Examples of the the word, newsgroup , in a Sentence Context
The word ( newsgroup ), is the 10973 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Polyamory" does not appear in the article. Jennifer L. West created the Usenet, newsgroup ,alt. Polyamory in May 1992,and the Oxford English Dictionary cites the
- Where the next thing could be the next page, the next article, or the next, newsgroup , depending on where the user was in the process of reading news. Finally
- Proposed by Stefan O'Sullivan on 17 November 1992 on the rec. Games. Design, newsgroup , and over the following months that online community would contribute to the
- 2001 and July 17, 2007,consisting of 600 strips. They were posted to ASCII art, newsgroup ,alt. Ascii-art and on the website. Some strips have been translated to Polish
- Newsgroup had been created in April 1995 by renaming the existing unmoderated, newsgroup ,rec. Arts. Tv. MST at the same time as the creation of the moderated general
- In online communities on USENET (in the rec. Arts. Sf. TV. babylon5. Moderated, newsgroup ,), and the Genie and CompuServe systems before the Web came together as it
- Sign involves the same written characters. Also see Calligraphy. In e-mail and, newsgroup ,usage, another type of signature exists which is independent of one's language
- Google has a web search interface to the archive, but Google also allows, newsgroup ,posting. Non-Usenet newsgroup s are possible and do occur, as private
- 1991,Torvalds began work on it, and posted information about his project on a, newsgroup ,for computer students and programmers. He received a wave of support and
- Can be created, an RFD (Request For Discussion) must be posted into the, newsgroup ,news: news. Announce. Newgroups news. Announce. Newgroups, which is then
- Com suggested a general idea for a macro scale replicator on the sci. Nanotech, newsgroup , operating in a pool of ultraviolet-cured liquid plastic, selectively
- CD, also STK): on-line and in-person text/speech by Marc Brand (mostly, newsgroup ,postings) The letters in parentheses following each item (if any) indicate
- In 1993 he set up another e-mail address and began posting to his own USENET, newsgroup , alt. Fan. Douglas-adams, and occasionally, when his computer was acting up, too
- In one of its early forms Godwin's law referred specifically to Usenet, newsgroup ,discussions, the law is now often applied to any threaded online discussion
- Service providers whose only involvement was running servers hosting the, newsgroup , Ellison claimed that they had failed to stop the alleged copyright
- At least one newsgroup in standard list view: alt. Aol-sucks. AOL did list the, newsgroup ,in the alternative description view, but changed the description to" Flames
- Shares the message with the servers that are connected to it if both carry the, newsgroup , and from those servers to servers that they are connected to, and so on. For
- Of the files posted to binary newsgroup s. Moderated newsgroup s A moderated, newsgroup ,has one or more individuals who must approve articles before they are posted at
- Is a message posted to a public Internet discussion group, such as a forum, newsgroup ,or mailing list, with the intent of provoking an angry response (a" flame" )
- Itself was available on a set of floppy disks. Within three months, a USENET, newsgroup , comp. Os. mini, had sprung up with over 40,000 subscribers discussing and
- Probably coined in the early 1990s in the subculture connected with the Usenet, newsgroup ,alt. Sex. Bondage. The earliest posting with the term which is now preserved in
- When AOL gave clients access to Usenet in 1993,they hid at least one, newsgroup ,in standard list view: alt. Aol-sucks. AOL did list the newsgroup in the
- User requests the group by name. Further hierarchies There are a number of, newsgroup ,hierarchies outside the Big 8 (and alt. *) that can be found on much news
- Geographical area or in a language other than English. Before a new Big 8, newsgroup , can be created, an RFD (Request For Discussion) must be posted into the
- The Grateful Dead and The Beatles, was one of the first bands to have an Usenet, newsgroup , rec. Music. Phish, which launched in 1991. Aware of the band's growing
- In which" cells are forced to adopt new identities. " A Usenet, newsgroup ,is a software is used to read newsgroup s. Despite the advent of file-sharing
- On October 4,1999. Within hours, the name Titanic had been coined on an Usenet, newsgroup , a reference to Titanic, the " unsinkable" ocean liner that sank in 1912. "
- Records * Retention (news server),in Usenet, the time a news server holds a, newsgroup ,posting before deleting it as no longer relevant * Retention period, of a
- An online community eventually formed around the medium. In 1987,the Usenet, newsgroup ,rec. Arts. Int-fiction was created, and was soon followed by rec. Games.
- Kill few" model to" ignore most, read few ". By organizing the articles in a, newsgroup ,according to threads of discussion, using headers that had long been present in
- That many new topics could, given time, gain enough popularity to get a Big 7, newsgroup , There was a rapid growth of alt. * as a result, and the trend continues to
- Were also being created including: * Unix mail was networked by 1978's, newsgroup ,postings * IBM PC's running DOS in 1984 could link with Fishnet for email and
- Organization * A. s. h, abbreviation for Alt. Suicide. Holiday, a Usenet, newsgroup ,People Places United Kingdom United States Transport * ASH, National Rail code
- The 1960s and the microcomputer BBS scene of the 1980s. It is implicated with, newsgroup , In 1980,an article in the August issue of Psychology Today (with commentary
- April 24, 2000 Ellison sued Stephen Robertson for posting four stories to the, newsgroup ," alt. Binaries. E-book" without authorization. The other defendants were AOL
- In the mid 1990s for announcements and discussions related to the show. The, newsgroup ,had been created in April 1995 by renaming the existing unmoderated newsgroup
- Posted to the Cyberpunks mailing list. It was soon posted on the sci. Crypt, newsgroup , and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leaked code was confirmed to
- Broadcasts and Laser disc releases, rather than the usual | date 1993-09-10 |, newsgroup ,rec. Arts. Sf. TV. babylon5. Moderated | URL http://www.jmsnews.com/msg.aspx?
- Him as the head deity of the parody religion biology, centered on the humor, newsgroup ,alt. Religion. Kibology. Background James Parry grew up and lived in Scotia
- Newsgroups continue to be widely used. Types of newsgroup s Typically,the, newsgroup ,is focused on a particular topic of interest. Some newsgroup s allow the posting
- Experiences, and ideas for the next version are discussed on the Usenet, newsgroup ,rec. Games. Roguelike. Nethack. A public server at net hack. Alt. Org, commonly
- Decompress" ) it without error. The FAQ for the comp. Compression, newsgroup ,contains a challenge by Mike Goldman offering $5,000 for a program that can
- Closed," or faithful to the participants involved). Members of the, newsgroup ,alt. Polyamory collaborated on a FAQ (frequently asked questions) post that
- As a signature was originated by Randal L. Schwartz, in his postings to the, newsgroup ,comp. Lang. Perl. (In fact, many of the Japes below are his. ) Examples JAPE
- The most commonly known hierarchies are the Usenet hierarchies. So for instance, newsgroup ,rec. Arts. Sf. star wars. Games would be in the rec. * top-level Usenet
- In the alt. * hierarchy is not subject to the same rules; anybody can create a, newsgroup , and anybody can remove them, but most news administrators will ignore these
- Deleted). Different servers will have different retention times for the same, newsgroup ,; some may keep articles for as little as one or two weeks, others may hold them
- Under which these groups would be allowed. Over time, the laxness of rules on, newsgroup ,creation in alt. * compared to the Big 7 meant that many new topics could
- Discussion about refactoring of VHDL code on the news: //comp. Lang. Vhdl, newsgroup , The discussion revolved around a specific manual refactoring performed by one
- Shadow Madness. Community A Game. Com enthusiast with Usenet access created the, newsgroup ,news: //alt. Games. Video. Tiger. Game-com alt. Games. Video. Tiger. Game-com (
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