Examples of the the word, holiness , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In the heart's perceptions. He writes later" I am certain of nothing but the, holiness ,of the Heart's affections and the truth of Imagination – What the imagination
  2. Known as the Kenosha. This is followed by the Titania Shabbat reading on the, holiness ,of Shabbat, and then by a reading from the biblical Book of Numbers about the
  3. Opposite to this, Hasidic teachings cherished the sincerity and concealed, holiness ,of the unlettered common folk, and their equality with the scholarly elite. The
  4. 3) he adduces the example of Christ and other motives to patience and, holiness ,(3:14–4:19); and (4) concludes with counsels to pastors and people (chap.
  5. Pre-existent to the Earth, and the letters themselves are seen as having, holiness ,and power, sometimes to such an extent that several stories from the Talmud
  6. Subject to temptation, and have continued need to pray for forgiveness and, holiness , It is not an absolute perfection but a perfection in love. Furthermore, Wesley
  7. This is designed to focus the hearer's attention on the unique and exclusive, holiness ,of YHWH. God Deuteronomy's concept of God changed over time: the earliest 7th
  8. XI p. 533" 3. The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as become, holiness , not false accusers, not given too much wine, teachers of good things; that they
  9. Because the Rizal taught that each time one immerses in a Micah he adds, holiness ,to his soul. It is also taught by the Baal She To, that all his wisdom was
  10. Some mitzvot are relevant only in the Land of Israel. Many laws pertaining to, holiness ,and purity can no longer be performed as the holy Sanctuary in Jerusalem no
  11. A stable mind depart from the opinion handed down by so many men famous for, holiness ,and miracles, depart from the decisions of the Church, and commit our souls to
  12. The land of Canaan. Against this, Numbers also demonstrates the importance of, holiness , faithfulness and trust: despite God's presence and his priests, Israel lacks
  13. And the shedding of blood. The Brat Ha-Mitzwot evokes the consciousness of, holiness ,at a rabbinic rite, but the objects employed in the majority of these rites are
  14. In 1982 Pope John Paul II conferred beatification, in recognition of the, holiness ,of his life, thereby making this title official. Fie sole is sometimes
  15. The German Arrival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, which adapted at least the, holiness ,of Robert’s Grail into the framework of Chrétien’s story. * The Dido Percival
  16. Began in 313 among Christians in North Africa. The Donatists stressed the, holiness ,of the church and refused to accept the authority to administer the sacraments
  17. God controls the entire world),and for the increased emphasis on purity and, holiness , And increased emphasis on symbols such as circumcision and Sabbath-observance
  18. Irregular. Nevertheless, the validity of the sacraments do not depend upon the, holiness ,of the priests who perform them (ex opera operate); therefore, irregular
  19. Judaism holds that others may have their own, different,paths to God (or, holiness , or" salvation" ), as long as they are consistent with the Seven Laws of Noah
  20. Four-letter name of God as written in the Torah—to be of such great, holiness ,that it was never to be pronounced as spelled, except in the Temple by the High
  21. Become associated with Pentecostalism and the later charismatic movement. The, holiness ,preachers Charles Par ham and William Seymour are credited as co-founders of the
  22. S life in God's ways. Thus, fundamentally in Judaism, one is enjoined to bring, holiness ,into life (with the guidance of God's laws),rather than removing oneself
  23. The Free Methodist Church is a Methodist Christian denomination within the, holiness ,movement. It is evangelical in nature and has its roots in the
  24. The death, descent into hell, resurrection,and ascension of Christ * the, holiness ,of the Church and the communion of saints * Christ's second coming, the Day of
  25. Undergo purification through the intermediate state of purgatory to achieve the, holiness ,necessary for entrance into God's presence. Those who have attained this goal
  26. Immaculate, all-pure ) refers to the holiness of Mary, not specifically to the, holiness ,of her conception. By the 7th century the feast of her conception was widely
  27. Greek form of the original name that according to his etymology signifies ", holiness ," to be inexact. Pliny's Latin text has Essen. Josephus identified the
  28. Issued its majority report (11 to 1,1 abstention) which stated that the, holiness ,within a Jewish marriage" may be present in committed same gender
  29. They are unclean. " Name "/IN"> leviticus11"/> The Kabbalah describes sparks of, holiness ,that are released by the act of eating kosher foods, but are too tightly bound
  30. Did not teach a salvation by perfection, but rather says that," Even perfect, holiness ,is acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ. " Joseph Donnell stated that "
  31. Of the Oral Law" to help them learn how to live a holy life, and to bring, holiness , peace and love into the world and into every part of life, so that life may be
  32. To Abbey with the quibbling question:" How could your God in His priestly, holiness ,bury Moses without providing for purification rites, yet oceans are declared
  33. 4:10,14; 5:11,12) and his advocacy (2:1); and (2),on the part of man, holiness ,(1:6),obedience (2:3),purity (3:3),faith (3:23; 4:3; 5:5),and love
  34. That the title of chants (spotless, immaculate,all-pure) refers to the, holiness ,of Mary, not specifically to the holiness of her conception. By the 7th century
  35. What is in fact unlawful ", because she is concerned with" safeguarding the, holiness ,of marriage, in order to guide married life to its full human and Christian
  36. Spiritual Worlds until they were embedded in our physical realm as" sparks of, holiness ," (Nitzutzot). The reason in Quranic Kabbalah that almost all Mitzvot
  37. Followed by spiritual regeneration, which returns the believer to the state of, holiness ,before Adam's transgression. However, complete perfection is unattainable in
  38. Manifestations of God's loving-kindness, calling for the Breakout. Kenosha, holiness , which is nothing else than the imitation of God, is concerned with daily
  39. Encourages an older man marrying a young woman. Hasidic thought stresses the, holiness ,of sex. Hasidic Jews typically produce large families; the average Hasidic
  40. Center, which was usually the house of some hermit or anchorite famous for, holiness ,or singular asceticism, but without any attempt at orderly arrangement. This
  41. Death and the final judgment and in the possibility of" continuing to grow in, holiness ,there ", but Methodism does not officially affirm this belief and denies the
  42. Between 1180 and 1191,the object has not yet acquired the implications of, holiness ,it would have in later works. While dining in the magical abode of the Fisher
  43. Is that through their performance, they elevate each particular Spark of, holiness ,associated with that commandment. Once all the Sparks are redeemed to their
  44. Various Ambrosia were given the title of Blessed in recognition of their, holiness ,: Antonio Gonzalo of Mantra, Filippo of Fermi, and Gerardo of Monza, the order
  45. This time Keats writes to his friend Bailey" I am certain of nothing but the, holiness ,of the Heart's affections and the truth of the imagination. What imagination
  46. The dream that the apostolic church was in an exceptional condition of, holiness ,of life or purity of doctrine. " The author of the Easton's article concludes
  47. The populace, derived from his mystical teaching of the innate, concealed, holiness , of the common folk:: Concern for their welfare, rather than admonishment:
  48. That the food laws are related to the way such channels, termed sparks of, holiness , interact with various animals. According to the teachings of Hasidim, sparks
  49. School curriculum, this venture is now carried on in cooperation with other, holiness ,denominations. Beginning in 2008,the Wesleyan Publishing House, publishing arm
  50. Venerated for the great work that God accomplished through her. Because of the, holiness ,of the lives of the saints, their bodies and physical items connected with them

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