Examples of the the word, dealings , in a Sentence Context

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  1. His long reign of forty-seven years is chiefly marked by ambitious and corrupt, dealings ,with the Tartar chiefs, and by his hazardous invocation of the Mongols, which
  2. Was of ready words, very authoritative in his commands, very circumspect in his, dealings ,with the Moors, and greatly feared yet greatly loved by all, a quality rarely
  3. Al-Azif, which would later become known as the Necronomicon. Those who have, dealings ,with this book usually come to an unpleasant end, and Shared was no exception
  4. Impugning the divine character, and allegations of unrighteous/unfair, dealings ,with men),restoration (where sin abounds, generosity super abounds)
  5. He persuaded gambler Joseph" Sport" Sullivan, with whom he had had previous, dealings , that the fix could be pulled off for $100,000 total (which would be equal to
  6. And used its assets and name in a series of doubtful international financial, dealings ,that had little to do with telephony. Financially weakened, Ericsson was now
  7. The destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and the Davidic kingship,Yahweh's, dealings ,with their ancestors provided a historical foundation on which hope for the
  8. Volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It contains a record of God’s, dealings ,with the prophets and ancient inhabitants of the Americas. The introduction to
  9. And engaged in more complex transactions and were able to profit from, dealings ,globally on a moment's notice, these practices became mandatory, if only to
  10. September 30, 2007 Aon had failed to properly assess the risks involved in its, dealings ,with overseas firms and individuals. The Authority did not find that any money
  11. Government intervention in the economy and the collective right to equality in, dealings , to an increased desire for what Hothouse called" just consent ". F. A. Hayek
  12. The papacy became a political player, first visible in Pope Leo's diplomatic, dealings ,with Huns and Vandals. The Celtic and Slavic peoples, the Hungarians, and the
  13. Of works by Hiroshima, held at the Art Institute of Chicago. The extent of his, dealings ,in Japanese art went largely unknown, or underestimated, among art historians
  14. That keep track of the organization's money, accounting and financial, dealings , Parallel database Real-time database Spatial database Temporal database
  15. This in practice. The legal system is sufficient to conduct secure commercial, dealings , although a serious and growing backlog of cases prevents timely trials. The
  16. The route leading eastward, and Comedian and Antioch were important points in, dealings ,with Persia. Acanthus criticized Diocletian for an excessive increase in
  17. Comprise: Fiqh is grouped into two parts: # Ibadan (worship) # MA'Malay (, dealings ,& transactions) Fields of jurisprudence Methodologies of jurisprudence usual
  18. In Israel (such as national holidays) and can be used there for business, dealings ,(such as for the dating of checks). The Chinese, Hebrew,Hindu, and Julian
  19. He has created and maintained a network of mutant espionage agents to work in, dealings ,that are too dubious for the public eye of the X-Men, even entrapping Mystique
  20. Eating with their own family. Excommunicated persons can still have business, dealings ,with church members and can maintain marital relations with a marriage partner
  21. Regard the text not only as scripture but also as a historical record of God's, dealings ,with the ancient inhabitants of the Bible, and has since been fully or
  22. In western Sicily in 75 BC and demonstrated honesty and integrity in his, dealings ,with the inhabitants. As a result, the grateful Sicilians asked Cicero to
  23. The first oracle (ch. ) gives an outline of the course of God's providential, dealings ,with his people down to the time of the coming of the Messiah. *The second
  24. And documents relating to the politics of Vermont's formation. His business, dealings ,included successful farming operations, one of Connecticut's early iron works
  25. Design after India detonated a nuclear bomb in 1974 and Canada stopped nuclear, dealings ,with India. The breakdown is: * India: 2 (+13 CANDU-derivatives in use, +3
  26. Supply companies. These had not been involved in the previous shady financial, dealings ,and were generally in a sound position. The Beeton factory in Britain became a
  27. He always defended unfortunate debtors, but there is evidence that his financial, dealings ,were not always honest. Following his release, he probably travelled in Europe
  28. Larry O’Brien had a great deal of information on Richard Nixon’s illicit, dealings ,with Hughes that had never been released; (O’Brien did not actually have any
  29. Temple and the Davidic kingship: despite the loss of these things,Yahweh's, dealings ,with the ancestors provided a historical foundation on which hope for the
  30. And he became well known for his diligence among the wool traders who had, dealings ,with his master. A constant obsession for Fox was the pursuit of" simplicity "
  31. Fearful of Habsburg influence in Italy than he was of French, had begun secret, dealings ,with Louis XIV aimed at extricating himself from the war. By 1696 the deal was
  32. With the promise to raise an army 9,000 strong by the end of May. And Charles ', dealings ,with the English Parliament in April quickly reached stalemate. Northumberland
  33. Rabbinical Patriarch (from the House of Hillel) to represent the Jews in, dealings ,with the Romans. The most famous of these was Judah hands. Jewish seminaries
  34. Which was decreed in 45 BCE, for civic matters such as the payment of taxes and, dealings ,with government officials. The Hebrew calendar has evolved over time. For
  35. Or members of the management board have the power to represent the company in, dealings ,with third parties and in legal proceedings. They are appointed and removed by
  36. To the promised land, the Americas, by ship. These books recount the group's, dealings ,from approximately 600 BC to about 130 BC, during which time the community grew
  37. Exploring, documentary film-making, paleontology,climatology, antiquity, dealings , and curator ship, philology,etymology, genetics,regional analysis, ethnology
  38. In May 1868),his complete mishandling of Reconstruction policy, his inept, dealings ,with his Cabinet and Congress, his drinking problem (he was probably
  39. Function Aaron’s function included the duties of speaker and implied personal, dealings ,with the Egyptian royal court on behalf of Moses, who was always the central
  40. Distressed by the ending of the epidemic, from which he has profited by shady, dealings , Two government employees approach him, and he flees. Despite the ending of the
  41. A civil rights point of view, was that relatives would use deception, or legal, dealings ,or even kidnapping to get the recruit into programmers' hands, without
  42. A willful disregard for the Manual of the Mother Church in its financial, dealings , The suit was thrown out by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts in 1997
  43. Continued to exercise considerable control over India's international, dealings , although they generally appointed separate ministers of external affairs.
  44. Gave it a positive review, noting the lyrical content of the songs and Love's, dealings ,with it:" Life in the media spotlight, motherhood,being called Nirvana's
  45. Direction of the Federal Open Market Committee" ... nor may the GAO audit ", dealings ,with foreign governments and other central banks. " Various statutory changes
  46. Times. By 1618 Ella had left the Hanseatic League owing to its close business, dealings ,with England. Famous inhabitants of the city at that time included native sons
  47. The perfect way to celebrate their thirtieth year in production. John Beck's, dealings ,with Willis O'Brien's project were done behind his back, and O'Brien was never
  48. Members of the administrative board have the power to represent the company in, dealings ,with third parties and in legal proceedings. Under the single-tier system the
  49. India detonated its first atomic bomb in 1974,leading to Canada ending nuclear, dealings ,with the country. Part of the sales agreement was a technology transfer process
  50. Since it" attempts to distill and summarize the entire history of God's, dealings ,with God's people. " In Christian Bibles, Chronicles 1 and 2 are part of the

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