Examples of the the word, grenade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grenade ), is the 10980 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Commercial appeared in November 2009 where he appeared promoting the" Mohawk, grenade ," item, which appears in game and turns other players into Mr. T's likeness.
  2. Army is the L85A2 assault rifle, sometimes equipped with an L17A2 under barrel, grenade ,launcher and with several variants such as the L86A2,the Light Support Weapon
  3. Canadian Army Cadets are killed and fifty-four are injured in an accidental, grenade ,blast at CFB Cartier Cadet Camp. *1975 – Jimmy Hoffa disappears from the
  4. Consists of a driver, a raised gun, usually a Browning heavy machine gun or a, grenade ,machine gun, this used for ground support, and a GPMG (general purpose machine
  5. Ammunition). HK produces a whole range of small arms, from pistols to, grenade ,launchers and machine guns. In its extensive product range, HK has used most of
  6. Had four weapons to use in the trenches: the rifle, bayonet,shotgun, and hand, grenade , Britain introduced the first tanks to the war, while Renault enhanced the
  7. The Objective Individual Combat Weapon, a planned replacement for the M16/M203, grenade , launcher combination. The OIC was designed to fire 5.56 mm bullets and 25 mm
  8. Line. * Anti-flash and anti-smoke remove the effects of the flash bang and smoke, grenade , Implementation is derived from the wall hack. Valve has implemented an
  9. Which detonates, initiating the grenade fill explosive, thus fragmenting the, grenade , Grampus may mean: *Grampus, the genus that includes Risso's Dolphin as its
  10. From Europe. ) At the extreme, in November 1721,someone hurled a lighted, grenade ,into Cotton Mather's house. As with many colonists, Williams ' Puritan beliefs
  11. Guns, shoulder-fired rocket launchers and missiles, and lighter mortars and, grenade ,launchers. Modern infantry are often equipped with helmets, a gas mask, and in
  12. Link Guard, militia movement of the Slovak People's Party *HG 85,hand, grenade ,designed for the Swiss Armed Forces *Heart Chaucer, early 15th century
  13. Normally disqualify the inductee. Self-selection: Killing a friend with a hand, grenade ,would not be eligible, but killing oneself while manufacturing a homemade
  14. Faced the 47 mm gun cave. A lieutenant blinded the 47 mm gunner with a smoke, grenade , allowing Corporal Henry W. Hahn to throw a grenade through the cave's
  15. Bus approached, they fired at it (not in the air, as Mailer has it) but the, grenade ,lobbed by Ben Yosef did not detonate. The bus with its screaming and terrified
  16. States secrets to Moscow for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds. *2005 – A hand, grenade ,thrown by Vladimir Arminian lands about 65 feet (20 meters) from U. S.
  17. Vehicles, such as the BTR-90 or Puma, come equipped with 30,40,76,or 81 mm, grenade ,launchers. Most IFRS also have smoke grenade dischargers for concealment.
  18. On screen of all time. Berry was hurt during filming when debris from a smoke, grenade ,flew into her eye. It was removed in a 30-minute operation. After Berry won the
  19. Ability and heavy protection. They are usually armed with machine guns and, grenade ,launchers and usually tracked to provide enough tr active force to push blades
  20. Unusually ornate in design, the Holy Hand Grenade functions like any other hand, grenade , Particularly important is the part of counting to three after the pulling of
  21. Three attacks on British troops a day. Usually, these consisted of shooting or, grenade ,attacks on British patrols. Outside Dublin and Munster, there were only
  22. 47 mm gunner with a smoke grenade , allowing Corporal Henry W. Hahn to throw a, grenade ,through the cave's aperture. The grenade detonated the 47 mm's shells
  23. Defense Minister and Prime Minister Menace Being refused to fire him. After a, grenade ,was tossed into a dispersing crowd of an Israeli Peace Now march, killing Emil
  24. Equipped with 30,40,76,or 81 mm grenade launchers. Most IFRS also have smoke, grenade ,dischargers for concealment. Mobility Most IFRS are amphibious and air
  25. Had already tried to kill him and his wife. A member of the Black Hand threw a, grenade ,at the car, but missed. It injured some people nearby and Franz Ferdinand made
  26. Use with rifle-style grenade s with an inside diameter of 22 mm using a special, grenade ,launching cartridge) and a cup-type attachment used to launch tear gas
  27. Powder is still used in delay-trains in modern arms. For instance, in a hand, grenade , a mechanical striker ignites a percussion primer which ignites a slow black
  28. Detachment. The cave entrances were built slanted as a defense against, grenade ,and flamethrower attacks. The caves and bunkers were connected to a vast system
  29. Officer while hiding behind a bar. Another Smetana soldier then lobbed a, grenade ,in the vicinity of Amino, where it exploded, killing his young son. The Soviet
  30. Explosive rounds are generally considered either autocannons or automatic, grenade ,launchers (" grenade machine guns" ). By contrast with the other two
  31. Launchers, over 1,050 cases of grenade s, nearly 7,900 types of ammunition,120, grenade , launchers,over 4,000 submachine guns, TNT fuses, mines of various types,14
  32. Zongyao File: 武经总要全前集卷十二 霹雳火球图. JPG|Fire bomb File: 武经总要 竹火鷂 鐵嘴火鷂. JPG|Fire, grenade ,Middle East The Arabs acquired knowledge of gunpowder some time after year 1240
  33. On this day, Sgt Ian McKay of 4 Platoons, B Company,3 Para died in a, grenade ,attack on an Argentine bunker, which earned him a posthumous Victoria Cross.
  34. Of political violence. Hirohito narrowly missed assassination by a hand, grenade ,thrown by a Korean independence activist, Lee Bong-chang in Tokyo on January 9
  35. Provide mounting and firing capabilities for the M134 Minigun, the Mk 19, grenade , launcher,the M2 heavy machine gun, the M240G/B machine gun and M249 LEG. The
  36. Defeat kinetic APHIDS tank rounds. The most common counter measures are smoke, grenade ,dischargers. These help IFRS to avoid a hit from Atoms by allowing the IF to
  37. Assault rifles. *AG = Either stands for (" attached device" ) or (" attached, grenade ,launcher" ) *SD = (" sound dampener "," suppressor" ); In the case of the
  38. Denver, and brandishing what later proved to be a paperweight resembling a hand, grenade ,and an unloaded handgun, he demanded four parachutes and $500,000. He was
  39. Other locations in Jerusalem, Arabs were shot as well. **In Tel Aviv, a hand, grenade ,was thrown at an Arab coffee shop on Carmel St., injuring many of the patrons.
  40. Training regime. The Ir gun trained with handguns and submachine guns, hand, grenade , throwing,and combined attacks on targets. The Ir gun put out professional
  41. During the operation, two U. S. helicopters were shot down by rocket-propelled, grenade ,attacks to their tail rotors, trapping soldiers behind enemy lines. This
  42. An attempt by the British to board Bonhomme Richard was thwarted, and a, grenade ,caused the explosion of a large quantity of gunpowder on Seraphs lower gun-deck
  43. Extremely bloody, a mix of artillery and aerial bombardment, with bayonet and, grenade ,fights, room by room. Anarchist leader Buenaventura Pursuit was shot there on
  44. Of the original Each. Following both parties noting their support of a, grenade ,attack in Jerusalem's Old City, government minister Anon Rubinstein asked the
  45. Defence industries and Turkish companies, Azerbaijan will produce 40 mm revolver, grenade ,launchers,107 mm and 122 mm MLRS systems, Cobra 4x4 vehicles and joint
  46. Killing oneself while manufacturing a homemade chimney-cleaning device from a, grenade ,would be eligible. To earn a Darwin Award, the candidate must have killed him-
  47. Red woolen fringes; plus the embroidered foreign legion badge of a red flaming, grenade , worn on the kepi front instead of a regimental number. In the field a light
  48. A chain gun (similar in design to the Nordenfelt gun),a rocket-propelled, grenade ,launcher, pipe bombs, freeze- and shrink-rays, laser trip mines, and the rapid
  49. Until it gets to the high explosive primary, which detonates, initiating the, grenade ,fill explosive, thus fragmenting the grenade . Grampus may mean: *Grampus, the
  50. Corporal Henry W. Hahn to throw a grenade through the cave's aperture. The, grenade ,detonated the 47 mm's shells, forcing the cave's occupants out, where they

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