of wealth. He then had Hermes give the mortal a, deceptive ,heart and a lying tongue. This creation was Pandora, the first women. A final
  12. On the meaning of" talk" and" speak," turning language and meaning to, deceptive ,purposes:: Moss No. What do you mean? Have I talked to him about this Pause:
  13. Maintain that the terms“ complementary” and“ alternative medicine” are, deceptive ,euphemisms meant to give an impression of medical authority. Alternative
  14. Place, so that critics wrote that 'everyone is well aware what is meant by the, deceptive ,phrase" variable length" ... sessions systematically reduced to just a few
  15. Therefore, the often-perceived symmetry between Mahayana and Hinayana can be, deceptive , as the terms were not actually coined in relation to one another in the same
  16. World. This is because the perception of things or appearances (the Dora) is, deceptive , Genesis-and-destruction, as Parmenides emphasizes, is illusory, because the
  17. May be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some, deceptive ,element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the
  18. Sees that you don't actually have him beat. A check-raise in poker is a common, deceptive ,play in which a player checks early in a betting round, hoping someone else
  19. So that he could be firstborn. The grasping of the heel is also a reference to, deceptive ,behavior. Birthright Sale In Genesis, Esau returned to his brother Jacob being
  20. More than a man who is interested in a pretty face, and that's why she's been, deceptive ,- substituting a plain-looking woman in place of her own picture. Luis also
  21. At the time the representations were made, and that they were therefore a, deceptive ,practice and false advertisements. The final stipulation on the matter said no
  22. Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or, deceptive ,practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in
  23. Created to look the way they do at every observable level of detail. A, deceptive ,creator From a religious viewpoint, it can be interpreted as God having
  24. And thus be able to flee. The detached tail will continue to wiggle, creating a, deceptive ,sense of continued struggle and distracting the predator's attention from the
  25. They may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is, deceptive , and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.
  26. Site, and until 2008 a quarterly newsletter, whose stated mission is to expose, deceptive ,and misleading public relations campaigns. It particularly covers US
  27. He does not have to think about anything else). The simplicity of the prose is, deceptive , Zoe Todd believes Hemingway crafted skeletal sentences in response to Henry
  28. Emperor limited his demands to little more than the abrogation of the, deceptive ,Treaty of Whale. In the context of the prevailing balance of power, the
  29. Also been referred to as the PT Barnum effect.; Half-truth: A half-truth is a, deceptive ,statement, which may come in several forms and includes some element of truth.
  30. Which had been sufficient to open a dialogue with the United States) as ", deceptive ,propaganda exercises" because (among other objections)," the PLO Covenant
  31. Societies" may be lacking in sanity ". Fromm argued that one of the most, deceptive ,features of social life involves" consensual validation. ": Law In criminal
  32. Supporters of deprogramming portray the practice as an antidote to, deceptive ,religious conversion practices by what they consider to be cults, such as mind
  33. Be called" synthetic" stone. The FTC says:" § 23.23 (c) It is unfair or, deceptive ,to use the word" laboratory-grown,"" laboratory-created,"" manufacturer
  34. On conservative and right-wing PR *http://www.prwatch.org/ PR Watch, critiques, deceptive , PR campaigns *http://www.spinwatch.org Spin watch, a page which monitors public
  35. And other gift bringers, some have come to reject this practice, considering it, deceptive , History Pre-Christian background Dies Natalie Solis Invite Dies Natalie Solis
  36. For the lyre. Homer and Hesiod portrayed Hermes as the author of skilled or, deceptive ,acts, and also as a benefactor of mortals. In the Iliad he was called" the
  37. Can be an effective antidote to this further tactic, placing the burden on the, deceptive ,questioner either to expose their tactic or stop the line of inquiry. In many
  38. A sidekick. " That style" has far less power but is much faster and more, deceptive ,", which is what the Multiple Kick was designed for. The Multiple Kick, unlike
  39. Theft, virus and other malware infection, child pornography, fraud,and, deceptive ,marketing. The cost to providers of search engines is not insignificant:" The
  40. That can be played for effect with an aggressive style. Such aggression is, deceptive , as the low and unpaired ranks of the starting hand require much improvement to
  41. Merit by sufficiently skilled individuals. That is to say, appearances can be, deceptive ,even to the objectively minded, and they can be subjectively interpreted (
  42. In JLA stories involving the fallen angel Gabriel. Loki is a callous and, deceptive ,trickster god who first can be seen in Season of Mists.; In The Sandman He is
  43. Is still more than the average guy ... He was the best and, actually,he was so, deceptive , You'd look at that big ol' slow arm movie' and—chew — that ball's just
  44. Less than leg breaks, and do not generally possess the same loopy, potentially, deceptive , flight. In addition, off spinners tend to have a smaller repertoire of
  45. Restrictive trade practices, intellectual property and the law of misleading or, deceptive ,conduct. The Franchise Association of New Zealand introduced a self-regulatory
  46. Tactics. Nevertheless, such tactics are condemned by legal rights groups as, deceptive , The Miranda rule applies to the use of testimonial evidence in criminal
  47. Was a religious freethinker. Being a star of his age, he would frequently say, deceptive ,things to the public. This means that the most reliable accounts on Brahms's
  48. Chemist Marc Delafontaine announced a new element delirium (from meaning ", deceptive , misleading" ) in 1878,but later in 1880–1881 demonstrated that it was a
  49. Bach regards her as subversive, while Sandra Williams suggests that Abigail is, deceptive ,and disloyal to her husband and even that she was" sexually turned on by an
  50. This intelligence is most often manifested by his use of disguise and, deceptive ,speech. His disguises take forms both physical (altering his appearance) and

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