Examples of the the word, grantee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grantee ), is the 10967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Square miles (0.4 km2) of it (0.31 %) is water. Etymology Dudley Chase,a, grantee , awoke in town one morning and told of having dreamed of the Biblical story of
  2. Hebron, acquired land, in about 1880,from the descendants of the original, grantee , Ignacio Besides. With two others, he bought 18,000 acres, in the then Duval
  3. Named for José Amesti, a Basque who came to California in 1822,and who was the, grantee ,of Rancho Los Correlates. Geography Amesti is located at (36.959210
  4. In 1849 bought Rancho Rincón de San Francisquito from José Peña, the 1841, grantee , The grant extended from San Francisquito Creek, Alpine Road and Bishop Ln. (
  5. R2 EAR, the plantation would have known as Spauldingtown after Thomas Spaulding,a, grantee , It was settled in 1782 by William Hilton from Wisc asset, who purchased. On
  6. The participation of local authorities, rights and obligations of the, grantee , taxes and dues, and witnesses. This ensured the content was clearly understood
  7. Person she believes herself to be, namely the lineal descendant of the original, grantee , " In addition to the endorsement, Conkling introduced Reais to Robert G.
  8. A condition subsequent, that if the granter paid the secured indebtedness to the, grantee ,on or before a date certain (the" law" day) then the conveyance would be
  9. Arrived in San Rafael. Then, in 1846 he purchased of land from Timothy Murphy, grantee ,of Rancho San Pedro, Santa Margarita y Las Gallons. The land encompassed
  10. May be traced to multiple subdivisions of a few original land grants. The, grantee ,'s family names live on in a few city and town names such as Martinez, Pacheco
  11. Then his own. Ownership of the land returns to the original tenant when the, grantee ,'s estate expires. The original tenant's future interest is a reversion.
  12. Esq., sonne and hare of Sir William Penn, for the Colony of Pennsylvania,the, grantee , William Penn, was given power and authority to erect counties, in the
  13. The Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB, which includes Radio and TV Martí) and, grantee ,corporations: the Middle East Broadcasting Network (MBN, which includes Radio
  14. His or her heirs. *Life estate: An estate lasting for the natural life of the, grantee , called a" life tenant. " If a life estate can be sold, a sale does not change
  15. Which did not grant a seat in the English House of Lords and so allowed the, grantee ,to sit in the House of Commons in London. As a consequence, many Irish peers
  16. Subsurface coal even if that caused subsidence. The deed provided that the, grantee ,takes the premises with that risk and waives all claim for damages that may
  17. Of the William ite confiscations Charles Campbell became the landowner as a, grantee ,of estates forfeited in 1688. Antiquarianism in the 17th and 18th centuries In
  18. Land bought even before the law was enacted has to be returned to the original, grantee ,or his heirs, even though this land may have passed a number of hands (bought
  19. At the 2000 census. The town gets its name from Nicolás Miranda, a Spanish land, grantee , The population of Miranda City was highest in 1929,at an estimated 1500. The
  20. Texas legislature to settle 800 families. By contracting how many families each, grantee ,could settle, the government sought to have some control over colonization.
  21. Secularization. José de Jesus Vallejo, brother of Mariano Vallejo, was the, grantee ,of the Rancho Arroyo de la Alameda Mexican land grant. His family was
  22. De Santa Rosa in 1838. She was also notable in California as a rare female land, grantee ,; mother-in-law of Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, a major Californio administrator
  23. S funding., the activities of the organization were reduced. One early, grantee ,was the Global Youth Action Network, which has become one of the largest youth
  24. Time, such as a life estate, which is a land ownership that terminates upon the, grantee ,'s (or another person's) death, even if the land had been granted to a third
  25. The Rancho Dos Pueblos Mexican land grant and his father-in-law Daniel A. Hill, grantee ,Rancho La Goleta, became wealthy in the late 1840s by selling locally grown
  26. General Court to several residents from Falmouth, Maine. The first, grantee ,to settle would be Merrill Knight in 1793. Organized in 1812 as Plantation
  27. Maria Ignacio Lopez de Carrillo was the first Mexican/Spanish settler and land, grantee ,of Santa Rosa, establishing the Rancho Camera de Santa Rosa in 1838. She was
  28. Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland,and at, grantee ,institutions across the country continue to explore the mechanisms that lead to
  29. Which did not grant a seat in the English House of Lords and so allowed the, grantee ,(such as Clive of India) to sit in the House of Commons in London. As a
  30. Is (1) presented directly to the United States, or (2) " to a contractor, grantee , or other recipient, if the money or property is to be spent or used on the
  31. The Coahuila y Texas legislature in 1825. By contracting how many families each, grantee ,could settle, the government sought to have some control over colonization.
  32. Experience Works, Inc (non-profit organization and largest National, grantee ,of Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCEP) funds from the U. S.
  33. And Letters Patent of Charles I in 1635,which named William Sandy's as the, grantee , with powers to improve both this river and the River Time. He had already
  34. Not change its duration, which is limited by the natural life of the original, grantee , **A life estate PUR outre vie is held by one person for the natural life of
  35. Urban Design Studies" research program, of which Jacobs was the best known, grantee , In September 2007,the Rockefeller Foundation awarded Barry Benzene, co-founder
  36. Town was laid out in 1857 by Dr. J. H. Car others and named for Salvo Pacheco, grantee ,of the Rancho Monte del Diablo Mexican land grant. Annexation In January 2011
  37. An owner in fee tail could convey to someone else was a life estate, since the, grantee ,'s interest again terminated automatically when the granter (the original
  38. Texas legislature to settle 300 families. By contracting how many families each, grantee ,could settle, the government sought to have some control over colonization. The
  39. Kingdom of Scotland; the king also commands all those concerned to pay to the, grantee ,all things necessary for the support of the hospital. Dated at Edinburgh June 8
  40. System under which every grant had the stipulation that for every granted the, grantee ,would maintain free of expense to the crown one convict laborer. He also
  41. Abandoned it in 1841 and sold the fort to John Sutter, settler and Mexican land, grantee ,of Sacramento. The Mission San Francisco Solano, founded in 1823 as the last
  42. In security of a debt. Upon the execution of such a deed, title passes to the, grantee ,or beneficiary (usually lender),however the granter (debtor) maintains
  43. Brenda's interest conveys to the remainder interest or reverts to the original, grantee , Once Ashley dies, however,whoever possesses the land loses it (with the land
  44. Their daughter María Luisa Soto married in 1839,John Coppinger, who was the, grantee ,of Rancho Canada de Raymundo. Rancho Canada de Raymundo was West of San
  45. And ranching was the principal land use during this time. Nicolas A. Den, grantee ,of the Rancho Dos Pueblos Mexican land grant and his father-in-law Daniel A.
  46. Affairs of a sovereign nation. But, what is worse is that many of these, grantee ,organizations in Ukraine are blatantly in favor of presidential candidate
  47. In 1768,Windsor takes its name from Windsor, Connecticut,the hometown of, grantee ,John Campbell. In 1769 the town was founded by a British silversmith named
  48. The Manor of Savoy by his mother, Queen Eleanor, the niece of the original, grantee , Peter II, Count of Savoy. King Edward III raised Lancashire into a county
  49. On July 17, 1761 by a New Hampshire Grant and named after the second-listed, grantee ,of the town (as well as five others) Sir Francis Bernard,1st Baronet and
  50. Brought with that lifestyle with them. By contracting how many families each, grantee ,could settle, the government sought to have some control over colonization.

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